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Did The Enemy just blink?

Doubtful, since ultimately, they’ll be back for another bite as sure as the sun rises. Nonetheless, as you’ve all no doubt heard by now, there were indeed some seriously, umm, interesting developments yesterday and today in the ongoing persecution of President Donald J Trump.

Hold Everything: Now Trump Will Likely NOT Be Arrested, at Least on Tuesday
Donald Trump announced on Saturday morning that he would be arrested on Tuesday, and the nation has been agog at the prospect of the Leftist establishment crossing the rubicon of arresting its principal opponent on flimsy charges and demonstrating before the entire world that the American republic is now the American banana republic, in which foes of the regime can expect the full weight of corrupt government authority pushing back against them for daring to dissent.

But now it turns out that the Manhattan district attorney’s office, which has Trump in its sights, just may be stepping back from the brink: Business Insider reported Saturday night that Trump’s indictment is “on hold” until one more witness testifies Monday afternoon.

That’s about all that has come to light, as the relevant authorities are being quite closemouthed about this whole thing. Insider says that “a source with knowledge of the investigation” told them on Saturday night “there is one more witness.” The indictment is apparently not a certainty until this witness testifies.

But who is this witness? The Insider’s source wouldn’t say, and so all that we’re told is that “a separate source, who also spoke on condition of anonymity, told Insider that the witness is not Allen Weisselberg, Trump’s former CFO, who is serving a five-month sentence for admittedly masterminding a payroll tax-dodge scheme at the Trump Organization.”

Meanwhile, Trump’s former lawyer Michael Cohen, whose betrayal of his former client started this whole business about Trump having paid hush money to a porn star (which is what he might be arrested for, not any of the literally dozens of other crimes that Democrats have claimed he has committed over the last few years, up to and including trying to overthrow the government of the United States), “has told reporters he expected to be the grand jury’s final witness when he testified last Monday and Wednesday.” So whoever is slated to appear on Monday is a surprise witness.

Insider notes that the grand jury “could conceivably reach a vote” on whether or not actually to indict Trump for trying to buy a hooker’s silence “by the end of Monday’s three-hour session,” but that’s not likely to happen, as “experts” say that “there are several steps between the final testimony and the vote.”

More on the scumbag Cohen’s erstwhile colleague, who was to testify today.

BREAKING: Ex-Michael Cohen attorney set to testify MONDAY with new ‘exculpatory’ evidence that could VINDICATE Trump
Yeah about that Trump arrest? Guess what: a lawyer who worked for Michael Cohen has apparently contacted Trump’s current attorneys with information that he says is “exculpatory” in the puffed up case against Trump in New York.

Here’s more from the Washington Examiner:

A lawyer who once worked for Michael Cohen is reportedly expected to testify Monday before a Manhattan grand jury investigating former President Donald Trump.

Robert Costello is expected to deliver testimony following a request from Trump’s lawyers as prosecutors weigh possible criminal charges against the former president, the Wall Street Journal reported. Costello gave advice to Cohn during an FBI raid on his home and office back in 2018. Prosecutors have also requested Cohen remain available Monday.

Costello’s testimony is significant because he previously recounted that Cohen told him that he paid adult film star Stormy Daniels in order to protect Melania Trump and that Cohen sought a pardon from Trump, per the Wall Street Journal. Cohen has already waived the attorney-client privilege with Costello.

“already waived the attorney-client privilege”

Uh-oh, buddy. That’s gonna bite you right in the butt, dummy, lol. Oh and by the way, Costello was also an attorney for Steve Bannon at some point. Not sure what that has to do with anything but it’s interesting.

Gonna be a very interesting week all over, y’all.

It would seem so, yeah. Back over to Spencer for the sobering last word.

The Left’s reaction to Donald Trump’s political career has from the beginning been a classic case of a conviction in search of a crime. Charging their foes with bogus crimes is a venerable and tested Leftist tactic, going back to Stalin’s trials of his former Bolshevik comrades, whom he forced to confess to various fabricated charges of subversion in order to justify his executing them and consolidating his power as an unquestioned autocrat.

In the U.S., the Democrats enjoyed tremendous gains in both houses of Congress and won the presidency on the strength of Watergate, and they’ve never forgotten that lesson; in fact, tarring their opponents as criminals on bogus charges has become a cornerstone of their political strategy. And that is a prelude to treating them like actual criminals, complete with arrests, handcuffs, and perp walks. Whether or not it comes Tuesday, it’s coming.

Yep, count on it. I repeat: as sure as the sun rises. It’s so for Trump, it’s so for Trump’s family, and it’ll be so for any and every other nonconformist, pro-American dissident with the temerity to defy the D卐M☭CRATs and run for Prexy, let alone somehow find a way to overcome the ironclad Margin Of Fraud and win.

I do hope Ron DeSantis is watching all this very carefully, and bearing closely in mind that it’s exactly what will be done to him too should he accede to the intense pressure he’s getting from the Left, the NeverTrumpTards, and the other Vichy GOPe shitstains to run for the useless show-office. He’s perfectly within his rights to do so if he likes, and there’s not a thing wrong with that, I still maintain. But he’d be a damned fool to, if you ask me.

Update! For my money, JJ has the right of it. Mostly.

While Spencer’s observation is certainly true, the state of the nation today is markedly different from the Watergate era. Divided as we were even back then, there was still a level of trust in the institutions and traditions of the American governmental and legal system, as well as in the media, and even with diametrically opposed views on the issues of the day, still at least a modicum of respect for those with whom you disagree and the commonality of nation and heritage. Today, that has all but vanished on every front. In fact, an overwhelming percentage of the American people believe that we have a two-tiered justice system that favors those in power and the Left in general.

Whatever the calculus of the junta in going after Trump, they will only succeed in making him into a martyr. I have not been sanguine about a Trump candidacy in 2024. My biggest negatives are his age, his puerile name-calling against DeSantis, and most distressing, his making the theft of the 2020 election the central pillar of his campaign. He’s had some flashes of brilliance with his trade package and his intent to go to war against woke-ism in all its forms. But so far, his negatives outweigh the positives. YMMV, but I think a lot of people are feeling this way about him.

But that said, I have always thought of him as the leader of a movement that goes way beyond mere electoral politics. In fact, it’s kind of strange to read Miranda Devine’s analysis insofar as the Democrat calculus of preferring to face Trump rather than DeSantis for fear of him wiping the floor with Biden or whoever, since they regard Trump to be a pushover. Considering they have all but institutionalized election fraud in the key swing districts and states they stole in 2020, what does it matter who is running?

For me, this has less if anything to do with who the candidate is in 2024 than mere distraction and above all else, retribution against Donald Trump. That’s what all this is about.

Love him, hate him or whatever, Donald Trump intentionally or not started a movement that exposed the hypocrisy and corruption that has now completely subsumed our government and much of our society. Whatever they do to him or try to do to him, what he started will not be stopped. There is no going back now to the way things were. A lot of it was a lie, and there are powerful forces and more alarmingly a great deal of the citizenry duped into or otherwise consciously supporting the transformation of America into a socialist disaster to be served up to the Davos-Brussels-Beijing Axis, or perhaps a resurgent Islamic global caliphate.

So, go ahead and slap the cuffs on Trump. It worked so well for the British when they did it to Gandhi, didn’t it?

As bitterly cynical as I’ve become nowadays, I wouldn’t expect any such felicitous outcome in Trump’s case, if only because present-day Amerikans are much too soft, too spoiled, and too cozened to display the kind of balls-to-the-wall courage Gandhi and his legions of followers did back then.

On the other hand, though, it’s become near-axiomatic among serious (ie, non-shitlib) students of history that Gandhi was fortunate in that his British opposition was civilized and reserved, and exercised forbearance and restraint—well, eventually, at any rate, after some pretty brutal beatings and mass imprisonment—in dealing with the movement Gandhi represented.

Had it been, say, Stalin instead, things might well have worked out very, very differently for Mohandas K Gandhi and his campaign for Indian national independence. And our present-day dictatorship bears a much closer resemblance to Stalin’s own than it does British PM Ramsay MacDonald’s and Chancellor Neville Chamberlain’s colonially-exhausted, war-weary nation circa the late 20s/early 30s.


6 thoughts on “Did The Enemy just blink?

  1. The cynic in me says they were going to try to surprise raid Trump’s residence and make a brouhaha about the whole thing. Maybe even get in a firefight. Oopsie OrangeManDead.

    But Trump was warned and he decided warning them that he knew was better than wasting lives laying a trap for the fuckers.

  2. What happened was, the idiots at the Manhattan D.A.’s office got 300 panicked phone calls from the WH on down to their local congressweasels to Stop! STOP! STOP!!! whatever fucking batshit insane jihad you’re on, stop getting high on your own supply, and walk the fuck away from nailing down a Republican tsunami, even in the face of massive election fraud already planned and underway for 2024.

    And since D.A. Dindu didn’t want to get Epsteined himself, they concocted this face-saving walkback, before they blew their own heads off.


      1. I don’t think they all came from the WH, I think they came from every elected federal Dumbocrat in 50 states and 7 U.S. territories, including the WH.

        1. Well, you did say “down to their local congressweasels”, I just failed to comprehend that part apparently.

          OTOH, if reporting is reasonably accurate, the fools are going ahead…

  3. Just for the record, I think “JJ” is a complete and total idiot.

    People like JJ are responsible for the predicament we are in.

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