In the original sense of the word, that is, not the Ignorati-inflaming euphemism for “White racism” to which the Left has perversely reduced it.
While leftists make my skin crawl with their pungent scent of evil, there is one group of people that is even more annoying, and that’s the fence-sitters and fake moderates.
Though these people will never admit it, there are times when social conflict arises and one side is completely right while the other side is completely wrong. Fake moderates pretend as if there are merits to the side that is wrong even when there are none because they want to appear as though they are “wise.” The truth is they don’t have the guts to take a stand one way or the other, and so they act as if neither side is correct, or that both sides are partially right.
Meaning, the side of destruction is given license to continue their pillaging because, hey, we don’t want to seem like we are discriminating or biased, right?
This is how societies and cultures are slowly but inevitably erased and the principles they hold dear are eroded to nothing. It’s mostly done through apathy and a sedate tolerance of corruption. Compromise is the hallmark of “democracy,” and it is also the root of tyranny. If people did not compromise on their principles and freedoms, tyranny could not exist. This why the Founding Fathers of the US opposed pure democracy and formed our nation as a Constitutional Republic with checks and balances. Democracy alone often demands acceptance of poisonous and oppressive behaviors we might otherwise stop, all in the name of appeasing the “majority.”
Discrimination, at times, can be a good thing. It is a biological imperative that contributes to tribalism and has allowed humanity to survive as a species for millennia. Without the ability to discriminate, all behaviors no matter how radioactive would proliferate, and this is what we are facing today in western societies.
When tribes were faced with narcissist members, psychopathic members, or outright schizophrenic and delusion(al) members, those people were often cast out or ignored and for good reason. When the insane and the sociopathic are allowed to integrate into a culture they are also allowed to inject a certain level of moral insanity into that culture. Insanity is generally an inborn condition, but insane habits can also be learned, and if people think there are benefits and gains associated with acting insane, some of them will do so and the problem will grow.
The political left argues that all discriminating tendencies are a form of bigotry. Yet, they are some of the most bigoted people on the planet when it comes to opposing ideals and beliefs. We can see this attitude within their own policies and the people they seek to censor. They readily embrace full bore erasure of all ideas that contradict their beliefs and they do this because they know, given enough time, that this kind of censorship works.
They are trying to reverse the old tribal model – These days, anyone who is SANE must be converted or cast out of society.
Make no mistake, this philosophy of “equity” might seem like random madness but it serves a very specific agenda. If all behaviors must be tolerated, then any evil can become acceptable. The only evil action you can then commit is intolerance of evil. See how that works?
Millions of Americans do not trust the left and they certainly don’t want to live in a world where there are no boundaries and all discrimination is considered a hate crime. At their genetic core, most people understand that certain behaviors are wrong on every level and cannot be allowed. And if acceptance is actually a mantra for leftists, then they should also have to accept the existence of principles that do not align with their own.
The backlash against these people is very real. They see it as a conservative insurrection, but really, it’s only the beginning of a pendulum swing back to center by people who have a conscience. This swing has to be uncompromising, because if there is any semblance of weakness the leftists will use it to pull us all back into the insane asylum. There can be no moderation at this time, no fence sitting, no slack. The time for pretending there are merits to the leftist cult is over. The time to draw a line in the sand has begun.
It sure has, to say the very least. Certainly, there can be no moderation in our dealings with the Left—not merely “at this time,” though, but ever. Moderation, compromise, and fence-sitting are the tiny cracks in the wall of American resolve through which Leftist termites creep in, gaining them the foothold from which they will gnaw at our foundations until they’ve brought the House of Liberty crashing down into rubble.
At long, long last, let all Real Americans see the scabrous villeins for what they, really truly are. They are NOT honorable; they are NOT decent; their intentions are anything BUT good. Be not fooled: they are hate-suffused, bestial, rapacious, and utterly ruthless. They cannot be trusted—not EVER. They lie reflexively, with the breezy carelessness of well-established habit—yet somehow, despite their great wealth of experience, they’re no more guileful or convincing liars than a slow-witted five-year-old nabbed red-handed in some minor childhood trespass. Their maniacal thirst for unchecked power and control can never be quenched, and they will unhesitatingly crush any who stand in the way of securing it for themselves into a gooey red paste. They are NOT “our fellow Americans”; they are the implacable, vicious enemy of every TRUE American.
Open-eyed acceptance of those unlovely realities is the first step on the path to defeating them.
The left can say anything or do anything and rest assured that THEIR people will believe it no matter how absurd or illogical. If it fits the worldview it is good to go.
The late Jean-Francois Revel, in his masterwork The Flight From Truth, noted that “racism” is above all a political weapon — an accusation made for political purposes rather than out of any moral motivation. If we were wise enough to insist on that as a precept, it would do America a world of good.