It was bound to happen, and it was always gonna be gut-bustingly hilarious no matter what august personage ended up bearing witness to it.
Internet Dumps Its Best #PoopyPantsBiden Memes As Rumors Swirl Puppet President Sh** Self at Vatican
I never, ever dared to dream I’d live to see a headline as delightful as that, but incredibly, the subhed is better still.
Just a typical day for the Biden administration.
Oh, dammit all. S’cuse me just a sec, folks. CLEANUP ON AISLE THREE, STAT!!!
Joe Biden made headlines in all the worst ways during his meeting with Pope Francis in Rome over the weekend.
After the Vatican cancelled a livestream meeting with Biden over a media dispute, rumors quickly began spreading online that the cancellation was due to Biden…*ahem*…pooping his pants in front of the Holy See.
Thereby providing me with all the excuse I’ll ever need to run this unforgettable scene from the classic film The Pope Of Greenwich Village.
Eric Roberts has never been better than he was in The Pope, nor will he ever be. Same goes for Mickey Rourke with great big bells on, and possibly even veteran character-actor colossi Burt Young and Jack Kehoe too, among several other notables in the cast. Pope was a quiet little gem that came and went quick without much fuss at the box office to remember it by, failing to even make back its production costs if I remember right. Be that as it may, I saw the flick in the theater way back when, was completely charmed by it, and have adored it ever since. Read the book too, more than once, which was a good bit darker and heavier than the movie was, particularly the ending.
But back to, umm, business, shall we say. Richly blessed as we already have been by this kingly gift of a news item, the boons and benisons don’t stop there, playgoers.
Those rumors soon evolved into dank memes, which were dumped all over social media.
A big ol’ butt-load of funnies follow, none of which you will want to miss. I’ll limit myself to just one embed, difficult as the choice was to make.
#PoopypantsBiden no other president has had the courage to shit himself in front of the pope. I salute you sir.
— Jerry Sienfeld official (@JerrySienfeldo1) October 31, 2021
Looks as if ***”President”*** Brandon has cranked the stink pickle heard ’round the world, a real stinkburger of a faux pas to put the cap on a long and noteworthy career of blunders, gaffes, and general self-beclownment with one he’ll never, ever be able to live down. How perfect is it that, after interminable decades in desperate, obsessive pursuit of an office he always was manifestly inadequate to successfully occupy, the corrupt old bunco artist finally did somehow manage to hoodwink his way into it…only to find it almost certainly the most miserable, excruciating experience of his entire worthless life?
Think of it: to ascend to the Presidency in his dotage—AT LONG, LONG LAST!!!—via a process so thoroughly tainted and corrupt that not just half the country but half the entire WORLD is deeply suspicious of his regime; has absolutely no respect for him or his plainly-usurped mantle of authority; and scornfully revels in his every successive misstep, on the vanishingly few occasions when people bother to even pay attention at all.
Yep, I think it’s safe to say that being POTUS has NOT turned out like ***”President”*** Brandon hoped or imagined it might, he nor his grabby, grubby show-wife either one. Not at all. They had imagined a plush, highly-remunerative sinecure being obsequiously pampered in the White House, the envious gaze of one and all focused on them with awe and admiration for their nation’s esteemed Chief Executive and his lovely First Lady. Instead, the miserable wretches are caught in the iron clutches of living nightmare, a sweaty horror from which there is no awakening.
And now the raddled old cretin has gone and publicly shat himself, in close physical proximity to the fucking Pope, ferchrissakes. Which Pontiff quietly noted this absolute nadir of humiliation, this total loss of all control of one’s person—even as the thick, fetid stench wafted far enough to invade the Papal nostrils all too swiftly—and dropped the decrepit oaf from his busy schedule posthaste, without offering any official explanation. Not that anybody needed one, after the nasty truth had, umm, leaked.
Couldn’t happen to a nicer asshole, if you ask me.
But at least our long, National, Orange nightmare is finally over! Amirite?
Exactly! No mean tweets. It’s more important than anything else.
It is difficult to imagine a more perfect summary of the Biden “Administration” than this event. Maybe we can make it a verb — to do a Biden — in similar fashion to Bush’s vomiting on the Japanese Prime Minister.
Bush’s vomitting on the Japanese PM was sabotage, not happenstance.
It’s exactly the way they’ve rolled there since…ever.
The real shame is that was not televised live internationally!!!
On Smell-a-vision?
Emperor Poopypants has been shitting all over himself for thirty years and more.
It’s just that now, it’s coming out of the sphincters at both ends.
The only thing different is that now they have to pay some attention, and his obvious mental incapacity is becoming impossible to overlook. Or oversmell.
I see an America where “Let’s Go Brandon” rallies and memes include the obligatory gas mask references, to commemorate his multitudinous problems.
This Pope deserves to be shat on.
Did the Pope join him?
That was my first thought too.
I can only hope the dope shit on the pope.
I’m not Catholic, nor Christian, nor religious at all, but I nevertheless despise that piece of crap.
(I’m almost a complete atheist, but I believe in myself. Coming from anyone else that would be arrogance or delusion but, well, I’m me.)
We all believe in SteveF 🙂
I guess “Brandon” went, so to speak…