Renegade Wes sends, and my thanks to him for the heads-up.
We are paralyzed. Paralyzed by fear. We have not acted due to the fact that people love their cushy lives, and the material possessions they have accumulated. We don’t act out of fear of losing those we love. We don’t act because doing so will forever change us. There will be an incredible loss of life. However if we don’t act there will be an incredible loss of life, it’s what communist do.
People say there is no plan, no leadership, and no consensus, this too complicates things. It keeps people from doing what in their hearts they know must be done. Our side can’t agree on anything, just look in our comment section. If we can’t stop with all the pettiness against each other, it’s going to be damn near impossible to unite and fight against this tyranny we are faced with.
People need to realize that the country we grew up in is forever gone. What is going to take its place is up to us. You know it, deep down in your bones, you know I’m right. Accept it. All those on our side should be willing to lay it all on the line to secure a future for our children and grandchildren. Quit worrying about surviving, that is not important. We should be willing to do whatever is necessary to kill this evil that we are faced with. If you aren’t willing to do that then you have lost already.
Quit obeying every edict these little tyrants are throwing your way. Quit going along to get along. Stand up! Incrementally they are taking everything from us and we are doing nothing except griping about it under our breath.
I don’t know what steps we should take. I know what I am personally willing to do, however I have no wish to be a martyr. Yes times are different from when our founders fought to establish this once great country, but that is no excuse. We are to always fight for liberty. Tyranny flourishes when good men do nothing and that is exactly what is happening.
He’s right, and you know he is. To act precipitately or in a scattershot, uncoordinated fashion reliably produces unsatisfactory, unanticipated, even disastrous results, if history is any guide. But lethargy and self-deception in the face of a resolute and implacable foe has left us with our backs very nearly against the wall.
As Wes correctly concludes, war is upon us. Against our will, Team Libery has been forced into a literally existential struggle. We didn’t want it; we don’t like it; we’ve tried our utmost, by every conceivable means, to avoid it. But we cannot afford to lose it. Because existential struggles, by definition, can only ever have one victor, and defeat means death.
I’ve questioned the details of the generational theories. Whether it’s a “Fourth Turning” or a “Sixth Turning” matters not.
It IS a Turning. An Existential Moment for the United States of America as it was Idealized.
In the early 80s I read a book called “How I Found Freedom in an Unfree World” by Harry Browne. I still have it and reread it from time to time.
If has been a guide ever since.
I second the rec on How I Found Freedom… Don’t know if I’d consider it a life guide, but I found some useful stuff in there.
(By the way, it’s available for download on z-library.)