Or, if you want to be a bit more prosaic about it: death throes.
The events at the spa were bad enough. The attack by AntiFa, and the subsequent actions of the police in 1) refusing to defend the peaceable protestors and 2) arresting a man who dared to defend himself make it plain that Los Angeles, California is about to collapse into complete chaos – and it might take the whole state with it.
The Golden State is the chief “produce cart” of these United States. Imagine it as a “failed state” in which there is no order and no safety. Be quick about it; soon you won’t need to imagine.
The lesson in this “should” be “obvious.” Sadly, it isn’t.
Throughout the nation, public order is breaking down. I can hardly name a city of significant size where Black Lives Matter and AntiFa don’t run rampant. Municipal police departments are either indifferent or impotent. Though there haven’t yet been many, reports of home invasions by those forces are making honest, peaceable Americans fearful about their own homes. As for urban commercial districts, I hardly think I need comment.
Los Angeles may be the forerunner of a complete social collapse from coast to coast. The consequences will include food shortages, loss of electrical power, unavailability of fuels, disruption of the roads, open gang violence, and many other things. If you think having the kids confined to the house this past year was bad, you ain’t seen nothin’ yet – and I hope you never do, though in my view the portents are grim.
The following is from a novel-under-construction:
“Public order is a matter of public will,” Merrell said in his most famous first-term address. “We have lacked the will. We dislike to compel immigrants and the young to conform to the norms of public decorum. We dislike to demand that public charges aim for self-sufficiency and make an honest effort to achieve it. We dislike to budget for law enforcement. We dislike to see armed men who embody the authority of the law patrolling our streets. We dislike to erect and staff prisons. We especially dislike to clear the streets of vagrants and idlers by force, or to hold parents responsible for the deeds of their miscreant children. Yet these measures, not ‘tolerance,’ nor ‘leniency,’ nor ‘understanding,’ nor ‘compassion,’ nor ‘community service,’ are the ones that will mitigate our problems with poverty, vagrancy, vandalism, and more serious crimes.”
Would anyone care to argue with John Merrell?
Remember the immense improvement in the condition of New York City when Mayor Rudy Giuliani sent forth its police to enforce all the laws, including the ones pertinent to “quality of life?” You don’t have to be that old to recall those years. Giuliani’s success in making the Big Apple a pleasant place to live, work, and shop was why he acquired the sobriquet “America’s Mayor.” Contrast the Giuliani years with those of the odious crypto-Communist Bill de Blasio.
I remember it quite well; as it happens, I moved to NYC for the very last thrashing about of the Dinkins mis-administration, and the difference when Giuliani took the City Hall reins was impossible to miss. There’s really no credible way to deny that the man singlehandedly saved NYC from itself, although certainly there are plenty of fools who tried then and still do today.
Of course, since I lived on the LES the professionally designed and printed posters plastered all over downtown featuring a pic of Rudy with a Hitler-style brush moustache and thinning combover, denouncing him as a “Nazi” and “literally Hitler,” were equally impossible to miss. Alas, New Yorkers have for many years been people who simply don’t understand what’s good for them; like a child balking at the taste of his medicine, they’d just as soon stay sick, thanks.
There is only one issue that matters in the elections of the years before us: law and order. No candidate who refuses to make that his one and only priority should receive even a single vote. Unless and until peaceable Americans are once more able to go about their lives without fear, this nation will come ever closer to chaos and disintegration. Whether anything could be reclaimed from the wreckage is dubious.
The traditional norms of public deportment, from the prohibition of violence all the way to standards of decency, must be enforced humorlessly and without exception. Nothing else will serve. What people choose to do in the privacy of their homes is of no moment.
Agreed, wholeheartedly. But nobody should be laying down any significant sum betting that it’s at all likely to happen. The chaos, division, and strife sown by the Evil Left has been working way too well for them to expect they’d dream of tolerating such a thing. There’s only one effective way to deal with their recalcitrance, a macabre last resort that we’re all perfectly well aware of. They seem bound and determined to leave us with no other choice but to kill them off in job lots—and with every passing day, I grow more convinced that they ought to get their wish.
Well hell, I’ll just repeat my last comment here:
“This is the most important part. Be Prepared.
There is a storm coming and lead will fly. You’d best have some of your own and at least a passing familiarity with the operation of your weapons.
I see no way we can avoid the storm.”
Let us add, have food and water on hand or a means to gather water. Make sure you have what you need for your pets as well. Don’t forget first aid.
It’s not for me, but I won’t hound you over it.
Heh. I shoulda realized that anybody hanging around this here websty of their own volition is gonna be A-okay with bad jokes. 😀
Yeah, thinking otherwise would be barking up the wrong tree. 🙂
To twist Mencken slightly, [they] know what they want and deserve to get it good and hard.
Yet they inflict upon us the Biggest Joke of All which is the Not The President Dementia Joe Biteme.
I guess the Joke’s on US…
I generally agree with the quoted article, but even here we see too much hesitation to call things what they are and too much weasel wording. LA is “about” to collapse into chaos? For all but the wealthiest areas, chaos has been raging for some time. At the other side of the country, there is no “crypto” about De Blasio’s communism. Even when trying to describe the terrible state of things today, the decades of intimidation and media slanting of reality color everything.
This is the ultimate reason I have very little hope for the future. 95+% of the population can’t see the problems at all, and of those who do 95+% struggle to get past the decades of programming and spin to clearly call things what they are. Including me, far too often. The enemies of civilization have been far too successful at making it impossible to even think BadThoughts.
If they mention how long it’s been going on and how bad it has been then someone might ask why the two Bush Presidents failed to do anything about it.
Now they can just blame it on a reaction to MAGA and Trump.
Yep, you see the same thing I see, It’s all bad Trump’s fault.