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Working out fine

Looks like Florida’s “Don’t Say Gay none of that mentally-bent, freaky-deaky shit In Front Of MY Child!” Bill is already getting results.

NBC Report – Florida Teachers Who Promote Gender and Sexuality Lessons With Kindergarten Students Are Quitting in Protest
It looks like the Disney corporation may be getting a new batch of applicants as NBC reports that LGBTQ elementary school teachers, those who generally advocate for the promotion of kindergarten gender and sexuality discussions, are quitting their jobs in Florida.

As shared by fourth grade lesbian teacher Nicolette Solomon (pictured below), “so many kids” throughout her elementary school — even those she did not teach directly — came out to her.”

Apparently, if the LGBTQ teachers are correct, there are thousands of lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, transgender and queer elementary aged students in Florida entering the school system every year, and the grooming teachers are now panicked they will not be able to guide them in their sexual exploration.

Oh looky everyone, it’s yet another sexually-befuddled and scientifically-deficient fabulist using her awesome “Distort Reality Until It Conforms To How I Think It Should Be” Superpower. “Thousands,” says he/she/it—when the historical record more believably states that the percentage of elementary-school children announcing themselves as “transgender” has held rock-steady at a smidge under 1% since always. How very curious, then, that all of a sudden the numbers currently being shrieked at normal people by sexuality-obssessed loons have climbed high enough to take station in low Earth orbit over an unprecedented, credibility-shattering three to five years.

SO: from many decades of consistently staying well within the range of total statistical insignificance, formerly stable percentages explode practically overnight, no reason, no rhyme, no questions, please. The recent data, if valid, suggests an extremely unusual shift, a genuine anomaly which will necessarily be followed by similarly broad and ungovernable changes to the very fabric of our lives: in our attitudes, in our legal system, in our understanding of human sexuality, just for openers. Pretty much all and every segment of American society will be altered in one way or another.

The older data confirmed transgenders as one of the smallest of minorities here in the US, demographically invisible outliers as rarely encountered as Captain Ahab’s white whale. This was at best unsettling news for most if not all transgenders, moreso yet for the political activists among them, who regarded their singular circumstances as amounting to an out and out threat. And no wonder, really: being relegated to the outermost margins of American society, as remote as it’s possible to be from whatever you think “mainstream” is nowadays, their negligible census revokes any claim to the attention of the overwhelming majority of us who aren’t doctors; researchers working in the fields of sexual dysfunction, chronic depression, or inclinations towards self-harm or even suicide; counselors, psychiatrists, or clinical statisticians; friends, family, or colleagues who are close to a struggling gender-dysphoric individual and concerned for their well-being—ie, those not directly involved with someone afflicted by transgender dysphoria.

Wonder what the underlying factors causing this truly staggering statistical shift might be, eh? Has anything changed in our aforementioned three to five year timeframe that could have brought on such a remarkable development? Might this LGBTwhateverwhothehellcaresanyway schoolmarm’s ardent campaign to recruit and sexualize kids far too young to know or care what sexual identity even IS—being scrupulously careful to keep her loathsome machinations under wraps and out of reach of parental scrutiny have played some small part?

Or could it be possible that these so-called “teachers” are simply lying—exaggerating the numbers to aid them in furthering a depraved political agenda? Naaah, that’s unpossible. Ah well, guess we’ll never know what’s really going on here. This part did make me smile, though.

Glad to hear it, bitch. With more of you walking, talking malignancies immovably committed to the proposition that all evangelizing pedophiles are endowed by their Creator with the unalienable right to spend their workday recruiting children now deciding to get OUT of the government schools, maybe we can get more normal, mentally-healthy Americans back INTO them. If so, it would surely go a long way towards putting this fucked-up country back on the right track over the long haul.

“Leaving the profession,” was it? It’s all too clear that you are seriously confused concerning what your profession entails, and what the job is generally agreed to involve. Either that, or you’ve wantonly forsaken your professional duty as an educator; betrayed your professional code of ethics, assuming such a thing still exists; and brazenly shat all over the sense of duty to your young wards your profession demands of you: to instruct, to inspire, to assist, and to shield from harm to the best of your ability. Foolishly, you and your fellow snakes in the grass all labor under the misapprehension that recruiting schoolkids for enlistment into the ranks of your Creepy Crusaders™ forms any part of y’all’s job description. I assure you, it does NOT. Trust me on this one, please. It’s for your own good.

Like me, Benjamin Braddock finds this Satanic smorgasmord of unleavened depravity, all served up on a kiddie-size platter alongside the readin’, ritin’, and ‘rithmatic, grotesque and sickening.

This is not normal. But it’s also not at all surprising. After all, anyone who has “done the work” to understand the postmodern American Left recognizes this reaction for what it is: groomer fragility.

The spectacle of America’s cultural elite uniting to defend the propriety of child porn in school libraries, insisting that a gender ideology they had not even heard about until seven years ago must be taught to seven-year-olds, and a presidential administration publicly celebrating the breast amputation, genital mutilation, and sterilization of autistic children, should be utterly appalling to anyone with a shred of human decency. This all has led some on the Right to finally try to do what the Left always does: coin a novel political epithet.

“Groomer.” It’s not a very nice word, to be sure.

Oh, I dunno about all that, now. I find it kinda funny, myself.

But the Right must decide: Do we prefer to play nice with perverts who are very sexually interested in our children?

We shouldn’t be playing with the shitlib Left—in all their multitudinous guises—at all, period. “Playing nice” with Leftard excrescences of every warp and woof—when what we should have been doing from the start was hunting them down like rabid animals, skinning the carcass alive, then heading on down to the bank to redeem the pasty, city boy-soft pelt for a nice new toaster oven, a twenty-dollar Piggly-Wiggly gift card, and a book of Green Stamps—is a big part of how and why we came to find ourselves in such an awful predicament: trapped in a nuthatch being run by ranting, raving madmen with no hope of escape.

We can expect most conservative pundits and Republican politicians to choose the first option. Because they crave a simulacrum of respectability above all else, they’re more likely to be offended by association with people who call liberals mean names than by the psychosexual campaign against childhood innocence. You should not take any moral cues from them. You should call a spade a spade.

BANG. ZOOM. To the fucking MOON, Alice.

When you say “OK, groomer,” the best defense they’ve got is to be outraged as though you’ve just called them a pedophile. And it is, of course, not very nice to go around calling people pedophiles.

Impolite, perhaps. A not-subtle invitation to be a combatant in the pending vulgar brawl, absolutely. But hey, if the shoe fits, right?

But don’t let that trouble you. That isn’t what you said.

Believe me, it doesn’t. Not even a little bit. And anyway, weren’t you the one saying we should call a spade a spade only a minute or so ago?

That’s just where their minds jumped. Kind of weird, isn’t it? I mean, look it up in a dictionary. Synonyms: “educate, train, coach, drill, tutor.” Relevant definition: “to get into readiness for a specific objective.”

The fact that they hear the word “pedophile” when you don’t say it is part of their groomer fragility. Most, after all, don’t intend to acquire direct carnal knowledge of children.

Think so, do ya? Tell me, exactly how confident are you about that “most” statement of yours, Ben? Because with more and more of these fiendish freakazoids openly declaring themselves all over the place, acting as if this new outrage of advocacy for turd-burgling little boys was something to be proud of, rather than permanently disqualifying them from being allowed to be in the same time zone with decent, upstanding folk, I ain’t as sanguine as I’d like to be about that one.

Also, I don’t give a sizzling shit about what liberals think they hear, nor about any feelings brought on by whatthehellever it was they thought they heard me say, regardless of whether I actually said it or not. Least of all do I feel obliged to stammer out some mealy-mouthed “I didn’t do it, I didn’t do it!!” in defense of anything I say, do, or think. They can all go take a flying fuck at a plate-glass window for all me—them, their families, and the horse they rode in on, too.

Foul-tasting update! About as appetizing as the Saturday night contents afloat in the bowl of the downstairs men’s room toilet at CBGBs. On Saint Patrick’s Day, the annual high holy day celebrating the patron saint of all amateur drunks.

The inclusion of sexual identity measures in large scale national surveys have added to our knowledge about the lives of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and questioning youth (LGBQ). For example, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) has highlighted adverse mental health indicators among LGBQ students, including greater depressive symptoms, increased rates of seriously considering suicide, and higher rates of attempted suicide (Zaza et al., 2016). Until now, there has been a lack of nationwide data on risk factors and negative outcomes associated with transgender youth in the U.S. (diGiacomo et al., 2018). This brief report highlights newly released data from the 2017 YRBS which focuses on transgender high school students (Johns et al., 2019).

Overall, 1.8% of youth identified as transgender. The almost 2% prevalence rate is more than double the previously available estimate of 0.7%. The prior estimate was based on the patterns of transgender identity among adults (Herman et al., 2017). However, it was noted that the 0.7% estimation would be inaccurate if younger cohorts identify as transgender at a sharply higher rate than 18–24 year olds. This YRBS data reveals that younger youth are indeed identifying as transgender at an increased rate.

Transgender youth reported significantly increased rates of depression, suicidality, and victimization compared to their cisgender peers. Notably, in the past year, one in three transgender youth reported attempting suicide, almost one-third reported being a victim of sexual violence, and more than half reported a two-week period of depression.

Bold theirs, not mine. It doesn’t necessarily have to mean anything, so make of it what you will. Just pointing it out, that’s all.

This new data provides key insights about transgender youth. However, our knowledge is still incomplete as only 10 states and 9 large urban school districts included a question on gender identity in the 2017 YRBS. Additionally, we do not have information about other youth who do not identify as cisgender including gender fluid, non-binary, and agender youth. The Trevor Project and partner agencies have long advocated for the inclusion of sexual orientation and gender identity and expression questions in population based surveys, including the YRBS. We will continue our efforts to ensure that this valuable data is collected from all states and large urban school districts to best understand and support these youth.

16 thoughts on “Working out fine

  1. I’ve been calling progtards, libtards, demtards, and other groper allies “groomer” for a couple-three years now, especially as “OK, Groomer.”

    But just today someone made a suggestion which was a really good point. Twitter and Facebook and Google can, may have threatened to, or have censored the word “groomer”.

    Therefore, we should start referring to pedophiles and their allies as “Disney”. “OK, Disney.” “Oh, you voted for biden, you Disney?”

          1. Marky needs help, he should convert to islam. If he already hasn’t. It would keep him on script

          2. Just another filthy lying Jew. But then that fits in well with a significant majority of Jews across the West – 70-75% – who yearn for the “good old days” of their Messiahs – Lenin and Stalin!!!

            1. 70-75%

              Remove the % sign and you have the average IQ of the Jew hater.

              And they just pull numbers out their ass.

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Charles Bukowski

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Ezra Pound

“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.”
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Bertrand de Jouvenel

"It is terrible to contemplate how few politicians are hanged."
GK Chesterton

"I predict that the Bush administration will be seen by freedom-wishing Americans a generation or two hence as the hinge on the cell door locking up our freedom. When my children are my age, they will not be free in any recognizably traditional American meaning of the word. I’d tell them to emigrate, but there’s nowhere left to go. I am left with nauseating near-conviction that I am a member of the last generation in the history of the world that is minimally truly free."
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David Black, from Turn Left For Gibraltar

"If the laws of God and men, are therefore of no effect, when the magistracy is left at liberty to break them; and if the lusts of those who are too strong for the tribunals of justice, cannot be otherwise restrained than by sedition, tumults and war, those seditions, tumults and wars, are justified by the laws of God and man."
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Frederick Douglass

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Joseph Goebbels

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Ronald Reagan

"Ain't no misunderstanding this war. They want to rule us and aim to do it. We aim not to allow it. All there is to it."
NC Reed, from Parno's Peril

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