You can’t win, Stretch. If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine.
Keiler, "You have been watching the President …. with an unscripted, vindictive, at times profane, angry, rambling response to his impeachment acquittal.
Borger: "An avalanche of grievances … It was vindictive…it was mean-spirited, it was poisonous, it was spiteful."
— Oliver Darcy (@oliverdarcy) February 6, 2020
SUCK it, fuckfaces. Suck it good, suck it long, suck it hard. If you spit, you start again.
Ahh, but does it get even better? I thought you’d never ask: Both the HEROIC!!!™ Vindaloo Blue Falcons got their soft, doughy asses frogmarched out of the White House today:
Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman was fired from his job at the White House on Friday. He was not expected to leave his post in July, but the Washington Post reported Friday morning Vindman and “other national security officials who testified or cooperated with House Democrats” were being considered for dismissal. According to the earlier report, Trump discussed with aides removing officials he called “disloyal.” According to that earlier report, Vindman will be assigned a different position in the Department of Defense.
Vindman’s twin brother Lt. Col. Yevgeny Vindman, a National Security Council attorney, was also fired, and both were escorted off the White House grounds.
Too, too delicious.
Trump was asked about Lt. Col. Vindman earlier on Friday. “Well, I’m not happy with him. You think I’m supposed to be happy with him? I’m not.”
That said, Trump needs to proceed with caution when it comes to firing people who have testified against him. Trump should be able to trust that members of his administration aren’t trying to undermine him from within, but any mass firing of individuals could backfire on him politically.
Stuff, nonsense, and bullshit. This sort of thorough housecleaning is exactly what Trump was elected to do; on the contrary, after being unleashed via the implosion of the phony Shampeachment coup attempt, FAILING to follow through on his promise to drain the damned Swamp is what would cost him politically.
Thankfully, our God Emperor seems to harbor absolutely NO inclinations in that direction. But even with the joyous news of the Vindaloo bints getting the bum’s rush, the Greatest President In American History wasn’t finished yet.
Ambassador to the European Union Gordan Sondland announced Friday that he was being recalled from his post by President Donald Trump.
“I was advised today that the President intends to recall me effective immediately as United States Ambassador to the European Union,” he said in a statement.
Sondland testified in President Trump’s impeachment trial, informing members of Congress that in his mind he felt there was a quid quo relationship between the president’s decision to halt aid to Ukraine and convincing Ukrainian officials to announce an investigation into Hunter Biden and the corrupt gas company Burisma.
Okay, that’s GOTTA be about it, right? I mean, just that much amounts to a fairly historic and frabjous day; there CAN’T be more, can there?
Why, hush yo’ mouf, honeychile.
The Department of Homeland Security has suspended Global Entry and several other trusted traveler programs for all residents of New York.
Chad Wolf, the Acting Homeland Security Chief, was on Fox News Wednesday night when he told host Tucker Carlson that all residents of the Empire State will be unable to enroll in the programs that make flying both domestically and internationally smoother.
Wolf said that New Yorkers “can’t enroll or re-enroll” in the Trusted Traveler Programs — which includes Global Entry, Nexus and more — because the department “no longer [has] access to make sure that they meet those program requirements.”
The news from the Trump administration official comes in response to New York’s sanctuary and Green Light laws, which allow residents to apply for a driver’s license or learner’s permit regardless of their immigration status.
In a letter to New York State officials, Wolf noted that the law prohibited state DMVs from sharing criminal records with Customs and Border Protection (CBP), as well as Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). The law “compromises CBP’s ability to confirm whether an individual applying for Trusted Travelers Program membership meets program eligibility requirements” and hinders ICE and their agents from fulfilling their mission.
Quoth the Ace, so very pithily:
Awwww, the well-heeled Acela Corridor class is going to have to suffer some inconvenience due to their own #Resistance policy choices, which put other Americans’ very lives in danger.
Cry more, bitches.
If you don’t like it: Secede.
To which I can only append:
Speaking of Ace, he laid utter waste to all the weepers, pissers, moaners, and boll weevils lamenting the beyond-righteous Vindaloo Boys shitcanning as well:
The left is now playing the game they play with all Republican presidents, insisting that Republican presidents must keep on partisan Democrat staffers.
Remember when Clinton fired all the currently serving US Attorneys, who’d been appointed by Bush the Elder? Probably not, because it wasn’t reported on. And it wasn’t reported on because of course an incoming president of the opposite party fires all the political appointees of the old regime.
But then the younger Bush fires all of Clinton’s US attorneys, and the press screams it’s unconstitutional and an attempt to establish a “unitary executive.” Which is supposed to sound ominous, but it’s not — the Constitution establishes a “unitary executive.” All lesser executive officials only exercise those powers devolved to them by the elected Chief Executive.
But during Republican administrations, the Democrats and the media (but I repeat myself) start insisting that executive power is not vested in an elected Chief Executive, but resides chiefly with permanent or political bureaucrats, most of whom are Democratic operatives or strongly aligned with liberal policy positions, and that it’s an illegal abuse of office for the President to appoint people he trusts to those positions, or fire people he doesn’t.
Oh, and of course when Obama fired all of Bush the Younger’s US Attorneys — crickets from the media again.
Well, the National Security Council is supposed to advise Trump and if he doesn’t trust an adviser, he can fire him. And he should fire him.
Let’s hope Ciaramella gets transferred to a Bering Sea covert radar ship for his next assignment.
Well, now, that might be a little too vindictive; I’m not sure I could really endorse such a cruel…
Oh, who the hell am I kidding. Put every last treacherous, conniving Ogabe stay-behind to work scrubbing the White House toilets with a toothbrush, sez I. Their own personal ones, preferably. But hey, I’m a reasonable man; I’d be willing to settle for a one-way trip to the breadline, eternal destitution, and want for each and every one of them, too.
As Limbaugh has said so many times: this is what fighting back looks like. Let the NeverTrump Cuckpublicans, the effete handwringers, the Democrat-Socialist Party, and Enemedia (BIRM) cry as bitterly and copiously as they like. Let them wail about how “ugly” it all is. Don’t care, not a whit. A defeat for them is always and forever a victory for America, and at long, long last America has a champion willing and eager to wage total war on her behalf. You gotta cut the grass to see the snakes.
A grim morn, a glad day, and a golden sunset.
Update! As always, Kurt is having himself entirely too much fun.
Three Glorious Days of Democrat Agony
So, February 3, 4, and 5, 2020 were pretty much the most miserable three days in the history of the Democratic Party. I’m not laughing, really I’m not! You know how sometimes you have a bad day when nothing goes right? Well, these super-achievers managed to triple that streak. They are achievers in the same sense Hoover Snort Biden is an achiever.Let’s start with Monday, February 3rd and the Iowa Caucuses. In their defense, it wasn’t like they had four years to get prepared to handle…counting. Oh wait, they did have four years to handle…counting. Okay, well, then in their defense they went to unionized failing government schools, so counting is hard. But not for the Republicans, who managed to count their votes just fine.
As of when you read this, they might still not have actual numbers. Audie Murphy Buttigieg, Crusty Commie Curmudgeon and Chief Sitting Bolshevik may well all still be claiming victory, while Gropey J’s handlers are likely still complaining about the process and Not Senile Joe himself is chasing an uppity squirrel around a Nashua park.
Fresh from the hellish nightmare that was Monday came Tuesday with its own infernal events. The Iowa situation remained fluid, that fluid being similar to the hobo juice freely sprayed around Scat Francisco’s sidewalks. On Tuesday, rumors spread that Pete Rambo Buttigieg was linked to the mysterious app maker designated the fall guy for the caucus circus. Maybe it was true, maybe it wasn’t, but these are Democrats so it really doesn’t matter.
And then President Trump gave the best State of the Union speech pretty much ever, spending much of it listing real achievements that help real Americans while Nancy Pelosi fumed behind him, offering a running commentary to her invisible friend. Trump played the Dems like Pete Townsend plays the guitar.
These may have been good looks on college campuses and in communist bookstores, but not so much in the United States. The speech was masterful, and when Pelosi tore it up, she highlighted just how owned she was for the whole world to see.
Then February 5th came along and their impeachment collapsed into rubble. We all knew it was coming, but then … poof. Gone. You tried to take out the king, and you failed. How lame.
Sorry, but I must cut in to point out that February 5th was also my 60th (gulp!) birthday. I considered the Shampeachment implosion a most excellent birthday present, one we can all enjoy and remember fondly. Onwards.
Yeah, history will record that you managed to impeach Donald Trump. History will also record that Donald Trump beat you donkeys like rented mules.
Advantage, Trump.
No—advantage, America.
Happy happy joy update! The agony of their defeat is such a pleasure.
FOX News host Pete Hegseth was in Carthage, North Carolina, on Wednesday morning talking to voters. Pete was asking for their reaction to President Trump’s SOTU Address. One woman said it best “We need to put a cape on his back, an “S” on his chest, and call him Superman. No mortal man could take what he has took in the last three years and do what he has done.”
Most remarkable thing? Even now, they STILL cannot begin to fathom how Trump consistently outmaneuvers them; where his support really comes from; why it still exists; and what they must do to end this nightmare. They’re the smart people, the good people, the educated people, the competent people.
Aren’t they?
How the f*** did this pair of pudgy, pasty-faced, fat-assed Pillsbury doughboys ever get to be Lt Colonels in the US Army? There is something very, very wrong with today’s Army if pudgy fat f***s like this can even be IN the Army, let alone be officers, let alone be Lieutenant f***ing Colonels.
If you set out to kill the King, you MUST kill the King.
If your ‘friends’ were going to reward your testimony, don’t bitch when the plot fails and you find yourself twisting in the wind.
Nancy needed to be shown who is boss; rather like the wife who “lays down the law” about her husband’s friends, and declares that she will NOT have them in HER house.
A man, who is worthy of the name, immediately picks up the phone, and invites ALL of them to his house for a poker/sports team event/whatever. ASAP.
He then informs her that she MAY provide the food and drink – IF she will be pleasant to the people he has invited, or get the hell out of the house until he calls her and tells her that he is ready to have her come back. Her choice.
Then, he proceeds to party like he’s the King of the house. Garbage bags for the cans/bottles/paper plates. No attempt to clean up after – if she refuses to clean up, the mess stays (the garbage bags may be disposed of in the trash bins).
I guarantee, she will fold before he does. And, he will have made his point about who rules HIS house.
Vindman is tribe. Quelle surprise!!!
They yearn for the “good old days” of their Messiahs – Lenin and Stalin. As Bernie’s campaign has admitted!!!
As my son says when the Sea Hawks lose and everybody around him is devastated, Their rears are delicious.”
Well, New Yorkers and other blue staters, ‘elections have consequences’ seems to have slipped your minds. Or is it only GTG when your ‘sainted one’ says it?
Either way, enjoy what you have so strongly been asking for. May you continue to get it until you have an aneurysm or come back to reality. Not particular which comes first.