Like it or not, you damned sure got yourself one.
My contention is and has been that the communists have been following the CIA Insurgency Manual, which I have been pointing out now for three years. The historians of the future will argue on when the exact date was, but I believe that the communist revolution began more than a decade ago. Antifa has a heavily supported and organized command structure. They have organized it under the US military’s model.
Communist overthrows happen in phases. I did a three part series on that back in 2020. Phase I (pre-hostility or incipient phase) corresponds to infrastructure development plus initial recruiting, organizing, training, and equipping of combat elements. I believe that phase began during the Obama administration. By the time Trump was inaugurated, we saw the beginnings of phase 2.
Agreed. I repeatedly argued back then that Bathhouse Barry’s insistence on militarizing the police—equipping even small-town PD’s with tanks, APCs, and such (if I remember correctly, even tiny little Lowell, NC got one)—was part and parcel of that effort.
Phase II (guerrilla warfare phase) is the first level of armed violence. Irregular forces engage in sabotage, interdiction of communication and logistics links, assassination, and selective attacks against government forces. Insurgents expand their secure base areas and, where possible, link them to form strategic enclaves of political autonomy. The Antifa (they weren’t known by that name yet) riots at the 2017 Trump inauguration, and the gunning down of Republican congress members, I believe marked the beginning of Phase 2.
Phase III is the “crisis” phase. The crisis state distinguishes resistance movements from social movements. Scholars have identified signals of this crisis state to include a decisive loss of legitimacy by the government, financial collapse, breakdown in authority, strong symbolic actions, and perception of dual sovereignty or provisional authority, among others. It begins modestly- assassinations, disappearances, unexplained deaths that aren’t fully investigated, and seemingly random attacks.
I believe that we entered phase 3 with the beginning of the Pandemic lockdowns. It was these lockdowns that enabled the leftists to take hold of our voting mechanisms and overthrow the republic. What we have now is no longer the government that we had. Make no mistake, the 2020 election was the coup. Our President was overthrown.
Once the last phase begins, totalitarian elites let loose their inclination to brutally eliminate their perceived enemies. Once this phase begins, things happen very quickly. The new government is a fragile one, and is prone to counter revolutionaries who would take power for themselves. They have to be eliminated.
Violence is considered a means to achieving the goal of centralized power. There is not even a pretense of due process or respect for free speech. Yes, there are pretexts given for eliminating perceived enemies, excuses that have the perpetrators projecting their own intentions upon their victims, but the accusations are merely for show. I believe that is where we are now. That is why Trump and his team have to go. They will be disgraced and imprisoned. To kill them outright would create a martyr and a rallying cry. To toss him in prison, where he can either rot or be Epsteined will not be as dangerous for them.
As I said in the comments and have been screaming myself blue in the face about for a good while now, revolution is indeed a process, not an event. I only wish I could find a way to argue with any of the above, but alas, I cannot. Put the way Divemedic does here, and being up on current events and a lifelong student of history as I am, how the hell could I?
Another thought: the above-excerpted post dovetails way too nicely with the one about the Ukrainian dot-mil tranny, don’tchathink? In a most ugly way, yeah, but still.
I wish I could say any of this is wrong.
It’s still hard to believe it’s happening here in America. Like you and the linked author say though, it’s certainly following the MO of the Marxists everywhere they’ve taken control.
The question is –
When does the process lead to fighting back in a way that is deadly?
Soon I think. I’m wondering if putting Trump in jail will be the catalyst?
How long after they jail him do you think it will be until he “commits suicide”, like Epstein?
Don’t know. If Trump dies in prison, even of natural causes (that will not be believed), the marxist cabal is in trouble. There will be people, capable people, who will begin hunting them for sport.
I wish I knew where this was going and when.
I know generally it won’t be pretty.
But right now, aside from a few people, I can’t even tell who is really on the average American’s side anymore.
Yea, it’s become rather difficult to tell.