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“America has a nigger problem”

Glen Filthie just goes ahead and says it, then BCE analyzes.

Looking around, outside of a few mentions mostly on Fox News, it’s fucking *crickets* about the Mass Murder of Grannies and Kids at a Christmas Parade.  We know that we got 5 dead so far and 40 injured, out of that 40?  18 little kids, 10 of which who’re in Intensive Care

Annnd I called it last night…the nigger in question?
Oh what a sweetheart dis fukkin’ guy is…
“A background check from Wisconsin’s Department of Justice came back with over 50 pages of charges against Brooks stretching back decades.”


He’s a Class Two convicted Pedophile in Nevada.
Plus, he pure hates Whypeepo as shown by his numerous poastings which, BTW are being scrubbed as fast as they can be found by the oh-so-helpful Social media so as to try and provide cover for this fuck.

Fret not, BC; as you already indicated, this is going to be yet another of those Must Drop Like Hot Rock stories for the MFM, as big of an inconvenience for Teh Narrative™ as it amounts to. Oh, and as for all that “If Rittenhouse had been a black guy…” squee-squee being nasally whimpered by The Usual Suspects desperate to peddle the idea that any Strong, Proud Black Man™ put on trial for a like “offense” would have NO HOPE WHATEVER of being sprung by a jury? Y’know, ’cause RAYCISS ‘N’ SHITZ, WUZZUP NOMESAYN? Let’s just put paid to all that happy horseshit without further ado, shall we?

This idea that only white people are allowed to avail themselves of the claim of self-defense, or that they can largely just do whatever and get away with it by claiming self-defense, is absurd: a thread. 

Jaleel Stallings was acquitted of multiple attempted murder charges related to him shooting at several St. Paul police officers last summer. He [reasonably] claimed self-defense and that he had no idea these guys were cops.

It took the jury only four hours instead of four days to acquit Stephen Spencer of murder in a white man’s death during a race-related dispute. Spencer claimed self-defense.

Timothy Simpkins, an 18-year-old who shot three people with an illegally possessed gun at a Texas high school, is literally out on bond right now and claiming he shot in self-defense. Honestly, he has a viable claim wrt to the intended target.

Dolores White stabbed her daughter’s boyfriend to death. Acquitted on the theory of self-defense.

Trey Adams stabbed a high school classmate to death. Acquitted for? You guessed it – acting in self-defense.

Letoya Ramseure. Claimed self-defense in the fatal shooting of her boyfriend. Acquitted on all charges.

I could go on and on.

And then she does. OH, how she does, on and on and on and on before her final resounding bitchslap:

tl;dr – your race-baiting narratives about self-defense claims in the American legal system are hot trash, all sound and fury, signifying nothing. 

“But Amy, these 50ish cases are just anecdotes that don’t address very obvious racial disparities in the system” like NO YOU DUNDERHEADS I know I literally have multiple threads on this thanks for refuting an argument I’m not making by supporting a premise I’m not debating.

Mike’s Iron Law #4296-54e, addendum 67: If shitlibs didn’t have distortions, distractions, and outright lies, they’d have nothing to say at all.

Certain Nigras sure act like they want a race war something awful, don’t they? At less than 14 percent of the population, as I’ve said so many, many times before, they DEFINITELY want to think that proposition over carefully, to whatever degree they’re capable of thought at all. Given the way things are going these days, that is by no means a given. Run over a few more innocent white children that have done no conceivable harm to any denizen of any Coontown anywhere in the entire country and I’d say that, ready or not, whether they will or they nil, our darker-complected brethren will get the war they say they want, in spades and with great big bells on.

So be it, then. We’ll just see how that works out for ’em in the end.


11 thoughts on ““America has a nigger problem”

  1. I got some pushback at Daily Pundit over my position that if white people didn’t stand up for themselves, nobody would. I also noted that in the upcoming wars, your skin would be your uniform.

    The pushback was the usual – America is a nation of immigrants, we have always welcomed diversity, diversity is a good thing, and so on.

    But now we have blacks looting ritzy shops in San Francisco in broad daylight, burning, looting, and murdering in Kenosha, (a city only 11% black) and now a parade of white people being slaughtered in Waukesha.

    Why do I say “white people?”

    Because Waukesha is only 3% black, and hence slightly whiter than my own much smaller Indiana town. Run down a parade in either place, though, and you are attacking white people, because nobody else is there.

    The automobile (or truck) makes an excellent mass slaughter machine. It comes on fast, it protects the occupants, and it wreaks a lot of death and injuries.

    This blackskin warrior chose well for his attack on the whiteskins he hated. The cops even tried to stop him by shooting at his vehicle, but failed.

    I’ve wondered what I would do in a similar situation, and Waukesha demonstrates that my little town could face something similar. I’m always armed, but generally not with anything capable of stopping a vehicle at 40 mph. I guess the only option is to maintain situational awareness (which you should try to do anyway) and just hope to be able to get out of the way in time.

    For those who still cling to the idea that diversity will save us, note that this guy didn’t ask whether his victims liked blacks, supported black causes, or anything else. He knew they were white, so he killed as many of them as he could.

    Because they were white.

    Stick that in your diversity pipe and suck it.

  2. Colin Flaherty has written several books about negro-on-negro crime, negro-on-white crime, negro-on-Asian crime, negro-on-Hispanic crime, basically, negro-on-everybody crime that the FAKE NEWS, alphabet media rarely, if ever, covers because it doesn’t fit their false narratives about racism in America. These books are “Don’t Make the Black Boys Angry” and “White Girl Bleeds a Lot.”

    The racists in America are what I refer to as “ghetto-trash niggers” – most members of the communist/democRAT party, ALL members of the Congressional Nigger Caucus, the National Association for the Advancement of Liberal Niggers, the Nation of Islamic Niggers and so on…

    To help alleviate these democRAT-sponsored racial problems, NO politician should be allowed a security detail, especially a taxpayer-funded detail and ALL politicians must live in public-housing, especially when in Washington D.C.

    All political salaries, pensions and benefits are abolished and pay is the hourly minimum wage of $7.75, and paid only when they’re actually “working”, not on European, Far Eastern or South American junkets. Public transportation is all that’s available to them, no taxpayer-funded limousines.

    Eliminating ALL taxation, especially the income tax, and replacing it with a low, point-of-sale consumption tax would work wonders in draining the Swamp known as Washington D.C.

    By enacting the above, not too many sticky-fingered, corrupt niggers and peckerwoods would want to work for the government.

    But, if a killing war is what niggers and peckerwoods want, our targets are easily identifiable.

    1. NO politician should be allowed a security detail

      I agree with that part

      All political salaries, pensions and benefits are abolished and pay is the hourly minimum wage of $7.75

      but not that part. All you’d be doing is ensuring that the only politicians would be the already-wealthy or those looking to cash in on payoffs. (Which isn’t much different than the current situation but is a step in the wrong direction.)

        1. Barry, if you mean Vince Flynn’s version of “term limits” then I wholeheartedly agree. Vince’s version would save America’s taxpayers a whole lot of money in pension payments and medical benefits.

          I’m really surprised America’s Special Forces haven’t gotten in on the action by eliminating the most pernicious, corrupt and sticky-fingered communist and George Soros funded politicians, governors, mayors, state legislatures and district attorney’s in America.

          Can we start in America’s cesspool known as the Swamp, then work our way over to the Hamptons, then New York City and Albany, Trenton NJ, Harrisburg PA, Lansing MI, St Paul MN, Milwaukee WI, Sacramento CA, Salem OR and Olympia WA?

          Numerous exploding heads will have America’s enemies – the communist controlled democRAT party and RINO’s – scurrying for cover, never to be seen or heard from again.

          1. Not what I had in mind when I made the comment, but Flynn’s version is a good way to start.

  3. Yes, America does have a NIGGER problem and these problems arise from the ghetto-trash racist nigger, not those negroes who go to school, study, work hard, marry, provide for their families and love their country.

    I’m no fan of the deceased racist, Robert “KKK” Byrd (D, WVA), but he made a speech on the Senate floor describing what he called ‘niggers’ and ‘white niggers’ and anyone with a functioning brain knew exactly what he meant.

    There’s no place in America for niggers or peckerwoods. Unfortunately, the Congressional Negro Caucus is filled with niggers and both Houses of Congress have far too many peckerwoods.

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