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Plenty of blame to go around

Good on Ted Cruz, I suppose, for as far as it goes. Alas, that’s not very far.

Sen. Ted Cruz Gets Haircut At Salon A La Mode After Owner Shelley Luther Released From Jail
Cruz told Luther he hasn’t had a haircut in about three months, and that his wife Heidi even warned he would “start bringing mullets back,” if he didn’t do something soon.

At one point during his visit, Luther started crying, thanking Cruz for his support, “When people reach out with true authenticity, it’s huge,” she said.

Luther told CBS 11 News, “It’s a nice gesture. His family actually called my boyfriend and prayed for him for 20 minutes while I was in jail. To me that’s not political… that’s just really nice people reaching out and making sure that our family is okay.”

A fine gesture and all that jazz. My problem, though, is this: wouldn’t a MUCH better time for Cruz to visit the salon have been BEFORE Luther got thrown in the slammer, but was still under unconstitutional lockdown orders? Which brings me to my next complaint:

A Look At The Democrat Dallas Judge Who Jailed A Salon Owner
A Dallas salon owner was thrown in jail this week by a local judge after defying state restrictions ordering her business remain closed. Shelly Luther was fined $7,000 and ordered to seven days in jail by District Court Judge Eric Moye on Tuesday whose ruling has since become a nationwide controversy highlighting the growing tensions under lockdowns where government-mandated closings are throwing millions out of work.

Luther was released on Thursday however by the Texas Supreme Court which came just after the state’s Republican Governor, Greg Abbott issued an executive order retroactively suspending local ordinances that throw citizens in detention for noncompliance with local stay home orders.

“Throwing Texans in jail who have had their businesses shut down through no fault of their own is nonsensical, and I will not allow it to happen,” Abbott said the day after Luther was given jail time.

Yeah, except that you DID allow it to happen, Gov; it happened on your damned watch. And before anybody goes harrumphing at me for waxing all pissy at poor Abbott, let’s also remember a few other things:

Abbott Spokesman John Whitaker made clear in a statement to The Federalist however, that the governor’s executive order still allows local fines and other penalties such as license suspensions to be handed down to those who open without authorization, implying Luther may still have to pay $7,000.

Moye condemned Luther’s defiance as “selfish,” charging Luther with “putting your own interests ahead of the community in which you live.

“You disrespected the orders of the state, the county, and this city,” Moye told Luther.

All of which is, however inconvenient, perfectly fucking true, up to and including the part I boldfaced.

Now, in fairness, Abbott’s lockdown order was probably less onerous than some, and was implemented relatively late in the game. But still, there’s just no getting around the facts regarding A) who it was that implemented the Constitution-flouting thing in the first place, and B) stuff like this here:

The most immediate action will see state parks opened for recreational activity Monday, so long as citizens wear masks and maintain a distance of six feet from each other. Additionally, no groups larger than five people will be allowed to congregate.

Subsequent measures will allow hospitals to resume elective tests and surgeries while stores can start “retail to go” services, starting on Wednesday and Friday, respectively.

It is not clear whether or not Abbott’s executive order will supercede the actions of local officials, such as those in Austin, which earlier this week extended its stay-at-home order beyond May 1.

Abbott first issued an order telling Texans to stay at home starting April 1, but he never accepted that it was a stay-at-home lockdown in the same manner as those adopted by other states.

I don’t give a tinker’s damn what Abbott chooses to “accept.” Somehow, I doubt many of the small-business owners currently being bled white by the ridiculous COVIDIOT overreaction do, either. Somebody in Texas should maybe remind the Gov that if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and etc etc, then it’s probably a goddamned duck, no matter how reluctant he or anybody else might be to face up to it.

And Democrat-judge me no Democrat-judges, either. This is bipartisan bullshit we’re looking at here. Far as I know, we currently have precisely one (1) US state governor who well understands her legitimate role, and what boundaries the US Constitution explicitly sets around her own power. Sadly, tragically even, that would NOT be Governor Abbott of Texas.

It would be a serious mistake to think of what’s been done to us as a Demican/Republicrat thing, or to allow it to be portrayed as such. What we actually have here is a tyrant/non-tyrant thing. Unfortunately, we’ve all had the chance to get ourselves a good, long look at how many there are of the former out there, in both Uniparty flavors—and at how infinitesimally few remain of the latter.

Update! Now don’t get me wrong, I see no reason not to frankly acknowledge that the judge, who appears to be functionally illiterate, is a complete asshole.

It is further ORDERED that at any time the Defendants should wish to purge themselves of their Contempt, they may petition this Court for release from confinement. Should the Defendants aver under Oath that they shall immediately cease and desist the continued operation of the Salon, publically express contrition, publicly expressl contrition for the violation of the Order of this Court and the Orders and mandates of the State of Texas, of Dallas County and of the City of Dallas, and take all steps necessary to comply with the Temporary Restraining Order of this Court, they may seek release.

It is so Ordered.

This braying jackass also demanded she “admit that she was wrong and selfish,” along with the apology.

“Publically express contrition”? REALLY? Yeah, fuck you, you fucking fascist. Which, to Luther’s everlasting credit, was pretty much her response:

After Dallas Judge Eric Moye told Salon À la Mode owner Shelley Luther that she had the option of acknowledging she was wrong and had been selfish, and should apologize to elected officials for violating their orders, Luther responded, “Judge, I would like to say that I have much respect for this court and laws and that I have never been in this position before and it’s not someplace that I want to be. But I have to disagree with you, sir, when you say that I’m selfish because feeding my kids — is not selfish. I have hair stylists that are going hungry because they’d rather feed their kids. So, sir, if you think the law is more important than kids getting fed, then please go ahead with your decision but I am not going to shut the salon.”

Moye sentenced Luther to seven days in jail for criminal and civil contempt. CBS Dallas reported, “She and her business are also each being fined $500 for every day… seven in all so far… that it was open in violation of the governor’s order.” That daily fine will end May 8.

Dallas County Judge Clay Jenkins had sent Luther a cease-and-desist letter, but last week Luther publicly tore it apart. Last Wednesday, Luther stated, “Apparently there’s a very good chance that I’m getting arrested today and I will do everything I can to keep the shop open because I’m not closing the store. If they arrest me I have someone that will keep the store open because it’s our right to keep the store open. It’s our right for those women to earn income for their families.”

It most certainly is, ma’am. With her courageous, principled stand against blatantly unconstitutional oppression, Luther has established her bona fides as a worthy successor to Rosa Parks:

“I’m not anyone special,” she reportedly said at the event.  “I just know that I have rights.  You have rights to feed your children and make income, and anyone that wants to take away those rights is wrong.”

Luther said she, along with several of her 19 stylists, had fallen behind on paying their mortgages.  “It’s either come in and make money to be able to feed your family or stay home and freak out.”

Meanwhile, the scum-sucking judge handed down an even more offensive decree from his exalted Holy of Holies:

If you would like to take this opportunity now to acknowledge:  that your actions were selfish, putting your own interests ahead of those in the community in which you live; that they disrespected the executive orders of the state, the orders of the county, and this city; that you now see the error of your ways and understand that the society cannot function when one’s own belief in the concept of liberty permits you to flaunt your disdain for the rulings of duly elected officials; that you owe an apology to the elected officials who you disrespected by flagrantly ignoring and, in one case, defiling their orders which you now know obviously regard to you; that you know the proper way in an ordered society to engage concerns you may have had is to hire a lawyer and advocate for change, an exception, or amendment to laws that you find offensive; that you publicly state that this is the way that citizens in the states should behave and that you represent to this court that you will today cease operation of your salon and not reopen until after further orders of the government permit you to do so; this court will consider the payment of a fine in lieu of the incarceration that you have demonstrated that you have so clearly earned.

S’cuse me very much, Your “Honor,” but it seems to me that any proper and correct concept of liberty not only permits but REQUIRES the flaunting of disdain for blatantly illegal rulings, whatever official orifice they may have been excreted from. Sir.

Ehh, what’s the use? Fascist thugs like Moye will never come anywhere near getting it, even assuming they had any interest in making a sincere try at it, which they assuredly do not. There is no discussing, debating, or reasoning with such as they. They can only be crushed, utterly. They have no place whatsoever in even a nominally-free society; are in fact a serious threat to it; and should therefore not be tolerated there, but abolished. In whatever sense you wish to take the word.

15 thoughts on “Plenty of blame to go around

  1. Demands for public “confessions” and apologies for exercising her constitutional rights — why, it is almost like the left has a standard play book and is going right down the list of tactics. Mao and his Red Guards would be proud.

  2. It’s the Shelley Luther’s of the world that give hope to liberty and freedom seekers.

    As Mike notes, perhaps Gov Abbot isn’t all that bad, but he still gave the orders including the on the judge enforced.

    1. Agreed, Barry. Abbott did not screw up as badly as some governors, and he has not been blatantly enjoying the fit of his jackboots like some, but the shutdown was a huge mistake. Politically it may not have been avoidable. The covidiots have so completely politicized the virus that anyone who even suggests that maximum lockdown may not have been the right idea gets called a murderer who wants everyone’s grandma to DIIIIIIIIEEEEEEE!!!!!!!! And of course the left is just waiting to pounce on every death that happens as the lockdown is eased up, however tiny the baby steps taken to free the people.

      I continue to believe that the lockdown is going to kill more people overall than the virus ever will. And that does not even take the mass impoverishment and misery of tens of millions of Americans into account. But the covidiots will never admit it, not even years from now, and thus the politics push entirely the wrong way on this whole mess.

      1. Can’t disagree with any of that, Haz. Early on there was a concern as we didn’t know the truth, you could only go by the previous bad viral outbreaks. The books and the movies have made the young generation scared shitless of this stuff in my opinion. All the old people like me that I know, the ones most at risk, all think it’s a damn joke. Both my sisters agree including the Doc. Both have vacation plans and plan to take them, not sit at home.

        The destruction of the lockdown is going to depend upon the depth of the economic destruction. By all conceivable metrics it will be long and deep, but I see a bit of hope that because it was manmade that the same disastrous mindset that follows a normal economic downturn may not be present in this one. And that may ultimately allow us to wiggle out from under a real disaster.

        The 2nd bit of good news is we have Trump at the helm, not some POS like W, or worse.

        1. Had it been Crooked at the helm WuFlu would have been ignored but the Economy would STILL be a Disaster and only going to get worse.

          1. Definitely. That BitchWitch would have ruined the economy further than it was under Obama (in other words, the witch would have continued the destruction) and the chinaVirus would have been all but ignored.

  3. My barbers/stylists are STILL not in the plans for reopening that they released. NC has under 600 deaths, 60% of which was in Congregate Living, and 10.5 Million people approximately.

  4. I’d be willing to bet that nearly half those deaths would have occurred in the same time period and the other nearly half in the next year. A few exceptions, maybe 20-30% that had conditions that weakened them but they would have survived sans the bug. But the flu might have gotten them…

    1. In a year or two we will find out that on average not many more people died on average than any three year span.

      1. I dispute that, Kenny, because the released numbers will tell the desired story. That is, the released numbers and the “context” provided around them.

        No, I have no trust whatsoever in anything the US federal government, or the New York State government, or any other national government, has to say on this subject.

        1. Well, perhaps if President Trump is still President we can hope.
          But I hear ya, I don’t expect much “reality” in government numbers.

          I will say this though.
          The Unemployment numbers tie out. Meaning I can understand the numbers from the initial jobless claims and the lagged Unemployment numbers and I actually “guessed” what last week’s actual number was going to be.
          There is an approx 3 week lag this time (since the May report came out late on the 8th). 33 Million new initial jobless claims less 3 weeks claims plus the original 3.5% out of work = around 14.5%.

          I find it interesting that Larry Kudlow cited that number exactly a few weeks back. I think our Government Insiders know the numbers far earlier these days than the release date.

          I need to try to find his quote.

          1. Update. Kudlow said 13.5% 24 days ago so around Apr 16. So slightly off but close enough that I think he knew what was coming since most, but not all, of the data was in.

          2. The one set of people Trump knew precisely are the ones helping manage the economy. All brilliant and dedicated Americans if you ask me.

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