I for one welcome our new alien overlords.
I’m not playing around with you guys, this is legit alien sci-fi movie freaky nightmare stuff right here. Watch this news report:
— Davy Jones (@itsNTBmedia)
Does that family look disturbed or delusional to you? Did it look or sound like they were playing a prank? Did you hear how shook the cops were??
Just because they don’t look delusional doesn’t necessarily mean they aren’t, of course, but who knows. In any event, BCE quickly spotted the silver lining.
Bad News: Apparently The Aliens/Martians/Whathaveyou have landed in Las Vegas. Juuuuuust a bit outside the strip.
Good News: They’re eating niggers and illegals, pissing gasoline, and headed East.
<Drum Riff>
Sorry…. had to do it.
Heh. Well, bring it on then, ET, and welcome home to you and all your star-hopping friends. Maps to the southern US border, major urban ghetto areas, and the nearest scheduled pAntiFa/BLM riot will be made available to you free of charge at any truck stop or mom & pop filling station nationwide. Be sure to try our Drag Queen Groomer AYCE Special listed on the menu; deep-fried, baked, or broiled, they’re delicious, and oh so good for you!
OK, mighty fine, I’m still laughing.
No one ever seems to have their cell phone camera out when something like this happens.
Weird, ain’t it…
“Daniel Sheehan says he was told the mind-boggling tale by a whistleblower…”
Well hell, if it was a dude with a whistle it must be true.
It cracks me up that anyone believes this obvious bullshit.