Of course she does. They ALL do, and always have; the hoary old “I’m a hunter myself” nonsense was never anything but a deception, and if you didn’t know it before now you’re a damned idiot. The only thing new is that, at this point, a lengthy string of unchallenged wins has left them so suffused with confidence that they no longer feel any need to go on lying about it.
So do it then, cunt. I beg you: please, please, PLEASE do it. Stop with the threats and just DO IT already, ferchrissakes. Let’s all find out how that works out for you and yours in the end.
“Full Frontal Wants to Take Your Guns,” to air at 10:30 p.m. EST May 12, will allegedly explore ways to reduce gun violence now.
The PR statement on the upcoming special is as biased as the show itself, a veritable DNC extension.
“Full Frontal Wants To Take Your Guns” … will explore how appalling and frankly stupid it is that we as Americans are told there’s simply nothing we can do about gun violence. Don’t even get us started on the whole “good guy with a gun” thing. It’s high time to figure out how America’s gun problem got this bad, and what we as citizens of this glorious mess can do to help fix it.
“The fact that 316 people are victims of gun violence in the United States every single day makes me want to Zoom call every politician in this country and just scream at them,” says Bee. “But the polite Canadian in me won’t actually allow me to raise my voice, so we’re doing the comedy special equivalent of that instead.”
Bee’s Full Frontal showcase, a cavalcade of hateful, hard-left talking points, cannot be trusted to share the whole story on gun violence and possible solutions. Progressive comedy exists, in part, to push partisan goals and dodge fact checks.
Bee’s upcoming show is just part of the comedy Left’s war on guns.
This is the point where most Righty pundits get busy puking up a ton of facts, figures, and statistics to prove to the Progtards how utterly full of shit they truly are, but y’know what? I’m all done with such useless circle-jerkery. The Left doesn’t care, ain’t listening anyhow, and hasn’t the least intention of letting any piffling facts get in the way of realizing their eternal ambitions.
No, the time for talk is well and truly over. Further one-sided “debate” with these “people” is worse than a waste of time, and we all know it is. Time to settle the issue once and for all. Put your money where your big fat mouths are, shitlibs. Either that, or shut the fucking fuck up. No more trying to teach the pig to sing.
Come and take them, or die trying; I don’t give a shit which it turns out to be anymore, if I ever did. Trust me, there’s a great many of us who feel the same way about it. They’re as tired as I am of this bootless, never-ending round-and-round with you, and are quite ready, willing, and eager to settle your fucking hash.
SO, then. Challenge: accepted.
Let’s get it on.
(Via Ed)
The Leftists don’t realize (or don’t want to realize) that 95% of gun violence would cease if the guns were taken away from . . . Leftists.
Let them go first.
Good point John.
You mean blacks. Say what you mean.
My only worry is that they’ll use the good, honest LEOs to pick us off one by one.
If they’re going out and performing 2nd Amendment violations by picking off law abiding gun owners, they’re not “good, honest LEOs”.
They lost all rights to “good” and “honest” when they decided to enforce unconstitutional orders under colour of law.
I do.
I want them to die trying. I’m tired of this shit.
Which is why I expect the general reaction — once the lid finally blows off this pressure coooker with the top strapped down — to be similar to the start of the Civil War. Excitement, celebration, jubilation in the streets even — all were common reactions at the time. Of course it turned out far worse than almost anyone had foreseen, far worse than most could have imagined in their worst nightmares. But the pressure had been building for so long that the common feeling was “finally!” At least the waiting was over.
The situation is very similar today. Everyone with a lick of sense knows it is coming, even if we can’t be sure precisely what form “it” will take or what will be the trigger event. But the current trends are obviously heading straight off a cliff, Wile E. Coyote style, and the reaction of the powers that be is to floor the accelerator. People want the tension to finally crest and break, even though we all know it is going to get horribly ugly.
And then we’re gonna party like it’s 1859.
As for taking guns, they’ll go for the soft targets – the law-abiding white people in the suburbs – and they’ll stay out of the places where most of the homicides by gun occur – urban ghettos. If they tried to go in those places to take guns, they’d be met with a hail of gunfire. Those people know about the Second Amendment, they know about the first police in the US – the Slave Patrol, and they know the reason that they’re free – they own guns. “Gun ownership is the mark of a free man.” I heard that from a guy I knew in Over the Rhine in Cincinnati 30 years ago – black, by the way. And they have automatic weapons, too, and they hate white liberals. When I lived there, the police did not come in unless in broad daylight, they’d been run out a couple of years before. There was *no* street crime, it was perfectly safe for me to walk home at two in the morning. Street crime was not tolerated. Good manners were a life saver, too, rudeness could get you shot. Interesting times, there.
Except for the lack of street crime, that was my experience in large parts of Oak Cliff, too. Street violence was an aberration a lot of the time, as long as you knew how to look like you weren’t prey, and when it did break out, it was usually because you stepped over some invisible taboo.
Of course, there were places in both Oak Cliff and West Dallas where you didn’t go if you where white, and everyone knew about them and where they were. Avoid them, and you were usually all right.
The street crime thing was more prevalent in the Little Saigon area. The Vietnamese gangs made sure that the street crims kept in line. It wasn’t quite “virgin with a bag of gold at midnight”, but it was pretty safe to go there.
The heavily black areas like South Oak CLiff and parts of West Dallas were a lot higher crime, and they were places where the cops just didn’t go unless it was in overwhelming force.