Who gives three whoops in Hell for what they think, anyway?
Weirdos Who Want To Sexualize Your Children Should Absolutely Be Stigmatized As Groomers
What does it say about the pathetic state of the political right that instead of spending our energy advancing the ideas and institutions that promote human flourishing, we’re quibbling over whether “groomers” is the right word to refer to people who delight in sexualizing other people’s kids and hiding it from their parents?The ranks of progressives and unmistakably pro-LGBT media — who spend their days throwing around insulting hyperbole like “Nazi,” “fascist,” and “silence is violence” — are being joined by so-called conservatives who’ve taken it upon themselves to lecture those to the right of them that ackshuuully it’s not appropriate to call the kids’ entertainment creators and state-sanctioned educators who insist on sexually indoctrinating 5-year-olds “groomers.”
It’s absolutely absurd. Conservatives aren’t abandoning their principles by abandoning needless throat-clearing about teachers’ alleged good faith and the left’s intentions.
Well, no, they really aren’t. Last I heard, grooming 5 year olds was NOT a conservative principle, although it might well have changed by now and I wasn’t informed. It could reasonably argued that they’re abandoning their politesse, maybe. Which, since I just shared my lack of concern for anything shitlibs might think, feel, or say only a few short paragraphs ago, can safely be tacked on to the ever-lengthening list of Things I Don’t Give Three Whoops In Hell About.
In fact, I’ll cheerfully put a little more meat on those bones for ya. MY SOLEMN PLEDGE TO ONE AND ALL: the day will never, EVER dawn when I start concerning myself with not offending or hurting the feelings of “people” who A) Abuse their positions of trust and authority as government-school “educators” to sexualize and recruit children young enough to still believe in Santa Claus; B) Strut and preen like the Church Lady in the full flush of a Dexedrine rush when their misdeeds are exposed, so suffused with pride are they over having done it; C) Say they have no intention of desisting, regardless of what parents, their superiors, and the law might threaten them with.
As I said the other day: if being (correctly) identified as a Groomer is the worst that happens to such foul, soulless reprobates, they shouldn’t be upset but profoundly grateful for it. Being called names is the absolute LEAST that such “people” deserve. The fiends are getting off way too light, if you ask me. I’d prefer a lengthen spell in/on the Brank, the Iron Maiden, or the Breaking Wheel, myself.
There’s a word for adults who build trust with children then condition them in sexual matters without their parents’ consent or knowledge in order to manipulate them for their own pleasure: It’s groomer.
Of course, the left-wing media, joined by the National Reviews and Trump-crazed of the world, will call this a “smear” and say that it’s an exaggeration that serves only to minimize the horrific experiences of victims of pedophiles. We’re “redefining grooming,” they say, “and slinging false accusations of sympathy for pedophilia.”
Hold on, let me check right quick here, annnnd…nope, sorry, still don’t give a tinker’s damn what ANY of these dung beetles think or feel, be they psycho shitlibs, deceitful no-ball “conservative” sellouts and collaborators, or braying NeverTrump jackasses.
Except we’re not. You don’t have to be a pedophile to be a sexual groomer of children. And the type of child sexualization and exploitation occurring in kindergartens through high schools across the country represents the hallmarks of grooming. It’s all right there.
Joel Barry, the managing editor of The Babylon Bee (which has been censored for truthful statements about sex and gender), put it correctly when he said, “Most teachers aren’t themselves pedophiles, but they are working in a pedophilic system designed to make kids more exploitable—both politically and sexually.” He continued:
They aren’t grooming kids for a specific pedophile, necessarily. They’re grooming them for a system of pedophilia — which in the long run will result in horrors we can’t comprehend. Find your courage and stop it.
“System of pedophilia” isn’t conspiratorial; it’s an apt way to describe a depraved culture that preys upon its children — in the womb, in entertainment, in the classroom, online, during global pandemics, and anywhere else self-serving adults can exploit children to accomplish their political, social, and sexual ends.
With that insightful “system of pedophilia” formulation of his, Barry has put his finger on a far larger problem than grooming, horrible though it is. As if hard-selling gender confusion, homosexuality, promiscuity, and the entire chaotic panoply of perversion, dysfunction, and fringe sexuality to our children wasn’t bad enough already, they’re simultaneously pushing the whole package of Leftist mental disease on them into the bargain, intentionally inflicting serious damage not just on our kids but on our country, and on Western Civilization itself. Gramsci, Alinski, and Croly can only stand up and applaud in awe and admiration, from the blackest pits of Hell, at such a grand realization of their demonic dreams.
Jesus said those that offend the little ones should have a millstone around there neck and dropped in the sea, and it would be better for them to have never been born.
Can’t think of a case He has been wrong.
You finally got something right!!!!
This has been part of the plan since the beginning – it was originally stated in one manifesto (dating to the 1970s) but fairly quickly edited out.
Matis if you hate Jews you hate Jesus. Who do you think he is talking about when He say helping His Bretheren?
He was not talking about the filthy Jew money-changers in the Temple!!!
With emphasis!!!
Do all Jew haters have such joyous use of the exclamation mark!!! ?
Why don’t you just shove it up your filthy Jew cunt sideways, bro?
Matis you need exorcism