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Pedophile story hour

Maybe it’s time we just start calling a spade a spade here.

The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, and self-control. But the fruit of public libraries is faux diversity, drag queens, and rejection of the sexes — which is why the taxpayer-funded cesspools are “not interested” in giving Kirk Cameron a storytime slot to read his new children’s book on the fruit of the Spirit to kids.

The actor, writer, and producer “has not gotten a single ‘yes’ from the 50-plus public libraries his publisher has contacted so far,” Fox News reported in a Wednesday exclusive. According to Cameron’s publisher and Fox’s scouring of the libraries’ websites, “Many of the same libraries that won’t give Cameron a slot…are actively offering ‘drag queen’ story hours or similar programs for kids and young people.”

It’s not only drag queen story hours, where adult men derive pleasure from strapping on prosthetic breasts, painting theatrical contour all over their masculine faces, and sporting fishnet tights for an audience of children. These libraries reportedly host queer book clubs, a series called “Every Month Is Pride Month,” and so-called “get free help” events where attorneys and other volunteers help patrons fill out legal paperwork to change their names, record themselves as the opposite sex (or sexless entirely), and alter birth certificates, Social Security cards, driver’s licenses, IDs, and passports. But if you want to read to kids about gentleness, goodness, and kindness, it’s a hard no.

The self-important and self-appointed “principled conservatives” have expended much energy lecturing right-wing culture warriors who resist this debauchery. When conservatives took offense at libraries using their tax dollars to sponsor sexualized events that spit in the face of their deeply held religious beliefs, The Principled Conservatives™ were there with a finger wag and a condescending, First Amendment! Tsk! Viewpoint neutrality!

Barring people from doing sex shows for kids in publicly funded venues is not against the Constitution, and it’s specious to argue that if you insist there are constitutional limits on speech and this is precisely one, that you’re somehow a proponent of “big government” or “against the free market.” There is no free market for children. And there are ways to establish reasonable and constitutional limits on speech — such as withholding government funding from events and venues that peddle books and activities about sex for children — something many conservatives are striving to do even if the self-described principled wing is too lazy or too cowardly to do that intellectual and ground-game work.

At this point, the only way Cameron stands a chance of equal access to public libraries across the country is if he dresses up like a prostitute, gyrates around a reading room, and prods children to shove singles in his underwear.

The thing people like Cameron — or Jack Phillips or Barronelle Stutzman or Lorie Smith — understand but many establishment Republicans and “principled conservatives” don’t is that the left hates us and all the values we claim to be conserving. They don’t care about playing by a certain set of rules because their method is lawlessness (see: unpunished Black Lives Matter riots, brazen election meddling, illegal student loan bailouts, or unconstitutional vaccine mandates, to name a few). They scoff at viewpoint diversity because their aim is groupthink (consider: Big Tech suspensions for dissenters on a number of topics, or mass firings of health-care professionals who held unfavorable opinions about the jab). And they laugh at appeals to the First Amendment because they abandoned it long ago.

As my colleague John Daniel Davidson recently wrote in these pages, “[A]ccommodation or compromise with the left is impossible. One need only consider the speed with which the discourse shifted on gay marriage, from assuring conservatives ahead of the 2015 Obergefell decision that gay Americans were only asking for toleration, to the never-ending persecution of Jack Phillips. The left will only stop when conservatives stop them.”

Standing athwart history, yelling “stop” — or “viewpoint neutrality” or “free speech” — might have been enough to preserve liberty in the ’50s, but it’s almost 2023. If you want to know how well it’s working today, ask Kirk Cameron.

Or, y’know, anybody else who’s been paying attention and has even half a lick of sense.


6 thoughts on “Pedophile story hour

  1. When I was young I loved the library. I would go every week and come home with a stack of books.

    I see no real value in physical library’s at all anymore. I haven’t been in one in 30+ years. You can get a zillion books online, many free and others at low prices.

    Solution. Close the library’s.

    1. Man, me too, Barr. When I was a kid, the ladies at the Mt Holly Public Library knew me and my mom VERY well–so well, in fact, that they went out of their way to stock up on the dinosaur and military-aviation books they knew were so dear to my heart back then. My mom still uses the library to this day, despite my having loaded Moon Reader (e-book reader app) and a link to (fifty kajillion free books!) into her phone for her.

      I dunno about closing the libraries, though; in my mind’s eye, I just keep picturing that one geeky kid, like I was way back when, relying on the library for reading material. So if only for his sake, I’d be in favor of keeping them around a while yet.

      1. Maybe, but it seems likely that one geeky kid will get a heaping helping of the drag queen hour along with his books. My local library appears OK, but I see pics of some of the inner city library’s and they appear to be deadbeat hangouts. I was wrong about the 30 years, my wife reminds me I went there to vote, and probably took the kids when they were little.

        I suppose there are families that cannot afford a dedicated E reader. I’d rather have the library’s be digital, you download the books for say two weeks. If you don’t have an E reader the library will loan you one.

        The problem with that will be the number of books yet to be digitized, but I think most of the classics have been done.

        1. Sad but true. Like all too many other good things, the local library ain’t what it used to be.

  2. Speaking of pedos…

    Yoel Roth



    Nov 20, 2010

    Can high school students ever meaningfully consent to sex with their teachers?

    That’s a tweet from Twitter’s former head of Trust and Safety, ie., head censor.

    Elon comments:

    Elon Musk


    This explains a lot

    Elon’s latest:

    Elon Musk


    Twitter is both a social media company and a crime scene.

    I’m buying popcorn in the industrial sized barrels these days.

    1. And Trump had that pedo nailed long ago.

      Musk has shaken the tree quite hard it seems.

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