Nee-grows are low-IQ, prone to violence, primitive, and have poor impulse control. Yes, it’s all YOUR fault, Kemosabe.
Black children living in poverty face increased instances of stress and trauma that can alter their brain development, a new study found.
Researchers found that increased stressors like economic hardship and systemic racism play a significant role for Black children and can lead to the development of mental health issues as they age, the study said.
The stressors contribute to Black children having less gray matter in their brains, a byproduct of absorbing “toxic stress.” The study defines the stressors as “prolonged exposure to adverse experiences” that lead to excessive stress hormones and “disrupt the immune and metabolic regulatory systems.”
In the study, researchers found that Black children often developed behavioral problems later in life such as PTSD, anxiety and depression. These children also were susceptible to drug and alcohol abuse and suicide attempts and were likely to commit violence, the study said.
Black children showed lower amygdala, hippocampus, and PFC gray matter volumes compared with White children.
Bold mine, to highlight the way CNN just might be reversing cause and effect here, because reasons.
The hippocampus plays a number of crucial roles, including regulating emotions, motivation, hormonal activity, autonomic activity, and memory formation.
Probably the most well recognized function of the hippocampus is its role in learning and memory. Although the exact mechanisms remain somewhat mysterious, it is believed that the hippocampus receives and consolidates information, allowing for establishment of long-term memories in a process known as long-term potentiation (LTP). It also plays a role in spatial memory, allowing us to keep track of where things are, as well as where they are in relation to each other; as such, it is instrumental in the formation of cognitive maps.
There have been numerous reports linking tumors, lesions, and epileptogenic activity in humans within the hippocampus to aggressive reactions, ranging from minor hostility to explosive acts of violence. The hippocampus’ role in mediating aggression and rage appears to be dependant on the region of the structure that is stimulated: activation of the temporal pole, i.e. the region closest to the amygdala, stimulates predatory or fight behavior; while activation of the region closest to the septal pole instead suppresses those impulses.
If any of that behavior sounds at all familiar to you, then you are definitely a RAYCISS™ for sure. Divemedic finds CNN’s conclusions a tad sketchy.
I was with them on the other evidence. Yes, there is evidence that black children are likely to be poor, have incarcerated parents, and lower intelligence. I agree. What they are essentially saying is that blacks are poor, less intelligent, and more likely to be criminals than are whites, and that there is a biological and physiological basis for this. That’s exactly what I have been saying for years. What I have a problem with is the conclusion that is unsupported by any evidence presented by this so-called study- that it’s white people’s fault.
This seems like junk science with no control group and little in the way of actual, well, science. When I was a teacher, had one of my students turned in an unsupported conclusion like that one, it likely would have received a poor grade.
Hey, if it wasn’t for junk science, shitlibs would have no science at all to back up their politically-motivated arguments.
“Researchers at Harvard University…”
I just stop reading right there. Nothing, not one damn thing worth warm piss comes from Harvard anymore.
Harvard produces all lies, all the time.
For anyone who didn’t catch it, the ‘graph Barry is referring to is:
I included it when I first posted, but took it out for space-saving and scrolling purposes.
Plus, y’know, psychiatry, which I consider to be the bunk. 99 and 99/100ths pure, as the old Ivory soap ads used to say.
The most interesting part of this study isn’t that it concluded that blacks’ low IQ, low impulse control, and lack of future-time orientation is due to Badwhites. It’s that it appeared at all, much less in the New York Slimes. We know nearly everything that appears in legacy media has an agenda behind it, but even so, one of the most Verboten facts (and yes, it is a fact) in the media bubble has been the fact that American blacks’ average IQ is 85, or one standard deviation lower than American whites’ average of 100. (Sub-Saharan Africans are even worse at 70). So, why are they talking about it now?
My guess is that Negro Fatigue is spreading. The legacy media simply can’t keep a lid on blacks’ violence and outright savagery as it has increased since the Summer of George, and more and more whites are getting tired of their bullshit. Depicting blacks as angelic geniuses who would have built Wakanda were it not for the Legacy Uh Slabery isn’t working anymore, if it ever did.
So now, the strategy is to say, “Yeah, OK, they’re dumb and primitive, but it’s still YOUR FAULT, Badwhitey!” I have a feeling that this won’t play any more effectively.
The flood of Hispanics and Middle Easterners into this country has been very bad for whites – but it’s also been bad for blacks. Unlike many whites, Hispanics and Towelheads know exactly what blacks are and they have ZERO racial guilt over blacks. They are as race-realist as the average Stormfront type.
The fact that this story even appeared is a signal that interesting times are coming.
Not to pick nits, but Ivory is 99 44/100% pure.
Unlike my blood, which is 100% pure. Ditto for my daughter.
My wife and her mother are GMOs.
Pure what is the question…
Dang it, you’re right, Steve, I misremembered. This is where ten or twenty years ago I’d crack an Alzheimer’s joke, but in my dotage that shit just ain’t as funny as it used to be. 😉