What I like to call balling the fucking jack, Jack.
Missouri mayor bans kids from attending ‘A Drag Queen Christmas’
A concert venue in the suburbs of St. Louis has barred children from attending an all ages Christmas drag show, as states have moved to restrict cross-dressing public displays.
The Factory in Chesterfield announced hours before “A Drag Queen Christmas” that no ticket holders under 18 would be allowed to attend. The production is touring 18 states with performers from the reality television show “RuPaul’s Drag Race.”
“We specifically in the City of Chesterfield have ordinances. Protecting minors and not allow[ing] minors to be exposed to certain types of entertainment of a sexual orientation, etc.,” Chesterfield Mayor Bob Nation told news outlet KMOV on Wednesday.
The cancellation comes amid a growing backlash against the production and other “family friendly” drag shows, which critics argue sexualize young children.
Drag events advertising themselves as “family friendly” have sparked 141 protests in 47 states this year, the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) reported Friday.
As well they ought to have, the loathsome kiddie-diddlers. In fact, I’d be fine with something a goodish bit more, umm, kinetic, shall we say, than mere peaceful protests, myself. Naturally, the local gendarmerie was called out to “control” the protesters concerned over their kids’ well-being at the hands of sicko pedophiles and mentally-diseased groomers; to the disgust and dismay of every good and decent citizen extant, I’m sure John Law was most enthusiastic and energetic about protecting the pedos to the fullest possible extent from the justly-wrathful, fed-up parents of the young ‘uns these Groomer Clowns (h/t to Bracken for the dead-on nomenclature) confidently expect to prey on with total impunity.
Protests against “A Drag Queen Christmas” have swept the nation this week in response to viral social media videos of the production’s recent Austin, Texas, performance.
Independent conservative journalist Tayler Hansen recorded the performance, which features nude prosthetic body parts and simulated sex acts. One of the characters is named “Screwdolph the Red Nippled Reindeer.”
Oh for the love of Christ, they can’t even leave poor Rudolph out of their marrow-deep obsession with perverted sex?
I gotta admit, I did NOT see this next bit coming.
The presence of children at the Austin performance underscores the reason for the protests, said Gregory T. Angelo, president of the conservative New Tolerance Campaign.
“As a gay man myself, I remain flummoxed that LGBT advocates seem fixated on this idea of drag shows for kids,” said Mr. Angelo, a former head of the Log Cabin Republicans LGBTQ group. “It would not be the end of the world or of the LGBT rights movement if folks hit pause and focused on issues of real consequence.”
UNEXPECTED!™ Might this indicate an unlooked-for chink forming in the Gay Mafia’s heretofore-impermeable armor, perchance? Whatever the case may be, kudos to Angelo, who seems to have his head screwed on right, for a refreshing change. They would doubtless strongly disapprove, but it seems to me like the right time to swipe and update an old Pink Floyd line: Hey, creature, leave them kids alone.
What sicko parents would even allow their minor children to attend?
That’s fucked up.