I dunno, maybe Lifson is just being sarcastic here…?
I’m not gonna go getting lost in the weeds of this neverending shit circus again. Frankly, I’m sick unto death of hearing about the whole stinking dungheap of corruption, lawlessness, and straight-up treason that was Russiagate; if ever there’s been a more wearisome case of flogging a dead horse, I hope I never have to hear about it. Sorry, but I’ll just leave it to somebody else to grapple with this boring-ass tarbaby.
At this point, the only thing any of us needs to know about the brazen whitewashing of the biggest political crime in American history is this: YES, DURHAM IS GOING TO LET EVERYBODY OFF THE HOOK. Except for one or two bit players, that is—small-timers nobody ever heard of, who will be “punished” for their crimes with an opprobrious stare from the bench and 27 and a half minutes of probation.
No, Hillary!™ is not going to be so much as slightly inconvenienced for plotting and effecting, with the active connivance of most of the federal government, a palace coup which wrecked a Presidency; contributed tremendously to the rightful President’s fraudulent displacement by a mentally-incompetent usurper; and obliterated the last battered remnants of what little faith and trust most intelligent Americans still maintained in the integrity and validity of their government.
Lock her up? If only. Alas, this would have to be a very, very different kind of country than it actually is for anything like that to happen.
Russiagate was the scandal that ended Emailgate. It’s also obscuring Scamdemicgate and StolenElectionGate.
I like Elon. He says we now have Elongate.
The Founders would have tired of Court Proceedings that are themselves corrupted. They would have long before this.
The “deep state” has cracked. They made a mistake going after Musk.
“There will be blood”
I hope you are right. But I suspect it will not be lawyers street fighting
The “justice” system is rigged, no doubt. But there is a first step to everything. First, fight back using the courts. With the funds of Musk this may bear fruit. If not, step two.