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Monsters of Globalism

In an article which surpasses his own established standards for cutting high, wide, and deep, Brandon Smith recounts the history (which goes back farther than you probably thought) and explains the goals of the fiends in human shape who masterminded the Great Reset, the 4th Industrial Revolution, the Sharing Economy, and other dangerous and diabolical plots.

I first heard the phrase “Great Reset” way back in 2014. Christine Lagarde, who was head of the IMF at the time, was suddenly becoming very vocal about global centralization. It was an agenda that was generally only whispered about in the dark corners of institutional white papers and the secretive meetings of banking elites, but now these people were becoming rather loud about it.

Lagarde was doing a Q&A at the World Economic Forum and the notion of the “Reset” was very deliberately brought up; what the project entailed was vague, but the basic root of it was a dramatic shift away from the current economic, social and political models of the world into a globally centralized and integrated system – A “New World Order,” if you will…

It’s important to remember that we had just jumped through the fires of an international credit collapse which started in 2008 and had continued to cause uncertainty in markets for years. The central banks had dumped tens of trillions of dollars worth of stimulus into the system just to keep it on life support. Some of us in the alternative media believed that these actions were not meant to save the economy, only zombify the economy through currency devaluation and inflation. Not long down the road, this zombie creation would turn on us and try to eat us alive, and only the central bankers new exactly when this would occur.

Think of the crash of 2008 as Stage 1 of the Reset agenda; the globalists were getting cocky and were ready to unveil their plans to the public.

Lagarde’s discussion at the WEF was also held around the time that Klaus Schwab was introducing his 4th Industrial Revolution concept, which is a little more forward with what the globalists really want. He talks excitedly of a true “global society” and a world in which people turn to Artificial Intelligence (AI) as a better means of governance. He even suggests that laws would eventually be dictated by AI and that courts would be run by robots.

Of course, he admits that this cannot happen without a period of economic deconstruction in which people and governments will have to choose between sacrifice for the sake of stability or continued pain in the name of holding on to the “old ways.” Look at it this way: The Great Reset is the action or the chaos, and the 4th Industrial Revolution is the intended result or planned “order.” That is to say, it’s a new order created out of engineered chaos.

Yeah, it sounds like bad science fiction, but remember these are the people that enjoy the undivided attention of many of our political leaders and they rub elbows with the central bankers at the Federal Reserve. I’ll say it again: The proponents of the Great Reset and the 4th Industrial Revolution, who want to completely undermine and reconstitute our society and way of life, are close partners with our national leaders and the very bankers that could force such a reset to happen through a deliberate collapse.

The globalists have been trying to rebrand and repackage their New World Order agenda for many years, and the Reset was what they came up with. Rather than being innocuous sounding, the term threatens systemic upheaval and an erasure of the past. When you “reset” something it usually goes back to zero – A blank slate that the engineers can use to rewrite the code and the functions. But what does this really mean?

What do the globalists REALLY WANT? Here are the details, so far as I can prove or support with evidence, of what the “Great Reset” actually is and what programs they hope to enforce.

This is some truly frightening stuff, skillfully broken down by Smith into a comprehensible, streamlined narrative. All of this essay is vital, must-read material, but this next passage I find impossible to resist re-publishing here.

The argument for this kind of society is of course that “climate change” and the frailties of consumer economics demand that we reduce our living standards to near zero and abandon the sacred ideal of property ownership for the sake of the planet.

Set aside the fact that carbon based global warming is a farce. The world’s temperatures have only risen by 1 DEGREE CELSIUS in the span of a century, according to the NOAA. This was data that climate scientists had attempted to hide or gloss over for years, but now it is out there for everyone to see. There is no proof of man made global warming. None.

The globalists have been scheming to use environmentalism as an excuse for centralization since at least 1972, when the Club Of Rome published a treatise titled ‘The Limits To Growth’. Twenty years later they would publish a book titled ‘The First Global Revolution.’ In that document they specifically recommend using global warming as a vehicle:

“In searching for a common enemy against whom we can unite, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like, would fit the bill. In their totality and their interactions these phenomena do constitute a common threat which must be confronted by everyone together. But in designating these dangers as the enemy, we fall into the trap, which we have already warned readers about, namely mistaking symptoms for causes. All these dangers are caused by human intervention in natural processes, and it is only through changed attitudes and behaviour that they can be overcome. The real enemy then is humanity itself.”

The statement comes from Chapter 5 – The Vacuum, which covers their position on the need for global government. The quote is relatively clear; a common enemy must be conjured in order to trick humanity into uniting under a single banner, and the elites see environmental catastrophe, caused by mankind itself, as the best possible motivator.

Brandon proceeds from there to lay bare the ultimate objective of this insidious conspiracy: essentially, a contemporary reboot of feudalism…but worse, if you can believe it. His closing remarks might be the most chilling part of all.

The truth is a rare commodity these days, but nowhere near as rare as it will be if these elitists get what they want. The globalists are far more open about their agenda today than they have ever been before, and I suspect this is because they believe they will be able to rewrite the history of today’s events with impunity after the Reset unfolds. They think they will own the world of information and will be able to edit our cultural memory as they go.

The mainstream media calls all of this “conspiracy theory.” I call it conspiracy reality. It’s hard to deny openly spoken admissions by the globalists themselves, all they can do is try to spin the information as much as possible to keep the public on the fence in terms of what needs to be done, which is a purge of the globalists from our country and perhaps the entire world.

If we do not do this, there will come a time when nothing I say here is remembered and no evidence of the Reset plan will exist. The establishment will have eliminated all notions of it from written history, leaving only a fantasy tale of how the world collapsed and a small organization of “visionary” globalists saved it from oblivion through a new religion of centralization.

Not at all difficult to imagine precisely this scenario coming to pass in the fullness of time, is it? It all seems to me to confirm what I’ve so often, perhaps to the point of tedium, insisted: These wealthy, powerful, and morally stunted manipulators, contra the received wisdom, are NOT “afraid of us” and our however-many-million guns threatening retributive justice from inside of their locked gun safes at all—not even slightly, they ain’t. Ironically enough, their premature contempt for the presumed Serf Class offers us some faint glimmer of hope: as Brandon suggests, their own overconfidence, arrogance, and conceit may prove to be their undoing, gifting us with the key to thwarting their Satanic designs and taking them the fuck down.

I’ll leave off with an apt confession from Smith’s comments section:

“Some believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure—one world, if you will. If that is the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.” -David Rockefeller, Memoirs, 2003

This struggle before us is one that’s been a long time a-building. It’s time to face the facts squarely, and engage our foe directly, without reservation or reticence. Decent, upstanding people can NOT suffer monsters such as Schwab and his inhuman associates to live among them on this good Earth, to forever go on refining and revising their twisted machinations, testing each new, “improved” version on far better men than they’ll ever be themselves. They make bitter mock of the noble principles of America’s Founding; blasphemously dismissing as an impossibility—a non sequitur, almost—any notion of meaningful human advancement—the eternal struggle to attain a worldly state of grace whose existence the stiff-necked, all-knowing Monsters Of Globalism pompously deny.

To this supercilious, disdainful Master Race of Titans, Colossi, and self-styled Übermenschen, the rest of humanity is and will always remain no more deserving of consideration or serious regard than any other insect—hapless, helpless, and harmless; bat-blind to their benighted, lowly state of existence; blissfully unaware of their own ugly reality; occasionally of some small interest, if only momentarily so; more often, just another insignificant crawly thing inhabiting a larger landscape they aren’t equipped to comprehend, worthy only of being ignored by Superior Beings as they step around, over, or on them.

Be that as it may, such crippling self-obssession in no way means that, while simultaneously being both annoying and alarming—when all is said and done the Globemeisters really don’t pose a mortal threat to their pitiably underevolved fellow men. It ain’t so, provably, their lawless breed having demonstrated otherwise more than once or twice over lo, these many years. None of us should blandly take their long, unbroken record of falling somewhat short of total global domination so far as confirmation of their non-menacing, merely blustery and boisterous inner nature. Don’t wave them off with a casual, “Sure, they can be assholes sometimes, but hey, boys will be boys.” If they haven’t killed off as many of us as they’d like to so far, rest assured it hasn’t been from a lack of effort.

Better to think of them as a sort of cancer—as with any other cancer they must be cut out, before they destroy the body politic utterly. More apt yet, think of them as a parasite—as with any other parasite, they must be removed straightaway, lest they gradually weaken and, eventually, kill the very host they depend on for their repulsive existence. Another shared trait: Globalists and parasites alike contribute nothing whatsoever to either their hosts or to the wider world. The Globalists, in close imitation of their parasite brothers, accrued their incalculable wealth and power not from hard work and ferocious determination, natural business acumen, or any other variety of value offered, but as riders on the aching backs and honest sweat of the working-class mules they aimed all along to victimize, to exsanguinate, to subjugate.

Their wealth confers no Divine Right To Rule upon them, refuting the comforting assumption that yes, it most certainly does—a universal assumption among their ilk spontaneously generated as if by some strange kind of autonomic reflex. Having long since renounced the responsibilities called for under what Chinese rulers of antiquity referred to as the Mandate of Heaven, they instead chose to adopt as their creed the exact opposite of responsibility and noblesse oblige: reckless profligacy; crass, status-seeking rumpswabbery via the obnoxious flaunting of wealth; unrestrained self-indulgence—in short, a drunken orgy of Dionysian sensuality elevated from wastrel sin to legitimate and unobjectionable lifestyle choice.


2 thoughts on “Monsters of Globalism

  1. I always thought Lagarde and her internationalist brethren at places like the IMF and the World Bank were creepy. But this Schwab guy sounds like an actual Bond Villain in his fantasies.

    As I get what is being said, this theory is a Communist Based Neo-Feudalism mashup with the “self credentialed Elite” like him, as the New Nobility and Clergy of the Globalist 4th Industrial Revolution backed World.

    You will own nothing and be happy about it. How much more Marxist can you get than that. You’d think this kind of thing was coming out of a dorm room after 6 hours of hitting the bong with John Lennon’s Imagine playing in an endless loop. Yet there are they are, influencing some of the wealthiest and most powerful people on the planet and they’re SERIOUS about it.

    I doubt Schwab and his ilk at these international get togethers will have the brutal and violent thuggishness not to be kneeling in front of a ditch and a real Thug behind them with guns. For as ever, the ones who dream of being in charge of a Marxist Utopia they bring about are almost never the actual ones who get to run things once they engineer the New World Order.

  2. Brandon once had a conversation with me saying all revolvers should have a safety. He is a long-winded narcissist.

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Daniel Webster

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Charles Bukowski

“A slave is one who waits for someone to come and free him.”
Ezra Pound

“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.”
Frank Zappa

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John Adams

"A society of sheep must in time beget a government of wolves."
Bertrand de Jouvenel

"It is terrible to contemplate how few politicians are hanged."
GK Chesterton

"I predict that the Bush administration will be seen by freedom-wishing Americans a generation or two hence as the hinge on the cell door locking up our freedom. When my children are my age, they will not be free in any recognizably traditional American meaning of the word. I’d tell them to emigrate, but there’s nowhere left to go. I am left with nauseating near-conviction that I am a member of the last generation in the history of the world that is minimally truly free."
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Etienne de la Boiete

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David Black, from Turn Left For Gibraltar

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John Adams

"The limits of tyranny are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress."
Frederick Douglass

"Give me the media and I will make of any nation a herd of swine."
Joseph Goebbels

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Ronald Reagan

"Ain't no misunderstanding this war. They want to rule us and aim to do it. We aim not to allow it. All there is to it."
NC Reed, from Parno's Peril

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Bill Whittle

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