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“Sympathy”? Naaah

Bitter Centurion ain’t sure about it, but I certainly am.

I read an article yesterday on Substack by the ‘2nd Smartest Guy in the World’ that got me thinking:

In the article, he is essentially saying that we should feel sympathy and show compassion towards those who took the clot shot because we need them on ‘our side’.

Y’know…I’m not sure I have it in me, to be totally honest.

The reason being is because of the sheer cruelty that a good many of the ‘vaxxed’ exhibited towards the people who chose not to subject themselves to the shot, not because they actually went and got the shot. I’m about as indifferent to that as I am to that same person taking a hit on a crystal meth pipe.

It was not more than eight months ago, just in Canada, I saw that a good number of the ‘fully vaccinated’ were more than okay with:

  • the state, and private businesses in accordance with the state, impeding the right of the unvaccinated to assemble and move freely in various establishments, and also in and out of the country.

  • the unvaccinated being denied health care services as doctor’s visits, dental work, and various surgeries.

  • grocery stores denying unvaccinated people the right to go into grocery stores to buy basic necessities, such as food.

  • the idea of the police and health establishment forcibly vaccinating people by way of assault.

  • the idea of the unvaccinated being arrested and forcibly relocated to camps or other such facilities where they would be segregated from the rest of society.

  • the Prime Minister of Canada going on television and asking whether the unvaccinated “should be tolerated” because they, in his words, “take up space”.

Indeed, there was not much empathy or compassion to be found among those who gleefully submitted themselves to the ‘clot shot’. Those who weren’t so obnoxiously leading their self-righteous charge against the ‘filthy unvaccinated’ chose, instead, to remain silent and kept their heads down rather than stand up against what they knew was wrong. I didn’t see a hell of a lot of it, anyway.

So now that it’s come to light that this…vaccine (which isn’t a vaccine) is not only completely useless in keeping people well (which it was clearly stated it was supposed to do), but is now lethal to people who have taken it, there’s quite a few people who now have ‘egg on their face’, metaphorically speaking.

I’m not sure I have a lot of sympathy or compassion to spare. The ONLY reason the narrative has shifted, we are no longer in the ‘State of Fear’ we were in eight months ago, and people’s attitudes are changing is because the truth of all of this has come out a lot quicker than it was anticipated by those who engineered this ‘scam-demic’. It is only due to their incompetence that everyone is learning the truth of the origins of COVID-19, the coordinated pandemic response measures of individual governments, and the true nature of the vaccines.

Had none of this come to light when it did, I wonder if I would not be sitting in front of a computer right now, typing this blog entry. I wonder if my children would not be playing in their yard, in the sun and fresh air, as my wife tends to her small garden. I wonder if we would have all been subject to arbitrary arrest and detention, sent off to some goddamn camp in some place that’s miles away from anywhere.

If that were the case, I think it’s probably a safe bet that nobody – least of all those who I’m told I should be feeling sympathy and compassion for – would have shown any sympathy and compassion for the unvaccinated whose rights were being relegated to nothing. I doubt they would have shown the courage needed to stand up and help them and try to stop this latest incarnation of man’s inhumanity to man.

We’ll never know how far this would have gone, but we can certainly say that the scam-demic didn’t stop in its tracks because those who dutifully got vaccinated and unquestioningly complied with the system suddenly grew a conscience. Far fucking from it, in fact.

The ‘2nd Smartest Guy in the World’ asserts we need them on ‘our side‘. Do we? Seems to me, if there was a time we needed anyone on ‘our side’, it was eight fuckin months ago when everyone was showing their true colours. Now? Why the fuck do we need them now? Why the fuck should I care that they’re full of ‘regret’ and are scared of dying because we, the unvaxxed, were right all along and they were wrong? If ever there was a time we needed those people to stand and be counted, it was when the ‘powers-that-be’ started acting like tyrants and bullies and brought in the goddamn mandates. That was when we truly needed them. It was at that time where they had their chance to prove that they had a pair of brass balls; they had the chance to be heroes, and they fucking blew it!

Agreed, right down the line. Having shown themselves to be the petty, craven, easily-manipulated dimestore dictators they so truly are, they can be grateful if a distinct lack of sympathy for their plight is the worst their betters choose to visit upon them. Fuck them all, every last one of them. With “friends” like those pusillanimous pissants, we’ll never want for enemies. Liberty-minded people won’t ever “need” such as they, any more than I need another hole in my fucking head. They’re despicable, that’s what. Let them all go die in a fire for all me.


13 thoughts on ““Sympathy”? Naaah

  1. I won’t tar all of them with the same brush; some people simply made a bad choice with the best (which was abysmal) information available, from sociopathic serial liars.

    But I won’t mollycoddle them either: they made your bed, now they may go lie in it. I wouldn’t push them into the fire, but if they fall in, I might be inclined to piss on them to put them out – but only as it happens to be convenient.

    1. If
      a) They were fooled or coerced into getting the clot shot
      b) They weren’t assholes about those who hadn’t gotten the clot shot

      then I’ll sympathize with them. Many people trusted the experts and many others took the death jabs in order to keep their job or to get unrelated medical treatment or to be allowed to see their children. I don’t hate those who were not protected by my organ-deep cynicism and bone-deep refusal to be forced into anything.

      But those who jumped in headfirst, the moment it became the Joetato’s shot rather than Trumphitler’s shot, those who screamed for the pure bloods to be quarantined or fined or cut off from services or herded into concentration camps … Well, they can die in agony, for all I care.

      That includes those of my kin who joined that bandwagon. Sow the wind…

      1. I agree. Lots of people got the shot because they had no idea what they were getting might be a bad thing and they were being forced into it at that.

        An older couple at the beach, friends, did not like Trump at all. The only conversation that came about regarding the shot while Trump was still in office was one of derision and “we’ll never get that”. Then the potato is in office and they couldn’t get the shot fast enough. I find it incomprehensible that this is how their thinking process works. Get a shot, at best an experiment, for political reasons?

        1. They’re essentially robots, unthinking, programmed, doing whatever their betters tell them because they are incapable of thinking for themselves.

          This is the type of person the WEF wants as the survivors in their hoped-for slave class of the future. Which makes it really surprising that they were stupid enough to put all of them at risk of death. (Granted not all will die, hopefully even most won’t, but many already have and many more will.) Maybe they thought it would take longer and that they could get everyone shot up before it became a problem? Maybe they just believed they were infallible and thus made themselves into unthinking robots too?

          Not sure, but however it happened, it was truly stupid of them. Had they had the foresight to realize that NOT poisoning their underlings would have been better, they would have let Trump have the win the honest/real vote should have given him. That would have kept their mind-slaves unpoisoned and (hopefully, from their perspective only, of course) gotten more of their enemies.

          That would have caused other problems of course. Maybe they thought those were so much worse that they had no choice.

          1. “…because they are incapable of thinking for themselves.

            That’s the odd thing. The couple I’m speaking of are well educated and in fields that require real education including math and science. They use their brains, apparently, except when the thinking turns to politics. Then their brains seem to turn to mush. I think they are brainwashed and believe all the BS the left has fed them. I have no other explanation.

            1. Well I didn’t actually mean they were drooling morons without even one functional brain cell. But I also didn’t explicitly state it, and I guess I should have.

              No, they aren’t actually brainless. But when it comes to following orders from their “glorious leaders”, in that area only they are exactly that.

              1. Sorry, I didn’t mean to call you out specifically. I understood what you meant.

                I was really just adding further explanation why dealing with people is so exasperating. It makes little sense.

                1. Or even NO sense.

                  Then again, truth is stranger than fiction, because fiction has to make sense. Reality doesn’t.

      2. Agreed. Those who got it and shut up and opposed mandates are fine. That is freedom of choice.

  2. Give them as much sympathy as possible with a Louisville Slugger!

  3. Plenty were outright forced, these folks were not the twerps heaping scorn on the ‘dirty unvaxed’ eight months ago. Those folks do deserve sympathy, at least somewhat.

    I also sympathize with those who learned their lesson. People who make stupid decisions and learn from them are sometimes the most valuable allies of all. They’re often the most vigorous opponents of their former allies, more ardent than almost any others. I don’t begin to have time to list every single person who started out a commie and came to their senses. Case in point would be Bill Quick. I’m sure we can all think of plenty more.

    1. Yes, good point. Learning a lesson implies a thinking person, even if they were shortsighted originally. I know several like that.

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