Tucker rips Benedict Biden a new one.
Tucker Carlson: Biden should be impeached for sending our natural assets to our enemy China
So, it’s hard to hear anything Joe Biden says because it’s hard for him to say anything, but if you listen carefully or read a transcript, you will learn what he just said is we’re releasing a million barrels per day for a total of more than 180 million barrels from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, which is held in caverns in a couple of states. How much is that? It’s a staggering figure.So, let’s put it in context. The reserve can hold more than 700 million barrels total, but it didn’t have that because Congress, by the way, as you haven’t been paying attention, has been selling off our Strategic Petroleum Reserve to pay off debt. So, by the time Joe Biden arrived, there was far less than that. There was about 568 million barrels of oil in the Strategic Petroleum Reserve. Now, no president in American history has ordered a drawdown this large.
In 1991, the beginning of Operation Desert Storm, which was an actual war with real American soldiers involved, the U.S. government released 17 million barrels of oil as a way of assuring a stable supply of global crude. The U.S. released just 20 million barrels after Hurricane Katrina destroyed parts of the Gulf Coast where so many refineries are. But now we’re releasing many times that figure from the reserve all to protect the Democratic Party from getting what it deserves in the midterm elections in November and as a result of that unbelievably reckless, in fact criminal decision, our oil reserves now at their lowest level in nearly 40 years, and they are dropping fast. None of this needed to happen. There was no reason to tap our Strategic Petroleum Reserve when we could produce the energy here and were in fact producing it until Joe Biden took office.
But at the same time, you have to be honest. Principles of supply and demand would suggest that this would work in the short term. Releasing all this oil should have lowered gas prices until the reserve ran out, which it will. You inject more petroleum into the market and prices for gas should drop, but here’s the amazing thing. That’s not happening. Since Joe Biden started releasing all this oil from our reserves, which he does not own, you do, we do, what has happened to gas prices? They haven’t dropped. They’ve kept going up. Huh? In mid-June, the price of both regular unleaded and diesel critically hit all-time highs, well over five bucks a gallon nationally. How could this be? It really was a mystery. It violated the most basic rules of economics, but now, thanks to a new report in Reuters, we know why.
It turns out the oil being released isn’t for us. It’s going to India and China. According to Reuters, and we’re quoting, “more than 5 million barrels of oil that were part of a historic U.S. emergency reserve released to lower domestic fuel prices were exported to Europe and Asia last month.” The piece continues “cargo of SPR, crude (oil from our reserves) we’re also headed to the Netherlands into a Reliance refinery in India, an industry source said. A third cargo (buckle your seatbelt) headed to China.” To China!
So, as gas prices set records in this country, as American citizens who were born here and vote and pay taxes cannot afford to fuel their own cars, the Biden administration is selling off our emergency oil reserves to China. That’s not an indictable offense? It’s certainly an impeachable one and they should impeach him for that.
Impeach him, hell. With the attempt to save his saggy, decrepit hide politically by selling American strategic oil reserves to China, then lying to the American people about why he did it, Joe Biden has given aid and comfort to the enemy—a clear and indisputable act of high treason as the crime is explicitly defined in the US Constitution. Sorry, Tucker, but impeachment is nowhere near harsh enough for this corrupt, self-serving traitor. Joe Biden must, and of right ought to be, hanged by the neck until he is dead, the fitting and proper punishment for such a heinous crime.
Yes, yes, I am aware that there isn’t a snowball’s chance in Hell of this happening; as we all already know too well, Biden will face no just reckoning whatsoever for his treason, not of any sort or severity. But that’s equally true of impeachment, which is no more likely than executing the repulsive scoundrel is. So as long as we’re just spinning ridiculous fantasies here, why not go balls to the wall with it? Hang Joe Biden treason, I say, and right straight to Hell with the rotten cocksucker.
Oh, and just in case you thought this wasn’t disgusting enough for ya yet, there’s another emetic twist.
I wish I could honestly say I found it shocking in the least that a brazen act of treason wouldn’t be quite sleazy enough to suit the egomania of a career grifter like Traitor Joe Biden. No, he felt he just had to class things up even more by tacking on some of the tawdry grift he’s been notorious for his whole life, too.
What a guy, eh?
Give the dirty son of a bitch one thing, though: nobody has ever considered Joe Biden to be an outstanding or superlative example of…well, of anything at all, really. Even in the Vice and Corruption category, he wasn’t ever going to bring home any awards. The stupid, fumbling stumblebum was strictly a mediocrity, nothing particularly notable or special about the oxygen thief. But by compounding high treason with the Biden Crime Family’s trademark grubby, bargain-basement peculation, Traitor Joe has raised the bar on cheap graft and embezzlement higher than its ever been before, against all previous expectations. May he and every one of his repellent clan be long remembered for their patriarch’s feat.
in re the last paragraph:
understatement appears to be your forte
tar & feathers – nah! manila’s the best tx
Baseball bats are better. Get ’em with the good ol’ Louisville Slugger!
You able to decode that?