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So long, SEALs

And thanks for all the, uhh, fish.

Hundreds of U.S. Navy SEALs are on the verge of being undeployable because they are refusing a Pentagon order to take a COVID-19 vaccine, according to a lawyer representing some of them.

R. Davis Younts, a lieutenant colonel in the Air Force reserve who is a military lawyer and is representing several of the special operators as a private attorney, indicated that the number of SEALs involved represents about one-quarter of the nearly 2,500 members of the elite fighting force.

The loss of so many of the special operators, who are on the verge of being placed in a non-deployable status, would severely cripple military readiness because special forces troops in all branches “play an outsized role in modern military operations,” Just the News reported.

Some of the SEALs were told they had until this week to get the COVID jab, leading them to claim a religious exemption since they were out of time to try and find another workaround, Younts said.

“My clients include several Navy SEALs who are a small part of a large group of SEALs and other military members who are being asked to choose between their faith and their ability to serve our nation,” he told Carlson. “They have been told that if they seek a religious accommodation, they likely will no longer be able to serve our country as Navy SEALs and been given an arbitrary deadline to comply with the vaccine mandate.

Well hey, it’s not as if a third-rate power like Amerika v2.0 is ever gonna need ’em for anything again anyhow.

The attorney said that the Defense Department has put its ultimatum in writing that SEALs who are not vaccinated, including any who received a religious exemption or have natural immunity from having contracted the virus already, will not be able to deploy with their assigned teams, which will essentially end their careers as special operators.

Tim Parlatore, an attorney who helped secure the acquittal of Navy SEAL Eddie Gallagher after he was charged with the murder of an ISIS prisoner, told the outlet he has confirmed that large numbers of SEALS are refusing the vaccine at this time.

“It’s in the hundreds. And it’s not the senior leadership. It’s all the shooters and it is going to have a huge impact,” Parlatore said. “If they continue with this asinine policy you are going to have the complete decimation of the SEAL teams,” he said.

Oh, there’s gonna be a “complete decimation” of a whole hell of a lot more than just that, bub. Compared to what’s just down the road for us all, the woes of a few hundred cornholed SEAL operators are gonna come to seem like some very small beer indeed. But does the Biden junta have yet another, harder slap in the face in store for America’s taken-for-granted Warrior Class, you ask? Three guesses, sez I.

The White House said it “strongly opposes” a provision in the 2022 defense spending bill that would block the Pentagon from dishonorably discharging a service member who refuses to get the COVID-19 vaccine.

A section in the House version of the National Defense Authorization Act would limit military commanders’ options for disciplining those who fail to comply with the vaccination mandate, the White House Office of Management and Budget said in a statement of administration policy Wednesday.

The Pentagon has described the vaccine mandate as a “lawful order” that must be obeyed.

“To enable a uniformed force to fight with discipline, commanders must have the ability to give orders and take appropriate disciplinary measures,” the White House said in a statement.

A DD, of course, deals a crippling, life-wrecking blow to the man hit with one. To wit:

A fucking D.D.?  Oh man, now that is a line that they don’t seem to understand what that means. A D.D. means like zero post-military bennies, in fact it’s like getting a felony on the record. In fact it’s worse than a felony. They fucking lose all veterans’ benefits, and are forbidden from owning a firearm, working for the government and taking out bank loans. Often, they also lose the right to vote and accept federal assistance as a civilian.

Perhaps worse still—as if all that wasn’t bad enough—having a DD on your record makes it damned near impossible to get a decent job—ever again, for the rest of your life. It’s an even blacker mark than being an ex-con is when it comes to that sort of thing. More from CBD:

Bowie Bergdahl received a dishonorable discharge for desertion and misbehavior before the enemy.

Typical reasons for dishonorable discharges include murder, rape, treason, etc. These are not trivial crimes, and dishonorable discharges are usually given only after a general court martial. And the consequences don’t stop after separation from the military, since it typically prevents the use of any military benefits, and is considered a felony in civilian life…that means no 2nd Amendment rights! Oh…good luck getting a job!

How very typical of the Biden junta. Strong-arm its opponents, use judicial contortions to punish them for daring to disagree with its edicts, and try to destroy their lives with the power of the federal government.

So servicemen who have done their duty, have served honorably in all other respects, but have a philosophical or religious objection to being forced to accept the CCP flu vaccination will be treated the same way as murderers and rapists and deserters?

Biden and the whores who pull his strings are without honor, have no concept of what honor is, cannot comprehend honorable actions, and simply assume that all Americans who act contrary to the junta’s desires are enemies of the state and should be crushed under the weight of its authority.

That’s the thing, though: we’re ALL “enemies of the State” now—the State as it currently exists, the illegitimate one that insidiously supplanted America That Was in the dead of night, by every manner of sneakthievery and skullduggery. I consider it to be a badge of honor myself, and so should the SEALs and all other soon-to-be-separated military personnel, SOF or otherwise. And with that in mind, there IS a potential silver lining here.

This has to be the stupidest fucking plan EVER implemented by ANY and ALL DotGov and DotMil in history. I mean Holy. Fucking. Shit. Not only are they going to purely gut the Special Operations Community, but then after busting their asses loyally, doing the dirtiest of deed for them, to not only cashier them all, but also essentially fuck them in the ass (with ground glass and sand, sans lube) on the way out the door in the form of “criminalizing them”.

Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeah. That’ll work. I’m sure that they’ll take that news with a calm, measured response. Well, actually, the few SEALs I’ve interacted with? On a good day they tend to be the sleepy-eyed bored looking dude at the back of the room, who’s usually calculating how much effort it’ll take to kill every one in the aforementioned room. So, yeah, it’ll be calm and measured. But NOT in the way I think these idiots think it’ll happen. Just short of locking the SEALs up, we’re talking for real no-shit trained unmerciful killers.  

And by literally criminalizing “freedom of choice” and “my body, my choice” in DIRECT violation of the Nurnberg codes, whelp, In my fictional world, three SEAL Teams in concert could wreak absolute havoc in an incredibly short period of time. Hell, a Direct Assault of the Capitol by one Team, killing as they go, and the Senate and congress hit simultaneously by another Team? Or even a simple “decapitation strike” on the White House? I mean these guys? The “regular fuzz” to include even the Secret Service are not prepared to do anything other than to become “good Feds” i.e. dead as doornails IF the SEALs decide to turn them into “good Feds”. Literally there ain’t no “quit” in them. I could realistically see it.  

If anything, IF the SEALs went “full retard” I could literally visualize the cops, standing on the stairs of the Capitol Building listening to the gunshots, screams, grunts, explosions, and not doing a fucking thing. Like standing there, waiting. Watching torrents of blood run in rivers down the marble stairs and saying to each other “I ain’t paid near the fuck enough to go in there for anything.” and waiting for the noise to die down. Then, as the noise tapers and stops, a platoon sized element of blood soaked warriors walk out the door, covered in gore, gobbets of flesh, weapons shouldered and smoking, and look at the cops and the leader says something: “Don’t make us come back…” and walks off, unmolested.

Know what’s keeping me awake nights of late? Wondering whether all this fuck-uppery should be thought of as a real-life demonstration of “they know not what they do” in action—just the core, marrow-deep stupidity endemic throughout Mordor on the Potomac in full effect—or not. The hotter the dumpster fire burns, the more it all—ALL of it, I mean, from the Biden Bugout to the border boobery to the fifty-megaton backfire of (Not)Vaxx fascism, the whole damned goatfuck ENTIRE—begins to look to me as if it simply COULDN’T be happenstance, bad luck, or mere incompetence.

No, this HAS to be some sort of a plan, an op they’re running on us. Doesn’t it? I suppose it might barely be possible that these Deep State/Biden junta klowns are indeed this mind-blowingly, hamfistedly D-M-U-B, yes. BARELY. But really now, how LIKELY can that be? Because if they ARE that stupid, they’d have to be unable to tie their own shoes, feed themselves, or come in out of the rain—much less scheme, claw, and back-stab their way up to the highest-level positions in the most powerful, amoral, and blackhearted tyranny the world has ever known.

But if it IS some kind of plan or op, then what on earth do our would-be Masters intend to achieve by it? What is the desired outcome of all this, how do they define success? Is instigating flailing, mindless, widespread and ongoing chaos the whole point?

Whatever the behind-the-scenes truth of the matter may be—whether this is an ingenious plan worthy of The Insidious Dr Fu Manchu himself, or the kind of clumsy anarchy only a rubber-room-wardful of board-certified, one hundred and ninety proof retards could possibly contrive—things are obviously NOT going well for them. For one thing, it’s apparent they’ve been caught on the weak foot by the sudden almighty blast of real resistance to them, which is only going to grow and worsen from here. By tightening their grip on our throats, they create the very conditions that will bring them down. It’s one of history’s most fulsome ironies: that the bane of all tyrants, sooner or later, is tyranny itself.

And that brings us right ’round to the funniest bit of all, the shiniest of silver linings: Behold ye the clown of clowns, in the timeless routine these people bring to my mind first, last, and always.

Yes, I’m laughing at you assholes, you two-bit schoolyard bullies, you clueless fucking imbeciles. Your petty edicts will neither touch me, nor break me, nor induce me to submit. I DEFY YOU, I SCORN YOU, I DESPISE YOU. Today, tomorrow, and forever. Let Melville’s indomitable Captain Ahab say it for me:

Towards thee I roll, thou all-destroying but unconquering whale; to the last I grapple with thee; from hell’s heart I stab at thee; for hate’s sake I spit my last breath at thee.


3 thoughts on “So long, SEALs

  1. You’ve got a class of people who have been catered to their entire lives, who have been told that their shit doesn’t stink, that they’re more intelligent and wise than those not in their class – and they all think alike. This isn’t the generation that went through World War II, or Korea. It’s not even the generation that went through Vietnam. This group of bright-eyed and bushytailed morons have never had to confront a serious crisis that they, themselves, did not script from the beginning. Up until now, groupthink has worked out OK, but, as George Patton once said, “if everyone is thinking the same thing, then someone isn’t thinking”, with its obvious implications. The elite colleges of 30 years ago that these people came out of, the great majority with liberal arts degrees, didn’t place a premium on thinking – or talking – outside of the box. So they have little or no experience – or knowledge – of what life is like outside of their constrained, exclusive social circles. Can they be *this* stupid and incompetent? Sure they can, you bet.

  2. Now just imagine the millions of us that served in non-com capacities, see all this, and are totally disgusted and really angered by it. We haven’t forgotten our Oath or training for how to identify, acquire, and destroy a target. The elimination of just one tyrant or enforcement goon is a small step in the restoration of our Republic.

  3. I’m not worried about the Special Operations community, in the slightest.
    The SEALs separated will go right on protecting the Constitution from all enemies, foreign and domestic, just as before.

    They’ll simply transition to doing it without a government paycheck, and from outside the military establishment.

    If Gropey Dopey Joe and his DemoCommunist Banana Republicans haven’t the wit to see how Weimar created the <i>freikorps</i>, and insist on going about things the same way, then I’m fine with the fate that’s about to befall those in power.

    But historians will tell stories about what’s about to happen to those fools, for a thousand years afterwards.

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