A steaming, stinking ziggurat of overhyped, FederalGovCo-promoted bullshit.
The Biden administration has just extended its COVID scam, the “emperor’s new clothes,” by renewing the declaration of Public Health Emergency. A recent poll shows that 52 percent of Americans still think the U.S. is in grave danger from COVID. Is that true? Was it ever? Is Washington’s COVID narrative and response plan good medical science?
Cliff’s Notes version: No, no, and oh, HELL no.
When one applies the scientific method to data about COVID, vaccines, and Washington mandates, one conclusion is inescapable. Everything Washington said and did was wrong and unscientific.
The first and most egregious official medical falsehood represented that COVID was a grave national health hazard. The danger was massively exaggerated. For the healthy adult population, the chance of death because of COVID infection is similar to the seasonal flu.
Only elderly and immuno-compromised Americans, estimated at 2.3 percent of the population, are at serious risk of death due to infection with COVID. The official number of “COVID deaths” is greatly exaggerated. Autopsy studies and CDC demographic data show that 73 to 88 percent of these COVID deaths were people who died not from COVID, but because of multiple pre-existing conditions — cancer, kidney or heart failure, chronic lung disease, autoimmune conditions like rheumatoid arthritis. While all COVID deaths had a positive test, only six percent had no pre-existing comorbidity. COVID deaths included a 55-year-old motorcycle accident victim because a blood sample taken in the ER was positive.
Thus, 132,000 to 297,000 of the 1.1 million Americans reported as “COVID deaths” over two years actually died due to their viral infections. Over two years before COVID, the CDC reported 140,600 deaths due to seasonal flu. While any death is a tragedy, COVID never presented an existential threat to the nation. Comparing COVID to bubonic plague represents ridiculous unrealistic hyperbole. It is Washington-generated disinformation.
Children are a special case, an example of Washington’s medical malpractice. According to CDC data, the risk of death from COVID in those under 18 years of age is less than 0.03 percent. Their natural or inherent immunity provides better protection than any vaccine against any disease known. PSAs urging parents to vaccinate their kids — “safe, effective, and doctor approved” — were Orwellian speech from the book 1984. The jab was not medically indicated, was more dangerous than the disease itself, and was approved only in the mind of a bureaucrat M.D., Fauci, who had never practiced medicine on a child in his career.
Before vaccines were available, clinical physicians sought treatment options for patients ill with COVID. Ivermectin is an anti-parasite drug that also has anti-viral properties. Despite decades of safe usage, both the FDA and the CDC issued advisories saying ivermectin was “not approved for treatment or prevention” of COVID. Hospitals and pharmacies took this as an official prohibition and refused to allow physicians to prescribe the drug. A Minnesota medical board sought to punish a physician for trying to save a dying patient with ivermectin. The ivermectin story demonstrates the triumph of politically correct groupthink over medical science.
The mask mandate highlights the reason Americans lost faith in the Washington medical establishment and the COVID Response Team agencies and spokespersons: Dr. Fauci; CDC director Rachel Walensky; Francis Collins, the infamous NIH censor-in-chief; FDA advisories; and Joe Biden.
At various times, Fauci said masks were unnecessary, were helpful, were mandatory, wear two masks. He promised that masking would suppress contagion with COVID. Biden consistently wore a mask before cameras, but not while visiting nonagenarians Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter.
A number of studies including CDC data proved that masks do not work. Despite all this evidence, Fauci was seen nightly demanding we wear masks and keep away from each other (social distancing). A mask became a medical talisman and obvious virtue signal. Covering the mouth and nose proved that the wearer cared about others and believed in a benevolent government, and that Fauci was using good science to keep us safe from a deadly danger. A mask was one’s entrance ticket (while keeping your distance, please!) into stores and clinics. No mask, no food.
Not only do masks fail to provide protection against COVID, but they can cause harm. Adverse effects of masks were not investigated by mask-mandaters. One study of children’s masks revealed a number of dangerous pathogens, ones that cause tuberculosis, meningitis, diphtheria, Lyme disease, and others. It is troubling that such studies were not done by the CDC or NIAID (Fauci). The report was initiated and paid for by the parents of children in Gainesville, FL.
Additional adverse effects of masking were neither studied nor quantified by Washington. Education was severely impaired as children could not see the facial expressions of teachers or fellow students. Masking makes business communication inefficient.
Mandatory social distancing, closures of schools and businesses, and prohibition against gatherings effectively produced national quarantine through quasi–martial law. Lockdowns were implemented purportedly to “flatten the curve” of illness and reduce the burden of COVID patients on limited medical resources. Cost/benefit analysis of lockdowns was strongly negative. There were no established benefits. There were devastating costs: social, economic, medical, and loss of constitutionally guaranteed freedoms.
Never before in history have physicians quarantined a healthy population during a pandemic, and for good epidemiologic reason: it doesn’t help.
Hate to say I told ya so and all, but…well, I did.
There’s more still, of which you should read the all, then pass the link on to at least three (3) friends and insist, adamantly, that they read it also. Every American must be made fully cognizant of how thoroughly they were played by TPTB:
- Driven like sheep into blind, irrational panic over a phony “plague” that posed no serious threat to the overwhelming majority of them
- Used as lab rats for an untested genetic-manipulation drug misrepresented as a “vaccine” whose only quantifiable effect is the permanent, polysystemic havoc it wreaks on their bodies
- Abused by having their freedom of movement rescinded, in brazen defiance of the US Constitution, both in letter and in spirit; their independent businesses destroyed; their livelihoods taken from them; and their entire lives—personal, professional, familial—wantonly shattered by government, the “health” “care” megalith, and Big Pharma, for no good reason whatsoever
- Impoverished, for generations to come if not for all time, by the needless damage wrought upon a previously humming economy and its supply chain entire by two years of the “fifteen days to flatten the curve” lockdown ploy
- Deceived, completely and intentionally, from start to finish of this incredibly destructive psy-op
American anger must be stoked to its fieriest level ever by these ugly realities. Then, Americans need to turn that anger like a flamethrower on all those responsible for perpetrating these monumental crimes, all of whom have names and addresses—for the sake of a few extremely desirable ends: 1) creation of a prophylaxis to ensure it can never happen again; 2) righteous retribution against their tormentors, a thing formerly referred to in this country as simple justice; and C) restoration of the dignity and self-respect these wicked, brutish ogres robbed them of so audaciously.
“For the healthy adult population, the chance of death because of COVID infection is similar to the Seasonal flu.”
As a blanket statement, that’s pure undiluted bullshit.
The initial wave from the first strain or two was between 16 and 30 times worse than seasonal flu. That’s a huge problem, as hospitals found out in NY, Atlanta, Nawlins, and SoCal.
The later strains, for about the last year, are just about exactly no more serious than seasonal flu, and continuing any “emergency” based on their non-virulence is risible and asinine.
Comparing one to the other is apples to pineapples, and houseflies to houses. It’s statistical bullshit to try and pass that off.
Secondly, people didn’t die of “pre-existing conditions” that aren’t lethal. They died because COVID pneumonia stressed their systems beyond what their depleted cardio-vascular capacity could handle.
And deaths allegedly “attributed to seasonal flu” are, quite simply, numbers imaginarily pulled out of the CDC’s ass. The numbers for deaths from second-hand smoke, medical misadventure, global warming, and bigfoot sightings have a higher statistical provenance.
The number of death certificates with cause of death listed as “seasonal flu” could be counted on your third set of teeth every year.
The mendacity of TPTB during the nonsense years is legendary, but it doesn’t excuse being sloppy about the realities of the actual pandemic, and much of the OP is sloppiness from a dearth of subject matter expertise.
Right, except everything you say is 100% wrong.
We don’t put “seasonal flu” on the death certificate because the seasonal flu is just the push over the cliff for the people that have reached the end of life stage due to multiple issues.
There was a reason that people like the corrupt killer Cuomo sent people with the virus to nursing homes and that reason is so they could put Covid on the death certificate of the people that were going to die anyway. No one had natural immunity to this virus yet, so it would spread. Something like 25% of all deaths in the US now occur in nursing homes. A patient is sent to the nursing home when nothing further can be done in a hospital, the person is dying. The average person lives 6 months in the nursing home.
Get that? They knew the numbers and they needed deaths for the scam hysteria. How to get them?
Easy peasy for marxist killers, always has been.
1) send those with the virus to the nursing homes
2) Pay the hospitals 40K+ to put covid as cause of death
If you paid the corrupt hospital administrators 40K+ per, they would put water poisoning on the death certificate. Or “seasonal flu”.
Now, explain Africa. And until you explain Africa spare us the planned-scam-Virus bullshit.
“The initial wave from the first strain or two was between 16 and 30 times worse than seasonal flu.”
You know why you can’t narrow it to less that a 2:1 range? Because it’s all bullshit.
You’re missing something, Barry: Medicare is a significant and growing expense for NYS and other states. NYS is also in a budget crisis thanks to decades of deficit spending. Cuomo had been demanding that his staff find a way to reduce spending, conspicuously including Medicare. (That last is from insider information, not publicly available that I know of.)
Then along comes a contagious disease which is more deadly the older you get.
Now, I’m not stating that Andrew Cuomo and the NYS health department deliberately placed infected people among an elderly and vulnerable population in order to kill as many old, sickly people as possible in order to save money … but this theory fits the facts better than any other theory that I’ve heard.
Not missing it as I’m aware of that, but it is a fair point. Nothing says they couldn’t get 2 for 1 though, and I think that is exactly what NYS and others did.
They did “…deliberately placed infected people among an elderly and vulnerable population in order to kill as many old, sickly people as possible…“. Of that there is no doubt. I say it was first to create hysteria, and 2nd to save $$$.
Which, as Barry notes, basically pulled a bunch of people who would have died in 2021 into 2020.
Avg 6 months stay in a NH. I imagine that means that 12-18 months out that rises to 90% of the people are dead.
Given the height was Feb-Apr 2020 that puts their life expectancy for 90% of the people in NH was no later than Dec 2021.
Since they were paying 40k per WuFlu on the death certificate it is almost certain 99% of those 90% got written down as WuFlu.
Everyplace that did the numbers honestly had revisions down to 10% of what was initially reported or never rose past 10-15% per million deaths compared to the other places in the US.
At any given point NC had 1/3 of the deaths per million rates than hives like NYC and 60% of those were recorded in “community living”, meaning overwhelmingly Nursing Homes and Elderly Living Communities. When broken down NHs we’re the overwhelming factor within Community Living.
NYC and elsewhere skewed the National numbers up, especially in the early panic days.
Oh and remember when Sturgis 2020 was supposedly a Super Spreader Event and turned out to be a nothingburger? Meanwhile, if Aesop wasn’t FOS then Peelousy would have been shitting herself and not getting her hair done. The “Elite” wouldn’t be dining secretly at French Press or taking their boats out or all the myriad things they did that us regular peons were forbidden to do to “stop the spread” .
The whole thing was proven to be a complete and utter pile of crap from the get go.
It was a typical novel coronavirus that comes around every 5-10 years and makes for a “bad flu season” before herd immunity ends it in about a month
Diamond Princess says you’re completely and utterly full of shit. Bye!