Is the day I’ve so long awaited, when shitlibs finally stop talking and start putting their money where their big flapping yaps are and just COME AND TAKE THEM ALREADY about to dawn at long, long last?
I will personally participate in a gun confiscation unit, anyone who refuses to hand them in will be placed under citizens arrest until the police arrive.
— •🥷🏻 (@MessiEra10_)
Here’s a promise, and it’s flat and subject to no negotiation or compromise of any kind: I will personally shoot in the head any left-wing private citizen who shows up on my doorstep demanding I allow him/her/it to confiscate my guns, or attempts to detain me in any way in the course of same. That’s my pledge to you, shitlibs.
You got one hell of a lot to learn about 2A people, Libtards, and very little time left in which to learn it. At least at MY house if noplace else, your gun-grabbing insanity is not going to work out for you quite the way you foolishly imagine. So be it, then. The die is cast, the sides chosen, the lines of battle drawn. Let’s get this party started!
Divemedic’s response is equally apropos, if a little more concise than my own.
Ha, ha, ha, that’s funny. Those pathetic pussy’s will never show up to anyone’s doorstep to confiscate a gun.
The fed gov storm troopers theirselves will stop after the first handful lie dead and bleeding on someones doorstep.