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How Biden’s Buttboys burned it all down

These Motherfuckers need to pay, and I mean pay DEARLY, too.

Killing Keystone: How Biden & The Left Destroyed American Energy Independence
In 2018 America became a net exporter of oil for the first time in decades, a status it maintained in 2020 as well. In 2021 the US once again returned to becoming a net importer of oil, with the US expected to import 62% more crude in 2022 than it did in 2020.

A December Scott Rasmussen national survey found 59% of voters believe that the Biden administration’s blocking of the Keystone XL pipeline project and another pipeline have contributed to rising gas prices across the United States.

JD Rucker adds:

The destruction of the United States economy began the moment Joe Biden was installed in the White House. This is a planned demolition to help usher in The Great Reset, expand Neo-Marxism, establish globalist control, and destroy American exceptionalism.

It started with the Keystone Pipeline.

And just kept on snowballing from there, although shutting down Keystone was the biggest single factor in destroying the Trump economy and bludgeoning Amerika v2.0 all the way into beggar-nation status. It’s difficult to adequately comprehend sometimes, just how fervent and implacable shitlib hatred for this once-great nation and its people truly is. It seems almost as if the heat of it is a physically palpable thing rather than just another symptom of their psychopathology: it literally burns them, blistering their very flesh and driving them even further into madness than they were already. It’s genuinely frightening to reflect on what such hate-filled, soulless, amoral fiends would be capable of doing to normal Americans in order to sate their obssessive lust for retribution, if they thought for one second they might get away with it. And any of us who’s still kidding himself otherwise about that is a damned fool.

I did give a tiny snort of pained amusement at that “59% of voters believe that the Biden administration’s blocking of the Keystone XL pipeline project and another pipeline have contributed to rising gas prices” business. As with the neverending cavalcade of “devastating” polls showing Biden’s popularity “plummeting” to a new low of between 35 to 39 percent, always and forever accompanied by the cawing of all too many of Our Guys gleefully announcing that Biden/Ogabe/Pelosi/INSERT_NAME_HERE is/are well and truly finished this time, and cannot possibly recover from this fatal crash ‘n’ burn!!! Then the whole meat-beat-go-round reboots next week with the release of the devastating—DEVASTATING, YOU HEAR ME!!!new (Holy shit, 35-39 percent! Spread some butter on this poor Demonrat oaf, he is TOAST!!). I’ve scratched my head over this vaudeville act ever since it first started during the Obama junta’s reign, and I still can’t figure out how even the most inattentive observer could swallow such twipe.

There’s more than one thing that bothers me about it, actually. For one, the very idea that there could actually be 35-39% of us out there who support these pricks, when we can all readily see with our own lyin’ eyes the wanton destruction the malefactors have so profligately wreaked regardless of what our political affiliation, ideology, intelligence, or religious faith might happen to be. My God, there would HAVE to be at least some Democrats, even, who aren’t buying into this bilge, wouldn’t there?

And yet, and yet. In Grampy Gropey, we have ourselves a blundering, graceless, decrepit old coot—a person of advanced years whose very sentience is open to serious question, which is being WAY more generous than the filthy bastard deserves— a lifelong political bunco artist who has never been particularly popular, respected, or well-thought of, by anybody at all. He is an arrogant, obnoxious reprobate whose corruption, greed, and shameless penchant for self-serving criminality at the expense of pretty much everybody around him have been thorougly chronicled and matters of general piublic knowledge for forty-some years now. Hell, Papa Grifter has openly bragged about himself, on camera, more than once. In career-politico terms, Dirty Joe has never been anything more than a back-bencher, a third-rate hack without so much as one legislative accomplishment to his name.

On the more personal level, Biden is notoriously unpleasant to be around, no one’s first choice to sit with at the bar over a quiet beer or three. He’s stiff and robotic in his public appearances, going through the motions by rote—unless a sudden Alzheimer’s eruption boils up, bringing forth the only genuine emotion you’ll ever see from him: red-faced, spluttering, incoherent rage. Never once has he evinced the slightest trace of empathy, altruism, or human warmth, even towards his own immediate family. Any sincerity Joe Biden has ever shown, he faked it. The oleaginous creep would try to make a mark out of Jesus Christ Himself, should the Son Of God ever defile His personal dignity so badly as to be caught keeping company with the suppurating carbuncle. Which, being our Lord and Savior and all, Jesus has way too much self-respect to ever, ever do.


4 thoughts on “How Biden’s Buttboys burned it all down

  1. Dude:
    “The oleaginous creep” Words have meaning and man, that that right there is a work of art… On that note, in my fantasy world, a Q&A with PCircle Back:
    “So, Secretary Psaki, just how many cocks did you have to deep throat to get this job?”
    “Did you have to swallow or was it a Hollywood ‘Money Shot’?”
    “Was rimming involved and did the (p)Resident participate or just observe?”
    “Golden Showers: Out of bounds or your specialty? Did Hunter participate? Did any of his underage relatives participate?
    “The people have a right to know Ms. Press Secretary!”

    1. My bet’s on a most bodacious bukkake, BC. There’s bound to be vidya of it out there somewhere, if it could only be dug up. Pretty sure I don’t want to see Psaki’s money-shot footage, though. Not even one of those short best-of roundup reels. Ugh.

      For many years, even before the Innarnuts, I maintained that for every well-known female actress, musician, executive, or otherwise noted or powerful woman, there exists at the very least a video of her nekkid, probably of her sucking ween or being screwed by some asshole who at the time had pull and/or connections enough to get her to agree to do it. Any woman whose ambitions mean more to her than her self-respect will take the deal knowing full well what she’s doing.

      When the established and successful H-wood types all started “courageously coming forward” to “reveal their Truth” in the wake of the Clintons’ takedown of Weinstein, it irritated the crap out of me. I mean, sure, you could credibly argue that the casting-couch swindle amounted to de facto coercion of those women. But it was coercion of a particularly weak sort, depending entirely as it did on how badly those women wanted to be in the movies or on TV or whatever. Every last one of them could have just as easily said no and walked the fuck out, and plenty of them did just that.

      If your explicit consent is required in order to be coerced, well, that sorta tosses any and all accusations of “rape” right out the window, seems to me. Yes, I do think what’s gone on behind the scenes in Hollywood for many decades is a Very Bad Thing, and creeps like Weinstein and the rest are despicable vermin who should have no place among decent people. But they’re exploiting women who are demonstrably willing to put themselves up for exploitation. And that puts things in a very different light. Any woman willing to be exploited in exchange for her shot at fame and fortune isn’t being exploited, exactly. Not if her ostensible “exploiter” upholds his end of the deal, she ain’t. She’s participating in a business arrangement–an ugly and sleazy one, maybe, but one she freely agreed to nonetheless, and wound up profiting from herself.

      I’d much prefer that fame and fortune be parceled out strictly according to above-average talent and a willingness to earn your success by working hard for it. But the fact is, ANY business is susceptible to becoming every bit as ugly as the creatures running it given A) sufficient time; B) an adequate supply of willing “victims” for whom desire outweighs morality and personal integrity, and C) a complete lack of oversight which could prevent the industry from being warped by the degenerates and sickos at the top. If those conditions are present, the longer they continue to fester, the closer its gradual lapse into decay and dissolution comes to being inevitable.

      That said, just like most of the other problems we face, so it is with this one: it could easily have been prevented, with the purported “victims” capable of putting an end to the whole thing early on, before it grew into the enormous, many-tentacled monster deeply embedded throughout show biz that it now is. Whether out of intimidation, collusion, or lack of confidence in their true power, they chose to do nothing instead, and things went the way they went. As Dear Abby used to say: Nobody can take advantage of you without your permission, dear.

    2. I recall it being mentioned before the oleaginous creep’s treasonous inauguration that Psaki didn’t want to be press secretary and had to be talked into it because no one else could and would do it. No idea how true that story is, and it’s possible I misread or misremembered, but there it is.

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Ezra Pound

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GK Chesterton

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Ronald Reagan

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NC Reed, from Parno's Peril

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