More “experts,” God help us.
Are there places you should still mask in, forever? Three experts weigh in
There are still hundreds of thousands of COVID cases reported in the U.S. each week, along with a few thousand deaths related to COVID.
“Cases,” yet. Another word redefined for the convenience of shitlib tyrants and wannabe despots. “Related” to Fauxvid—do I detect the faintest pitter-pat of the wretched orphan Honesty, coming in on its little cat-feet? I mean, they for once didn’t claim these deaths were from Fauxvid, y’know?
But with mask mandates a thing of the past and the national emergency health declaration that will expire in May, we are in a new phase of the pandemic.
No, we are not. There is no longer a “pandemic,” the “pandemic” is over. Even Pedo Jao Bai-Deng said so, back last September. Not exactly a source one would want to count on in the normal run of things, of course. But hey, even a stopped clock is right twice a day.
Life looks a little more normal here in the U.S. than it did a few years ago, but decisions on how to deal with the virus aren’t over yet.
And they never will be, not as long as Americans remain tolerant of your precious “experts” making all their decisions for them.
China had a huge increase in cases last month after abandoning its zero COVID policy, and another variant prompted renewed recommendations in some airports. Researchers estimate that more than 65 million people are struggling with the effects of COVID — a disease we still have to learn about.
Speak for yourself, and the rest of the pussified and pusillanimous. The intelligent, observant, and independent of mind know everything about The Virus The Virus The Virus!™ they’ll ever need to, thenksveddymuch.
Wondering if and when you should still be masking up? NPR asked some experts.
“Experts,” forsooth.
Said “experts” tell us everything you would expect from them, and nothing you wouldn’t: Be afraid, be very afraid, every minute of every day, for the rest of your micromanaged existence, until you are given permission to do otherwise by Proper Authority. For the Greater Good, as always.
The rest of the NPR piece amounts to a rhetorical firehose-nozzle spraying metric tons more of this patent horseshit over all and sundry, which shouldn’t come as any great surprise to anybody; it is, after all, NPR—Official State Media, the Mouth Of Sauron—we’re talking about here.
I have to confess, I’m beginning to be as pessimistic about the likelihood of Heritage Americans ever rising up to throw off the yoke of this oppression as our good friend Wes usually is.
(Via Ace)
When Not The President Obergroperdrüler Joetato the Last inadvertently repeats the parts that are supposed to kept a secret it is known as a Bitemegaffe.
The most extensive voter fraud organization ever assembled! (Paraphrasing on my part).
“… I’m beginning to be as pessimistic…”
Said often, when the hunger and true oppression arrives, and not before.