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Denounce THIS

Sadly, I think the Proud Boys’ leadership stumbled badly on this one.

Enrique Tarrio insists that the Proud Boys aren’t White supremacists, and he would be in a position to know. For one, he’s the international chairman. For another, he’s Black.

“I denounce White supremacy,” Mr. Tarrio said in a Thursday interview with WSVN-TV in Miami. “I denounce anti-Semitism. I denounce racism. I denounce fascism. I denounce communism and any other -ism that is prejudiced toward people because of their race, religion, culture, tone of skin.”

Mr. Tarrio headed the rising tide of those defending the Proud Boys against accusations of racism after President Trump came under fire for refusing to denounce the right-wing activist group at Tuesday’s debate.

In Salt Lake City, Proud Boys members held a joint news conference Wednesday with a local Black Lives Matter leader to correct the record and “denounce White supremacy.”

Dude, wrong answer. You NEVER apologize to these scum; NEVER justify yourself; NEVER try to appease them; NEVER give a single inch or back down to them in any form or fashion; NEVER legitimize them by responding as if you actually take them seriously, or even consider them worthy of a moment’s notice.

Instead, you HAMMER them. You keep pounding away at them relentlessly, ceaselessly, ruthlessly. You show them no mercy, not ever, not the least little bit, not for one second. There is only one proper response to the accusations, the slanders, the lies. It consists of but two little words:



If you like, up the ante by hurling their accusations right back in their teeth: YEAH, I’M A GODDAMNED WHITE SUPREMACIST. I’m a racist, homophobe, transphobe, misogynist, Islamophobe, et al ad infinitum. What of it? NOW what, douchebag? Rile them up further yet by throwing in a casual “nigger,” “faggot,” “bitch,” “raghead,” “freak,” and such-like if you feel like really chumming the water. Lather, rinse, repeat, until you’ve fucked with their heads so badly they can do no more than splutter and choke with confused, vein-popping rage in response.

And then give them the most supercilious, insulting little smirk you can produce, and walk away. You’ve just demonstrated, beyond any possible doubt, just how deep your contempt for them really runs, just how little regard you hold for any halfwit opinion or belief they may cherish.

See, the moment you give Leftards the satisfaction of agreeing to “denounce” whatever stupid-ass thing it is that they insist you denounce is the moment you lose. You’ve conceded their premise, which amounts to agreeing to play THEIR game, on THEIR field, by THEIR rules. And for what? It will buy you nothing. You can be sure that they’ll be back again and again, bringing more hoops for you to jump through. Their demands will only escalate, forever and ever. No matter what you do or say, no matter how severely you debase yourself in hopes of a little peace and quiet, it will never, ever be enough to placate them.

Don’t believe me? You might ask one Donald J Trump about it.

“Trump is a Racist” has been trending on Twitter following Tuesday’s presidential debates, despite President Donald Trump denouncing white supremacy and white nationalists again and again over the years, revealing that the mainstream media has traded what is true for what they want to believe.

Twitter user James Klüg posted a video on Twitter Wednesday evening, stitching together 17 times Trump has publicly denounced white supremacy and white nationalism over the years.

And even that list is almost certainly not all-inclusive.

But still they hound the man. In fact, some of the very same Leftymedia assholes currently indignant over Trump’s OUTRAGEOUS!! “refusal” to “denounce white supremacy” have personally heard him do exactly that before:

They’re lying, they know they’re lying, and they don’t care who knows they’re lying. So fuck them all to hell and gone. Don’t play the game; it’s rigged, and was never a very interesting or amusing one anyway. Give them a hearty FOAD, accompanied by the Hawaiian Good Luck Sign just for added emphasis, and then go find yourself somebody you might actually be able to have a worthwhile conversation with instead. Life’s too short to waste any of it fooling around with shitlibs and their “demands.”

24 thoughts on “Denounce THIS

  1. Strongly agree. Never concede the left’s premise to begin with, because they will immediately start moving the goal posts. They are not acting or arguing in good faith, and do not deserve any presumption that they ‘mean well’ or ‘have good intentions.’ They do not. Power over your life is their goal, including the power to destroy you just because they feel like it. Never give it to them.

  2. And behind it all, the tribe – as usual. THEY fund Antifa and BLM. And will not tolerate any competition!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. It’s truly incredible MM how you have analyzed every negative event, trend, political movement, circumstance, slip-up, newspaper op-ed, stray utterance, etc., etc. in American history and proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that the tribe is behind it all.

      And, yes, I know, you’ve also determined all cops are scum. More good all-encompassing analysis.

      1. The tribe will not tolerate the truth. As they have proven for at least the past 100 years! They learned well under their Messiahs – Lenin and Stalin!!!

          1. Well that IS how THEY work it with their Glowbull Warming “studies…”

        1. You have to work really hard to make me agree with Henry on anything.
          Those Jews seem to be responsible for every ill on earth.

          1. They have been behind most of the evil in this world for AT LEAST the past 100 years!

            1. Ruhollah Khomeini, Idi Amin, Pol Pot, Robert Mugabe, Saddam Hussein, Hidehi Tojo, Enver Pasha, Mao Tse-Tung, Ho Chi Minh, Fidel Castro, Kim Il-Sung, Mussolini and Hitler couldn’t be reached for comment.

              1. Didn’t you know, Henry? Mao was one of those Jewish Chinese Communists. It’s joooooos all the way down.

                1. Maybe I should have put Yasir Arafat or Osama Bin Laden on the list instead.

                  1. Arafat was a Palestinian Muslim Joo. Didn’t you know?

                    All bad people everywhere were, are, and will be Joos.

                2. Mousey Tongue was a product of Joe Stalin, who is one of the tribe’s Messiahs!!!

                  1. So any evil person who ever had anthing to do with a Joooo is “of the tribe”.
                    What a stupid idea. Mao was a Joo of the Tribe!
                    I guess you feel Hitler was right then?

                    1. When I was a kid a Jooooish family lived about four houses up the street. I never realized it before but I, too, am nothing but a tool of the tribe.

            2. LOL Mark, you’re twisted. The Jew’s ain’t the problem. Marxists are the big problem in the last hundred years. Yea, some of them, a few, are Jewish. The ones that have done the most damage are almost all atheists.

              1. Which is surely why Bernie’s campaign claimed the gulags “paid a living wage!!!”

                1. I’m sure Biden felt likewise.
                  Or the Rockefellers.
                  Or the Roosevelts.
                  But hey that Goldwater, he wasn’t a real Jew.
                  Or Hayek.
                  Just like Sowell isn’t a real Black or Clarence Thomas.
                  Or the Hasidic Jews who voted Trump in Brooklyn and Queens.
                  You can see Jews in the woodpile better than any of us.

  3. HUGE FUCKING MISTAKE!!! They will live to regret this.

    They just lost a buncha support. And for what? To prove what to whom? That they can metaphorically “Bend the Knee” to a bunch of pavement apes?

    If Gavin were still with the gang he would have NEVER have allowed this to happen.

    So now they have the Tim Pools of the world on their side and lost the Nationalists.

    Moral of the story: Never put a nigger in charge of your group.

    Great fucking job guys.

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David Black, from Turn Left For Gibraltar

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Frederick Douglass

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Joseph Goebbels

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Ronald Reagan

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NC Reed, from Parno's Peril

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