Taking the high road.
Times Square Billboard Exposes Taylor Lorenz for Doxxing Libs of TikTok
Starts off well enough, looks like. So are we finally about to see some real Back atcha!! action dealt out here, a little of the gander’s sauce spooned onto the goose’s plate? Or will our billboard renters stop well short of doing anything more than spending a crapton of their own money to make a supremely futile gesture which shitlibs will react to not with fear and horror, but with derisive laughter and mockery?
Three guesses. First two etc.
Two political commentators teamed up this week to rent a Times Square billboard exposing Washington Post journalist Taylor Lorenz for a report in which she revealed personal information about the Twitter user who runs the Libs of TikTok account.
Commentator and podcast host Tim Pool on Tuesday tweeted a video of the billboard, which reads, “Hey [Washington Post], democracy dies in darkness. That’s why we’re shining a light on you. Taylor Lorenz doxxed @libsoftiktok.”
The commentators disseminated their message in response to Lorenz’s controversial Washington Post report on Libs of TikTok, a conservative Twitter account that showcases teachers who attempt to indoctrinate their students and others who espouse radical left-wing ideology. Lorenz not only revealed the identity of the anonymous person who runs the account but also included a copy of the person’s real estate license, which showed her home address. The Post later removed the home address from the story, then lied about it, saying, “We did not publish or link to any details about her personal life.”
Lorenz, who has a history of taking offense at legitimate criticisms, called the billboard “so idiotic” and said “these campaigns have a much darker and more violent side.”
And then she went back to her home, confident that her address was and would remain private and secure, in marked contrast to how she had treated poor LoTT—WITH THE CONNIVANCE AND ACTIVE ASSISTANCE OF HER EMPLOYER, WHICH HAPPENS TO BE ONE OF THE BIGGEST AND MOST WELL KNOWN ESTABLISHMENT PROPAGANDA MANUFACTORIES IN THE ENTIRE FUCKING WORLD.
SO: for the barbarous crime of quoting the Left’s own words back to them without embellishment or exaggeration, LoTT will spend the next few years fielding entirely credible death threats; finding nasty notes taped to her front door or the tires on her car slashed day after day; being screamed at in random public spaces by wild-eyed, purple-faced moonbats; and just basically living in constant, eminently justified terror, never knowing where the next deranged assault, the next profane diatribe, the next chest-bumping, pushing-and-shoving denunciation might emerge from.
Lorenz, on the other hand, will get a raise, a bonus, and eventually a Pulitzer for her outstanding achievements in “journalism.” Neither harm nor even unpleasantness will befall her; nothing scary or embarrassing will happen to her. Nobody on our side will so much as give her a sniffy look in the restaurant or the movie-theater line.
Because, y’know, that’s not who we are.
I love it when shit makes them crocodile tears flow LOL