Some Master Races never change.
German court orders Holocaust survivor to be sent to psychiatric institution for forced COVID shots
STUTTGART, Germany (LifeSiteNews) – German authorities want to put a famous Jewish composer and Holocaust survivor into a psychiatric clinic and force her to take the COVID injection.
Inna Zhvanetskaya, who lives in Stuttgart, Germany, was supposed to be taken to a psychiatric institution and forcefully injected with the COVID jabs on January 11, according to the news outlet Report24, which has been in personal contact with Zhvanetskaya.
However, according to several reports, she has been transferred to a safe place by friendly activists who wanted to prevent her arrest.
The 85-year-old Zhvanetskaya sent a video message to Report24 saying that “music is my life, and if they take away music from me then they take my life.”
Report24 also received a copy of the court order, which authorizes her forceful transfer to a psychiatric institution and for her to be forcefully injected with the COVID-19 shots “for her own good.”
The court order was officially appointed by her professional guardian, which seems somewhat contradictory given that the German national federation of professional guardians is strictly against forced vaccinations of patients against their wishes, according to statements made on their website.
“I talked to her on the phone for an hour,” Orel said, according to a report by TKP. “She is vulnerable, frightened, and has lived in this state for about two years, as her legal guardian has apparently tried to institutionalize her several times.”
“She drew an unequivocal comparison: ‘It’s like when Dad was at the front and Mom had to flee with me and my brother.’”
It surely is–just EXACTLY like, I’m afraid. Which is nothing short of horrifying.
Professor Martin Haditsch, who was one of Austria’s most famous critics of the COVID-related government measures, said that the forced vaccination represents a violation of the Nuremberg Code, which forbids medical experiments on humans since the COVID injections were not properly tested before being introduced to the market.
Ironic, isn’t it? After all, Germany was the whole reason the Nuremberg Code came into being in the first goddamned place. Don’t make us come back over there again, assholes.
(Via GP)
Well, if we do need to go back, it should be with nuclear adorned missiles, you know, for the Final Solution.
We were wrong to go over the first time, the second time and no reason for a third time. Nothing in Germany is any responsibility of the American people, PERIOD.
What do you suppose would have happened if we had not gone?
Should we have stayed out of the pacific as well?
Frankie had an insatiable urge to fellate Joe Stalin, and intended to get there BAMN. He and his Cabinet surely knew enough about Asian cultures to understand that losing face is intolerable. Therefor, when he cut off their access to resources, he KNEW they would have to attack. And then when they finally did, he totally ignored the Pacific and started shoveling aid to the Commie swill!
While I am no fan of “Frankie”, I can say with certainty that he did not cut off resource access (oil, tin, rubber, etc) to the Japs on his own* or without reason.
For starters, understand that had the Japanese continued on the path they had taken, they would have controlled those resources and cut us off.
By your comment I take it you would have let the Japs have all of Asia, the Krauts all of Europe. One wonders when they would turn their sights on the America’s.
The Japs and the Krauts were evil. They were not going to let us just sit here on our own.
*he had massive support to do this
Going to next spout about the “rape of Nanking” while ignoring the fact that the Chinese had already done that to Nanking MANY times in the past?
Nope. I’m simply stating that the Japanese empire intended to empire. And I’m asking what makes you think anything different?
There is abundant Japanese history to draw from, just as there is for the German desire for empire.