You’re right about that, psychotic loser bitch. But it’s YOU, not Trump, who has crossed way over the line.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi flipped out on Friday in response to Thursday’s report on the Trump Admin’s plans to chop Lt. Col Alex Vindman.
Pelosi said she was “stunned” and said the Trump Admin went “too far” just hours before Vindman was fired and removed from the White House grounds.
Lt. Col Vindman testified against President Trump during the House impeachment hearings. He showed up in full military uniform, drawing criticism from military officials and veterans.
Vindman was reportedly involved with Eric Ciaramella and Schiff aide Sean Misko to “take down” President Trump.
GOP Senator Ron Johnson previously suggested Vindman was behind the leaks ‘outside his chain of command.’
During his trip to Ukraine Vindman told Ukrainians to ignore President Trump — Vindman actually thinks he is superior to Trump even though he is an inferior official in the intel department.
Vindman, during his closed-door testimony also flatly denied he knew the identity of the whistleblower (Eric Ciaramella); however, it is believed he was the primary source for Eric Ciaramella.
“I’m stunned by it. I’ll talk to my colleagues about this because I know they have some concern about some of the interventions that the president has with our military. That’s such a shame. What a patriotic person,” Pelosi said.
LOLGF, you deranged freak. Like yourself and your now-terrified colleagues, the Vindawhatsits may well be “patriotic” right enough—just not in regards to the USA.
If you shoot at the king, you best not miss. He missed. Losing his cushy job should be the least of his troubles.
That fat fuck violate the UCMJ. Army leadership better handle this right or from this point forward won’t have a pot to piss in if some mid level Soldier decides he/she doesn’t “like” what their leadership is doing and decides to take matters in their own hands. Fat fuck vindman has set precedent if he isn’t punished for violating the chain of command as a minimum.