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“Thank God For Rednecks—Who else could keep us from turning into Australia?”

I’m completely down with the sentiment, as you might expect. As nice a try as it is, though, the guy still misses the mark in places.

Last summer, when all this Covid stuff really kicked off, I got a call from a friend in rural Virginia. He told me a bunch of rednecks were going to grocery stores and gas stations, tearing down signs asking patrons to wear facemasks.

My friend was annoyed, and so was I. Hey, it’s private property! If Sal only wants to sell pizza to folks dressed like Little Bo Peep, and you don’t want to dress up as Little Bo Peep, go to a different pizzeria. Better yet, cook for yourself. It’s not that hard.

Now, I thank God every day for those rednecks.

A few weeks ago, a friend in Australia called and told me about the country’s new Covid app. Residents of South Australia are required to prove they’re in quarantine by using face recognition and geolocation on this app. If they fail to check in, the app will notify a bureaucrat with the state’s Health Department. That bureaucrat will then call the police. The police, in turn, will go to the citizen’s home and make sure he’s not taking an unauthorized walk so his dog can take a clandestine whizz.

“We don’t tell them how often or when, on a random basis they have to reply within 15 minutes,” said premier Steven Marshall. Fair warning, I guess.

Meanwhile, in neighboring Victoria, the government has implemented mandatory contact tracing. The state is forcing stores to force customers to “check in” before they shop. According to Victoria’s chief health officer, Professor Brett Sutton, “everyone recognizes that we have to do absolutely everything in our power to be able to chase down every single person who may be exposed because it is that one person who is not found who may be the one who spreads it.”

And you know what? Professor Sutton is right. Since the vaccines aren’t 100 percent effective, the only way we can be absolutely sure we eradicate the virus is by identifying every single carrier before they infect anyone else. If that’s Australia’s objective, they’re going to need a lot more than a smartphone app. I’m sure they’ll exhaust every resource.

That, and then some. It’s the tried and true Leftist bait-and-switch, that’s all. We’ll always and forever need their “assistance,” because their work (IMPORTANT work!) is not yet finished, and never will be. No shitlib proposal, program, or crusade comes with an expiration date; even measures explicitly sold as “temporary” responses to one “emergency” or another nearly always end up becoming permanent fixtures of “American” life—as predictable as the sunrise, as reliable as the tide. Even in the rare instances when the “temporary” program is allowed (or forced, due to public outrage) to expire, it’s a dead cert that the Left will summon it from its crypt again and again, in the nature of all vampires, to prowl for new victims and feed on them. Please see “Income tax, origins of” for further information.

I’m sure the Australians will let them, too; you can tell they’re descended from prisoners and prison-guards. Another Aussie friend once described his country as an ongoing experiment with Bentham’s Panopticon. Folks there are so worn down by constant government interference they can’t even imagine what true privacy feels like. It’s like boiling frogs—and when your country starts out as a penal colony, you’re pretty well used to the heat.

On the other hand, you can tell Americans are descended from free settlers and freed slaves.

Izzatso? How, exactly? To my eyes, most Americans look way more like un-freed slaves nowadays, and appear to be perfectly happy about it, too.

Our policy is, and always has been, “Leave me the hell alone.” It’s looking pretty good right about now, too, considering the alternative.

Boy, talk about damning with faint praise.

Look: we can get into those niceties about private property laws, and I’ll probably agree with you. I’m not saying they’re perfect. But I sleep better at night knowing the preppers, truthers, and talk-radio enthusiasts are out there, just waiting for an excuse to make life miserable for the government.

They’ve been handed all the excuse anyone could ever need and plenty more besides over the past year and a half, and that leaves out the last six or more decades altogether. They’d best get going on making life miserable for the government, before it’s too late to do any good.

Seriously, imagine if Ron DeSantis did an about-face and required everyone who shops at Publix to sign up for contact tracing. There would be riots. No, actually, there wouldn’t—because the good folks who work for Publix would refuse to comply.

One would like to think so, yes. But if the glares of outrage and terror I’ve gotten at Publix are any indication, they’re way more likely to riot over the sight of my raspy old self without a face-diaper on than anything else. If they don’t just fall over in a dead faint, that is.

And if the CDC tried to bring out a Covid app like South Australia’s, they would be mooned by thousands upon thousands of Americans every 15 minutes.

Okay, one would REALLY like to think so, yes.

When it comes to our civil liberties, the first line of defense is an old Marine with a Coors Light in one hand and a Remington 870 in the other. He’s got his mask pulled down over his chin and a Winston Red dangling from his lips.

If he’s got a mask on in the first place, however he might be wearing the damned thing, that Marine of yours most likely isn’t going to live up your overly-hopeful expectations, and shouldn’t be relied upon to defend anything of importance. Then again, sounds to me like you don’t have a whole lot of Marines in your circle of acquaintance, nor rednecks either.

He has eight Trump stickers on the back of his truck and one that says “Booty Hunter” just to mix things up. He’s got the Confederate flag tattooed on his left arm and—of course—he’s wearing a MAGA hat.

This specter haunts Washington: the specter of Middle America. Call him Old Red.

In a better world, it would. I see no evidence that it does in this one.

Old Red looms over every meeting of the CDC, the FBI, the DHS, and the ATF. They never speak of him, but they all see him. And the apparatchiks know the moment they overstep their authority they’re going to have to deal with hundreds of thousands of pissed-off rustics. Really, there’s no telling how many Beltway power-grabs were abandoned for fear of the Great White Rube.

Name three. Hell, name ONE. Because from where I’m sitting, I can’t recall a single Beltway power-grab that hasn’t been put through with vigor and enthusiasm, to a Jubilee of praise from our lords and masters in celebration of how wonderful it all is, how we lowly serfs ought to be humbly grateful for the way said power-grab is going to improve our sorry, lamentable lots for us.

As bad as things are getting here in the States, we can’t fathom how much worse things would be without these down-home heroes.

We’ll soon be finding out, you can count on that.

Sure, they might carry their paranoid anti-government theories a little too far.

At this late date, that’s impossible.

But their paranoia is far from unfounded, and even if they sometimes over-react, they keep America from falling into the opposite extreme: creeping tyranny, Aussie style.

A matter of degree, not of kind.

You can’t boil a frog if he flips out every time you reach for the knob.

Which is precisely why I STRONGLY advise said frog to get to flipping out, and fast. Because so far, he’s been perfectly content to just relax in that nice, warm water, drifting on off into a peaceful slumber.

Like them, I’d prefer the burdens of liberty to a warm, sterile despotism. And that seems like an old-fashioned, all-American instinct to me. I can’t see Davey Crockett “sheltering in place” because the Department of Public Health asked him to. I can’t see Teddy Roosevelt triple-masking. I can’t see Johnny Cash stanning Dr. Fauci.

I can’t see it myself. But those guys are all dead. And the other thing I can’t see is anybody willing to step up and fill their shoes.

So, my apologies to those anti-maskers in Virginia. I rushed to judge you last summer, and that was wrong.  May you continue to resist any whiff of conformism with righteous fury. May you give no quarter to the elite “consensus” of elite “institutions.” And may you never stop being pissed off. It just might save this republic.

The Republic is well beyond resuscitation, having been murdered long ago. There’s no way of knowing what will succeed it, but if we don’t START being pissed off most ricky-tick, you can bet it won’t be pretty.


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Daniel Webster

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Charles Bukowski

“A slave is one who waits for someone to come and free him.”
Ezra Pound

“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.”
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Bertrand de Jouvenel

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GK Chesterton

"I predict that the Bush administration will be seen by freedom-wishing Americans a generation or two hence as the hinge on the cell door locking up our freedom. When my children are my age, they will not be free in any recognizably traditional American meaning of the word. I’d tell them to emigrate, but there’s nowhere left to go. I am left with nauseating near-conviction that I am a member of the last generation in the history of the world that is minimally truly free."
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David Black, from Turn Left For Gibraltar

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John Adams

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Frederick Douglass

"Give me the media and I will make of any nation a herd of swine."
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Ronald Reagan

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Bill Whittle

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