No comparison: one wins, the other…doesn’t. Ever.
You have different rules for enemies and non-enemies, that shouldn’t be hard to understand.
When your opposition is ruthless, not being ruthless means you lose. You would rather lose than entertain even temporary and selective ruthlessness.
Day of the locker soon, nerd.
— 🏛 Aristophanes 🏛 (@Aristos_Revenge)
Screencap of the best of the rest of the thread:
Most salient point: “You cannot debate an enemy to death, you cannot discourse them into relenting.” Particularly when The Enemy is one as ruthless, determined, and utterly, utterly bereft of empathy as the Left is. Period fucking dot.
Nabbed via WRSA’s Wednesday Edition meme roundup, which is extry-extry-good this week.
Update! Completely unrelated, but since it involves another Twitter X thread, I’m a-putting it here anyhoo.
More slap pranks is just what the world needs😂😂
— They tried but it went wrong 😆 (@TriedWrong)
He’s right, y’know: it IS just what the world needed right now, even if it didn’t know it needed it. Heh.
Update within an update update! Know what just might be my favorite aspect of the above vid? The great good humor displayed by the women being pranked. I mean, just look at ‘em: after the initial stunned puzzlement over what just took place, every one of the prankees just about kills herself laughing in response to it.
Good answer, ladies. Quite apart from the language in the signage, it couldn’t be more obvious that the vid isn’t set in this poor country, and that those definitely are NOT the kind of sour, bitter broads—women who can barely even make it down the street under their own power, so huge and burdensome is the FemiNazi chip on their shoulders—that younger American men are saddled with.
Or, y’know, saddled by.
Where is that vid? Anyone know?