Adjust to the New Paradigm on the fly, or perish.
The important message I want to relate right now, is this is all a diversion. All of these domestic issues, the insanity of drag queen strip-tease in schools is designed to enrage and distract us from the fact that literally every nation in the world owes more money than can possibly be repaid; it’s a shell game that’s running out of time. It’s the economic monstrosity of the world that’s driving nuclear war, because, like 9/11, there has to be a dramatic and terrifying moment in order to institute an earthquake of new, more-restrictive laws; in this case the great reset by which all government and banking debt will be erased, but not yours, not your car, your home, just theirs and they’ll use your assets to free themselves.
The governing powers are so jealous of our every penny, that soon they’ll just take it. Forget taxes, forget legality, they want it and we have it and they have the forces to take it. There are no principles involved here. To do that, they need a war, they need a crisis and they’ve long ago stopped caring what is right, proper or legal. Everything they’ve done in the past two years proves that point. If they’re willing to kill you, they’ll surely rob you.
Nothing will stop it. Nothing can be done about the entirety of Western civilization committing suicide by obedience, except disobedience. It’s probably too late for that to have much effect, but its a question of dying on your feet or on your knees. No matter what happens, there will be enough leftists/communists left to blame it all on our founders and capitalism. The importance of Nine Principles of Freedom, I think, is a starting point for whoever is left in deciding what sort of society to rebuild after the cataclysmic events to come.
In the chaos of post-nuclear war, there’s a chance to resettle and reorganize, but the globalists will have to be confronted directly. They’re instigating this nuclear exchange to arrive at that chaos to institute their vision. Nothing says that those who understand the principles of the republic can’t exploit that breach just as well as they can.
If we don’t step into that breach and refuse, be willing to lay down our lives to resist that sweeping change, you might as well put a Trump 2024 sign in your yard and wait for the Stasi.
If, by some miracle, all of it can be headed off, there’s the longer, tougher road of disobedience that will take an extraordinary shift in personal dynamics to save anything of the world we knew prior to 2019. Even then, it was a disaster. You have to go further back, much further.
Yep, back to around 1950, at the very least. As TL implies, the fact that you might not win doesn’t by any means excuse one from fighting on anyway. In any such conflict, the outcome is never guaranteed; the one and only absolute certainty is that if you don’t fight, you will definitely lose.
“Yep, back to around 1950, at the very least.”
This should be something of a clue, because that is 72 years ago.
We can, and have, survived all manner of economic machinations. There are two reasons for this survival rate –
1) Americans roll their sleeves up and just keep working
2) Wealth allows for a ride through. Wealth here is all the infrastructure that exists. It’s like money in the bank, in fact it is better than $$$.
If we have a real problem it will be when Americans stop working, and that may be the direction we’re headed. The economic machinations now include the deliberate stripping of economic activity in the form of manufacturing and all other economic activity flows from that.
Hey sorry I didn’t know you were in a nursing home.
The liar shows up to dig the hole deeper.
That the best you can do, liar?
Tell us a story. Maybe you could tell us that ECU has more pro football players, per capita of course, than any other school.
I’ll buy lunch FU
Your irrelevant off topic snipes are not ingratiating you to others.
Try letting it go. Your point is not relevant, if you have any.
Our government cares more about changing the white population into a minority than its citizens. We have a population on the government payroll that doesn’t work and doesn’t speak our language. We are following the UK down a dark road.