REAL leadership, that is: what it looks like, what it sounds like, what it, y’know, IS. Seeing how thoroughly we’ve lost touch with the concept here in Amerika v2.0 and all.
President Milei just went to the WEF and called out the Davos elites to their faces
His full speech (English):
— End Wokeness (@EndWokeness)
Milei is much man, standing up to these 99 and 44/100ths pure E-ville motherfuckers right to their very faces like this; God knows he’s bound to have moved up several places on the hit-lists you know people like this keep, and meticulously update when circumstances such as these require it. But God also surely knows that every last syllable he utters in the above video—a must-watch if ever there was one—is perfectly true and accurate.
I hope he’s not expecting an invitation to next year’s party.
A well-wielded cluebat is beautiful to watch! I’m just cynical enough to think no minds there in that room with the gent were changed, though.