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Mobbed up

I dunno, must be the fault of them there White supreemarcismisticians.

The overarching backdrop of Lincoln’s Lyceum Address was, of course, that most fraught issue that dominated so much of antebellum American politics: slavery. But his advice, and his appeal, are timeless. In fact, that advice has never been more apropos than it is today. For today, much as back then, the threat of mob rule dangles over the republic like a sword of Damocles. And today, much as back then, that threat emanates from a similar partisan tribe: the Democratic Party. True to Alinskyite form and consistent with their riotous 1960s-era campus activist forebears, today’s Democrats routinely threaten the republic with mob rule if they do not get their way.

In the lead-up to Inauguration Day 2017 and on Inauguration Day itself, leftist activists across the country blocked traffic, smashed windows, looted stores and set cars ablaze; in Washington, D.C. alone, 217 people were arrested and six police officers were injured. On October 6, 2018, the day that Brett Kavanaugh was sworn in as a Supreme Court justice, leftist activists, intoxicated by a smear campaign of fabricated sexual assault charges against the esteemed jurist, physically banged on the Court’s doors in a ham-fisted attempt to disrupt the proceedings. In the post-George Floyd “summer of love” of 2020, Black Lives Matter and Antifa hooligans ravaged American urban corridors with a zealous “mobocratic spirit,” racking up a combined arson, vandalism and looting bill of over $1 billion in paid insurance claims.

On April 20, 2021, the nation waited with bated breath to see if Derek Chauvin, the disgraced Minneapolis cop, would be found guilty of the murder of George Floyd. He was, and deservedly so—but one still wonders how tainted the verdict was, given not merely President Joe Biden’s wildly inappropriate pre-verdict commentary on Chauvin’s guilt but also the predictable assembly of frothing leftist mobs in Minnesota yet again ready to riot and set cities ablaze at a moment’s notice if the verdict did not redound to their liking. Chauvin deserved his verdict, but the “ravages of mob law” still reigned.

Most recently, leftist “protestors” have taken to picketing, demonstrating and shouting crass obscenities outside the Supreme Court and the conservative justices’ personal homes—a naked example of the most sordid form of raw power politics imaginable, intended to intimidate a swing justice to defect from Justice Samuel Alito’s leaked majority opinion in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, this Court term’s marquee abortion case. Thus far, Attorney General Merrick Garland has called these prototypical mobocratic displays “unacceptable” and “dangerous” but he has eschewed pressing charges under 18 U.S. Code Section 1507, a federal statute that clearly proscribes this grotesque conduct.

Conservative churches across the country have seen Marxist, pro-abortion demonstrators halt services, all in a bizarre attempt to better salvage the Left’s foremost pagan sacrament: abortion. And in what looks an awful lot like an act of arson, a pro-life center in Madison, Wisconsin, mysteriously burned down shortly after the Dobbs leak, around the same time vile graffiti was found on the premises reading, “If abortions aren’t safe than [sic] you aren’t either.”

Since it’s Snoozeweek, the author is obliged, for the sake of “fairness,” to balance out the piece by dusting off the shabby, tired old J6 “riots” canard and propping the poor thing up for a little invidious-comparison action with the previous long-ass litany of shitlib violence, mayhem, murder, looting, arson, and general chaos, as if the J6 Parade O’ Doofi protest was in any way as damaging, dangerous, costly, or threatening as two fucking years of violent Leftist mobs, officially sanctioned by state and local governments, federal officials, and the Democrat Party, dealing out night after night of “street justice” with total impunity.

J6 was a nothingburger, one of those rare protests that truly WAS “mostly peaceful.” The only people who got killed on J6 were ours, wantonly murdered by Congress’s Capitol Pig Department. Unique in the history of “insurrection,” the J6 “revolutionaries” who have been accused of seeking to overthrow the US government were in fact unarmed, mostly cooperative with the authorities, non-aggressive, and perfectly amiable.

Here’s your fucking compare-contrast, if you want one: the Leftymob was extremely obstreperous and confrontational; they were irrational, enraged, aggressive, and completely out of control. They hid their identities behind black masks, hoods, riot gear, and even improvised body armor. They were armed with just about every weapon you could imagine, and quite a few you couldn’t: clubs, maces, chains, flails, frozen water bottles, two-by-fours with nails driven through one side, you name it. Their standard MO is to assault innocent bystanders, do as much property damage as possible, and scream their spittle-spraying tirades for purposes of physical intimidation directly into the faces of normal folks just out for a casual evening stroll, with no interest in being subjected to yet another loony-Left political harangue indicting them for being responsible for chattel slavery, climate change, poverty, disappointing Christmas presents, urban decay, injustice, war, strip-mining, homelessness, rampant greed, the damned Jews, selfishness, bigotry, Hitler, and painful rectal itch.

They operate like a wolfpack: prowl the riot site in search of easy prey, cut a straggler out and herd him to a more private spot, surround their intended victim so as to pin him in place and isolate him from any prospective assistance, and then deal out a merciless mob-style beating, until the helpless vic is nearly comatose, or possibly dead. Then it’s on to the next blood-orgy. The mob knows they needn’t fear interference of any sort from the law, who for some baffling, self-defeating reason seem to prefer harrassing and arresting the innocent victims of this organized spree-violence than do their sworn duty and go after the lawless, cop-hating drains on society they inexplicably but incontrovertibly seem to have adopted as their natural allies.

I shouldn’t need to bring up which of these groups has scores of its members rotting in solitary confinement without charges in a DC Gulag for months now, all their Constitutional rights being flung down and danced upon daily—and which one’s members are but rarely arrested, hardly ever tried, and never held over as guests of the State for more than a day or two. You’d maybe expect that in Portland, Seattle, Chicago, or other similar shitlib citadels, but it’s held true all over the damned country. Should you discern a sinister meaning in that, I won’t bother you with any contradictory arguments.

Mob violence has been the métier of Democrats practically since the foul Democrat Party came into being. To pretend it ain’t so and treat with the blaggards as if they were respectable, rational opponents who, though unswervingly dedicated to their cause, are nonetheless essentially honorable people who, despite our disagreements, are still amenable to reason. They are nothing of the sort—haven’t been for decades, if they ever were at all. That’s the reality, disagreeable as it is, and the absolute last thing Our Side needs to be doing is taking a page from the Left’s book: wilfully discarding actual reality to keep ourselves all wrapped up in a cozy fantasy of comity and cooperation. Such dead-end delusions can only hinder us from doing what we all already realize is necessary: tuning up the malevolent brats proper, thereby putting paid to all their silly-ass shit once and for all.


8 thoughts on “Mobbed up

  1. Chauvin leaned on a thug that had death level of fentanyl, methamphetamine, marijuana, and had covid. The autopsy was hijacked. His lungs were two thirds filled with fluid. He was literally a dead man walking. That’s murder?

    Subject 2 starlings hate them

    1. We have a Soviet level of political prosecution persecution.

      And a gulag in DC.

    2. More virtue signaling from the cuck writer.

      Did he get a gratuitous Fake News dig in on OrangeManBad?

      1. cuck writer

        Yea, he’s a POS:

        “…Derek Chauvin, the disgraced Minneapolis cop, would be found guilty of the murder of George Floyd. He was, and deservedly so—…

        “deservedly so” – One wonders why he deserved to be found guilty of the felons death from an overdose.

    3. Oh, and thanks for the link. I’ve practiced with a slingshot long ago, but hadn’t thought about them for target shooting. Perfect for the grandchildren.

  2. The description of the Wolfpack culling out and pushing victims to isolated places to pummel them sounds exactly like what they did to Ashli Babbitt. Except the Police and Capitol Police were in on it as well, and the Capitol Police deliberately delivered the murderous gunshot.

    It’s like the SS and Brownshirts working together early on. Official Thugs and Street Thugs arms of the Deep State.

    1. pushing victims to isolated places to pummel them … Except the Police and Capitol Police were in on it as well

      See also: Charlottesville.

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