Russiagate, impeachment, the coronavirus power grab, riots, overhyped Trump “scandals” that came and went, and nonstop venom, vitriol, and vituperation come together under this label: the Continuing Tantrum. The presidential election is less than two months away, and we’re being promised the tantrum to end all tantrums, a Super Tantrum, if the harpy and the dotard don’t win.
The gathering Super Tantrum, given added impetus by the Supreme Court situation, advertises itself as righteous revolution, but it would be the cabal deposing an outsider and installing chosen insiders. A real revolution overthrows insiders, so call this another attempted coup. Give into your kids’ tantrums and you’ll suffer rule by screams. The cabal thinks it can turn violence on for regime-change and off once it’s successful. That’s wishful thinking. Violence is a race to the bottom and the most bloodthirsty win. Coups often devour their sponsors—you get someone to do the dirty work and you become the dirty work.
Parents who cave in to their children’s tantrums ruin any chance they’ll grow into productive, happy adults. If the Super Tantrum steals the election, the America experiment is over. The Harris Democrats will rejigger the rules so they’ll never lose and America will become a one-party banana republic featuring permanent bio-totalitarianism.
California, New York, and Illinois are previews of coming attractions. They increasingly look like collectivist third-world dumps: the favored few ultra-rich, vanishing middle classes, masses of poor, and rampant crime, corruption, squalor, and seething unrest. And this before their underfunded pensions and welfare systems’ inevitable collapse.
What of it? As it is with bratty children, so it is with shitlibs: the more you concede, the more they’ll demand. The only long-term solution is to snatch them up, spank their asses purple, and send them off to bed without supper.
(Via WRSA)