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Warning order

A look at “the right-wing militia”—the REAL militia, that is, not the Enemedia boogieman—from somebody who knows a thing or two about a thing or two.

To elaborate further on the militia movement, as well as to provide a cautionary note to those on the Left planning violent insurrection in the US, I asked a pal to weigh in on his thoughts and direct experiences with American militias. He is former Army special forces and a former CIA operative/contractor who has fought on the ground in insurgencies all over the world throughout his career. He is in and around the militia movement and knows a LOT of people therein, as well as their motivations, training, experience, etc. Here is what the man known to a select few as “Spear One” had to say:

The American civil militia movement is the largest and best trained para-military force in the history of the world. The elements of which militias are compromised are as follows (Note: None of the below includes the small numbers of White Supremacist or Racist Groups.):

Veterans. There are large numbers of veterans that have learned of war, and especially unconventional war, during our long years pretending to fight the insurgencies in Iraq and Afghanistan (referred to as “Afghaniraq”). Their skills learned in the formal training and in operations and their informal (unconventional) training at the hands of the enemy (that operate from the manuals and training supplied to Iran, pre-Islamic Republic, by both the U.S. Army Special Forces and the CIA). These vets have labored through the worse run combat operations America has ever fostered due to poor leadership micro-managed directly from Washington (US political leadership is more attuned to the bleating of the Washington Post then the needs of their troops or the requirements that must be met to win any kind of war). This poor leadership was adversely amplified by Rules of Engagement that negated any possibility to win, or even break even, in counter-insurgency warfare. These vets, between repeated rotations back to Afghaniraq spent their time taking care of each other (as the military did not understand their needs or would spend precious budget on soldier “life-cycle” systems support to little effect. These vets are literally chomping at the bit to tear into an obvious enemy of the US, namely, the socialists and anyone simple-minded enough to carry the socialist banner. Add in NO ROE and learned practices by terminal control of the target populations as taught by the Iranian-led Iraqi and Afghan insurgents. During their time between deployments, these troops were buying 4-Wheel-Drive vehicles, world class sniper rifles, world class combat pistols and world class (semi-automatic) military quality light rifles – and practicing maintenance, marksmanship, and putting aside fairly large amounts of ammunition (close at hand at this moment).

Large numbers of retired Special Operations Forces (or those with expired terms of service) that are prepared and trained to organize and lead Civil Militia forces. Add to the veterans core the large numbers of talented folks who are combat engineers who are not only trained and experienced at building and fixing, but are inventive and talented at breaking anything placed in their way. One does not need explosives to conduct demolitions – heavy construction equipment, fire and good ol’ 7.62 ammo are better than adequate to destroy anything that needs “interdiction” to support the goals of a counter-insurgency. These folks are organizing right now, and many are in lock-step with their local sheriff’s office and nearby active military units. Let us not forget those special operations personnel that matriculated into the Intelligence Community. All of their skills lying dormant while in the military were exercised while with the IC. These folks know how to deal with anything the government dishes out.

Lots more pertinent info here from Spear One, who closes his analysis thusly:

A US civil militia is real; it is just waiting for things perpetrated in the streets by the Left to get to a tipping point, or a call from a congressional coalition or the President to commence action. They are forming now and vetting personnel. A few have initiated a few simple international operations and are ironing out the bumps in organization (they tend to be decentralized). Each Spec Ops NCO can train up and lead dozens, and upon linking up with other dozens can form large paramilitary formations. There is no fear factor – a civil war now to save the country from socialist takeover (and the subsequent turnover to globalist powers) overrides all life issues and is abetted by that pesky oath taken by those vets and those militia members upon enlistment and reenlistment. An oath that is not forgotten and an oath that will always be in effect until each patriot’s dying day: “… defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic …”

On a personal note, when I go to Arlington National Cemetery, I stand humbled before the eternal formation being stood by those who went before me. There is nothing I would not do to stay faithful to those heroes of our Republic. The least of them seems better than me, and I would do anything to measure up, and perhaps earn their respect after the fact. The current burgeoning domestic socialist threat has to be countered and in such a way as to make the point clear – Against All Enemies – period.

And one final warning from Stu, a US Navy lifer his own self:

“Spear One” provides us a REAL glimpse into the militia movement and its motivations, not the nonsense propagated by the agit-prop legacy media. These people are consummate patriots descended directly from the Founders, who are willing to lay everything on the line to defend, protect, and preserve our constitutional Republic. The patriotic militia movement will NOT let the Left’s brown shirts – Antifa and BLM – prevail. The brown shirts should think twice about inciting an insurrection because the result will not be what they think it will be.

Real Americans have cautioned, beseeched, even pleaded with Proggy to pay heed, all to no avail. As John says, three of the Four Boxes have failed us. And that ain’t good.

A failed voting system is a cancer on the Republic. The voting system is exactly the last system that can relieve pressure in politics.

That leaves only one box:

The Ammo Box.
The Founders wisely put free speech in the First Amendment. They put in an above-average justice system. They put in a voting system that minimized the spread of fraud – the Electoral College.

But they also put in place the Second Amendment, which had the purpose of being both a safety measure and a curb on government. The safety measure is that a populace who is armed feels safer – they will be measured in a response. The curb on government is the flip side of that coin: if you were going to do something that would put a substantial portion of your population to think that armed insurrection was a better idea than doing what the government said?

The government loses.

In this nation, the bulk of the American population is well-armed. A portion of it, veterans, are very well trained, perhaps better trained than the current members of the military. I know several people that compete regularly shooting things so far away that I can’t see them even if I’m wearing my glasses.

Understand that ending up at this stage is something that almost no one wants. We want freedom, peace, sound money, strong justice systems, and voting systems with unquestionable integrity.

But there’s always another alternative: the last of the Four Boxes.

Let’s hope we don’t have to go there.

Nobody who knows anything at all about such things wants to go there…yet somehow, here we all are anyway. Matt Bracken runs the whole thing down for us.

I discovered this series titled “What the Progressive Socialist Liberals Have in Store for Conservatives” only yesterday, and I read all six parts in a row non-stop (NOTE: links to the aforementioned six, part 1 of which I excerpted the other day, are included in Matt’s article—M). This is a masters-degree-level course on the history and lessons of government-sponsored genocide. I can’t recommend it highly enough. Some of the many embedded images are gut-wrenching, but this lecture series does not hold back any punches.

The hosting website permits you to save these lectures as PDF files, and I recommend that you do so. The powers-that-be in the coming years will not want people to be armed with this knowledge. This lecture series will be suppressed, count on it. Save it so that you can share it later, after it is disappeared down the memory hole.


  • “White Privilege” means “Scheduled for Genocide”.
  • “Diversity Officers” collect names, put them on lists.
  • Never permit yourself to be disarmed.
  • You need to be lethal, and not afraid to use a weapon.
  • “Door to door gun collection” means SHTF is about to happen.
  • All genocide originates from the wealthy leadership.
  • Stay away from crowds.
  • When ordered to report to mass collection points – run for the woods.
  • Your neighbors WILL turn you in.

The SHTF and CWII will happen because there is no one undoing the pre-genocidal preparations for it. As such, we can expect the following truths…

  • You will not know there is a full-on Civil War until you are in the midst of it.
  • The American Second Civil War (CWII) will be a genocidal event of enormous scale.
  • There will be an organized effort to disarm prior to the war. It may or may not happen.
  • The timetable for the war has already been established. It’s going to happen whether everything is in place or not.
  • The real danger of the progressive liberal army lies well hidden from public scrutiny. It is kept intentionally hidden. Just like in Rwanda, the conspirators held very secret meetings, and had secret handshakes, and shirts that they wore to identify each other. Chess pieces are moving into place.
  • Once your hands are tied and bound behind your back it will be too late.

Again: NO SANE PERSON WANTS THIS. It has been brought to our very doorstep anyway. So if war it must be—and it appears that it must—then WE MUST PREVAIL. History clearly tells us what awaits the vanquished when the Left seizes power, every single time it’s ever happened.

It must also be said: some things are worth fighting—and bleeding, and suffering, and even dying—for. But we should never fail to consider the proposition with utmost seriousness. It must be taken not just seriously, but gravely. Nor should we underestimate the enemy, in any way whatsoever: his commitment, his capabilities, his will to fight, and fight hard. Such cocksure presumption usually proves to be a costly error, often a fatal one.

This isn’t a game. It isn’t a joke, or some kind of put-on. As I’ve said so many times before: this is the real, the bad, and the scary. It won’t be fun. It won’t be easy. It won’t be quick. Once the balls drops, there’s absolutely no telling which way it’s going to bounce, how many times it bounces, or where it will come to rest.

Unless something suddenly changes, the last of Matt’s above Take Aways is likely the most important of them all to keep foremost in mind.

13 thoughts on “Warning order

  1. The real question is how many militia “members” are actually FedPig swill who will do everything they can to DESTROY your militia. Learn from Hutaree militia, Bundy ranch, and Malheur, where there were more FedPigs than decent human beings. Fortunately, in those three cases, the “Legal” system found out and stopped the prosecuting sewage from convicting the real militia members!

    There are no good FedPigs!!!

    1. If, hypothetically, I thought that active measures needed to be taken, or at least prepared for, I wouldn’t work with anyone. You can’t get as much done by yourself, but you can’t be set up or ratted out, either.

      1. And as a “lone wolf”, you can wear attire that looks similar to the local plod. That might make them delay slightly before shooting you. And if they have to worry about anyone dressed like them, then they might start shooting each other!!! Great way to save on the bullets!!!

  2. wear attire that looks similar to the local plodwear attire that looks similar to the local plod

    Oh, hell, that’s easy. Dress like the SS minus the hat.

    1. More accurately, dress like the KGB. Those in charge yearn for the “good old days” of their Messiahs – Lenin and Stalin!!!

      1. That, too, but it’s been decades since I’ve seen a cop who wasn’t wearing all black, with boots and plenty of bling. And hats not unlike the SS hats are part of the uniform but usually not worn when interacting with the “civilians”.

        1. I recall that it was really noticeable immediately after 9/11. I remarked to several people after the dust settled that it was a shock to me: seeing cops in military garb with automatic weapons at banks, airports, and federal buildings was something I took for granted seeing in Latin America countries, not in the US. And then suddenly it was everywhere.

          And now, of course, it’s part of the background noise: people take it for granted just as Colombians did in Cartagena in the Medellin era.

          Of course, most of the people I’d talked to had never been down south in the Junta areas, so they couldn’t relate to what a shock it was to someone like me. Didn’t even register on them.

          1. I’ve never been in Latin America south of a border town in the 1980s, which had cops visible but not overwhelming and not noticeably militarized.

            I have seen soldiers and militarized cops on station or on patrol in Israel and Lebanon (back in its civil war before it was conquered), as well as in a number of countries which nominally had governments but in practice seemed to be owned block-by-block or oasis-by-oasis by whoever could put in men with guns. Even though the people had gotten used to it, it’s still a shitty way to run a civilization.

            And that’s what I’ve mentioned a couple times before: that I’m a bit peeved to have that come to US land. Even worse, that it’s fostered by “both” sides of the political “divide”.

            1. “Even worse, that it’s fostered by “both” sides of the political “divide”.”

              I’m reminded of the celebrations that occurred on both sides after the American civil war broke out. Each side thinking they’d whoop the other one inside of 6 months.

            2. *nod* I’ve never been to Lebanon or the ME. Interesting that our observations are the same of different sides of the globe.

              I remember border towns in the ’80s. You could actually go across the Border into Mexico in the ’80s and Northern Mexico wasn’t controlled by the cartels.

              I wouldn’t go across the Rio Grande for love nor money these days.

              1. “You could actually go across the Border into Mexico in the ’80s…”

                And without a passport. A drivers license was good enough.

                1. Not even that for me. I bicycled from Sierra Vista, AZ (alongside Ft Huachuca) to Naco, locked up my bike, and walked across with just a nod to the guards on each side. They didn’t even ask to check my backpack in either direction.

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"America is at that awkward stage. It's too late to work within the system, but too early to shoot the bastards."
Claire Wolfe, 101 Things to Do 'Til the Revolution

Claire's Cabal—The Freedom Forums


"There are men in all ages who mean to govern well, but they mean to govern. They promise to be good masters, but they mean to be masters."
Daniel Webster

“When I was young I was depressed all the time. But suicide no longer seemed a possibility in my life. At my age there was very little left to kill.”
Charles Bukowski

“A slave is one who waits for someone to come and free him.”
Ezra Pound

“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.”
Frank Zappa

“The right of a nation to kill a tyrant in case of necessity can no more be doubted than to hang a robber, or kill a flea.”
John Adams

"A society of sheep must in time beget a government of wolves."
Bertrand de Jouvenel

"It is terrible to contemplate how few politicians are hanged."
GK Chesterton

"I predict that the Bush administration will be seen by freedom-wishing Americans a generation or two hence as the hinge on the cell door locking up our freedom. When my children are my age, they will not be free in any recognizably traditional American meaning of the word. I’d tell them to emigrate, but there’s nowhere left to go. I am left with nauseating near-conviction that I am a member of the last generation in the history of the world that is minimally truly free."
Donald Surber

"The only way to live free is to live unobserved."
Etienne de la Boiete

"History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid."
Dwight D. Eisenhower

"To put it simply, the Left is the stupid and the insane, led by the evil. You can’t persuade the stupid or the insane and you had damn well better fight the evil."

"There is no better way to stamp your power on people than through the dead hand of bureaucracy. You cannot reason with paperwork."
David Black, from Turn Left For Gibraltar

"If the laws of God and men, are therefore of no effect, when the magistracy is left at liberty to break them; and if the lusts of those who are too strong for the tribunals of justice, cannot be otherwise restrained than by sedition, tumults and war, those seditions, tumults and wars, are justified by the laws of God and man."
John Adams

"The limits of tyranny are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress."
Frederick Douglass

"Give me the media and I will make of any nation a herd of swine."
Joseph Goebbels

“I hope we once again have reminded people that man is not free unless government is limited. There’s a clear cause and effect here that is as neat and predictable as a law of physics: As government expands, liberty contracts.”
Ronald Reagan

"Ain't no misunderstanding this war. They want to rule us and aim to do it. We aim not to allow it. All there is to it."
NC Reed, from Parno's Peril

"I just want a government that fits in the box it originally came in."
Bill Whittle

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