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Can there be a Dissident Right worthy of the name?

The pratfalls and pitfalls of nomenclature and terminology.

What you see is lots of people who used to claim the label alt-right having stopped using that now discredited term and picking up this new label. Their opinions have not changed and their understanding has not changed. They just needed a new label so they scanned around and found one that had not be ruined yet. In many cases, these people have no coherent politics at all, just grievances.

That’s one of the things that annoys me so terribly about all the “JOOOOO JOOOOO JOOOO!!!” screeching from many on Our Side, blaming the Tiny Hat Cabal for all their problems. It reminds me of nothing so much as the way the Nig-nogs do the same with De White Man, and strikes me as not only stupid but also self-defeating. As I’ve so long maintained, the problem ain’t with Jews per se, it’s with LIBERAL Jews—who, while clearly an overwhelming majority of US Yids, are by no means so everywhere.

Trust me on that, folks. The last apartment I had in NYC, which I was in for over three years, was overtop of a Lubavitcher synagogue and primary school, in a half-block long building on East Broadway owned by one of the congregants, a super-nice, tirelessly hard-working young fella named Mike. Anybody who knows anything about Lubavitchers knows full well that the very last thing you could credibly accuse them of is being any kind of shitlibs.

What strikes the eye first about the Lubavitchers is their anachronistic appearance: the men in their black hats and black suits and bushy beards (which replicate the appearance of eighteenth century Polish aristocrats); the women in their long skirts and long sleeves and big wigs (which they believe protect the dignity of men as well as women); and the parents with their great gaggles of children (who reflect the priorities they believe imposed on the them by God’s commandments). Of course the Lubavitchers are also known for their massive outreach programs. The mobilized faithful can be seen in the pale and awkward young men hovering beside their mitzvah-mobiles on college campuses and busy city street corners, insistently inviting Jews passing by to step into the back of their open U-Haul trucks to say a prayer, and in the establishment around the world of Chabad Houses that provide Torah study, a Shabbat meal, and a seat at holiday feasts to Jews away from home. And the Lubavitchers are notorious for their enthusiasm for their spiritual leader, investing the Lubavitcher rebbe, in death as in life, with mystical, messianic, world-redemptive powers.

So the chasm between the Lubavitcher life and the liberal or progressive life is real and wide.

In addition, my first job when I moved to NYC was at a vintage clothing store called Cheap Jack’s, owned by a hard-ass Israeli named…well, Jack, natch, who had served honorably in the IDF for years before he immigrated to the States and opened the store. Now as it happens, Jack was more than happy to let me hover around the front of the store up by the register with him, regaling me with tales of life in Israel, his military service, and other such interesting subjects.

Admittedly, Jack was pretty much the living embodiment of many stereotypes historically associated with the Jews: he was indeed money-obsessed, greedy, and eminently capable of some pretty damned low skullduggery, even outright dishonesty, in his pursuit of the almighty dollar. Nonetheless, he was a good enough guy generally, capable of unexpected acts of generosity and personal warmth. But above all else, at least as far as I was concerned, Jack was NOT a liberal, which for me went a long way towards cancelling out the whole money-grubbing, hook-nosed-Jew crapola. Anyways, digression over.

Labels are important, especially in politics. The words in the label bring meaning and connotation, but the label should have its own definition. The white nationalists are not simply people who are white and patriotic. Hitler was white and a nationalist, but no educated person would call Hitler a white nationalist. The label white nationalist has meaning that transcends the words in the label.

Therein lies the danger with labels. The white nationalists have allowed the bad guys to define the label they use. It was not all their fault, as the bad guys control the organs of cultural production, so they were able to define the label. That said, the many wackos who have been allowed to use the label white nationalist have made it easy for the bad guys to anathematize the term by soaking it with their vitriol.

That is why it is important to control your language. This was one of the many errors made by the alt-right. They never bothered to provide a clear definition of what they meant by an alternative right. This allowed every weirdo and goofball looking for a home to lay claim to the label. If they had put some effort into defining their labels and controlling who used it, they would have avoided the weirdo problem.

Only to be expected, I think. Given that the Progressivists have demonstrated their absolute mastery of semantics and the manipulation of language itself over and again, the Right’s inability to settle on a suitable name to call themselves, even, is probably damned nigh inescapable.


5 thoughts on “Can there be a Dissident Right worthy of the name?

  1. It is indeed the truth that not all Jews are evil. But they ARE a significant majority – 70-75% – of Jews across the entire West. And the non-Communist Jews do very little to disown the Commie swill. And those Commies tend to be the primary fund source for BLM and Antifa and the rest of that sewage. Dear ol’ ADL insists that you are anti-Semitic if you say anything negative about Soros! And very few Jews dare say anything negative about the ADL.

    1. 70-75%
      Mark, I don’t think you believe 75% of the Western Jews are evil. Misguided perhaps, but evil?

      1. They consistently vote Commie, so yeah, EVIL!
        Bernie’s campaign claimed the gulags “paid a living wage.” Bernie never repudiated that claim.
        Have the Jews repudiated Bernie???

        1. They have to know and approve they are “voting commie” to get the evil classification, otherwise we can just call them stupid.

          Since there is no central “Jews” to give an official renunciation, no. Just as Bernie hasn’t been “repudiated” by white people.

          Well, I know you have a good heart.

  2. My familiarity with jews has been those living here in the part of heaven know as the South, so perhaps that is a misrepresentation of the Jews in my mind. Every single one I’ve known were more like the rest of us than different. To this day I credit my business skill with people to my Dad and to the Jewish gentleman I worked for in the automotive business during my school years, primarily as a summer job. He was a fine man as were all his extended family. I never have known any of the orthodox persuasion.
    I know they tend to vote for democrats, but then so do the black folks. I think that is just sheer ignorance.

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