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The Social Contract construct

Brandon Smith gets down to the fundamentals.

There is a fundamental question that needs to be asked when examining the vaccine passport issue, and what I find is that almost no one in the mainstream is tackling it directly. The question is this:

Is it legally and morally acceptable to constrict the rights and economic access of people in order to force them to submit to an experimental “vaccine”, or any other medical procedure for that matter?

Furthermore, who gets to decide what medical procedures are acceptable to enforce? Who gets to be the all powerful and benevolent overseer of every human being’s health path. I ask this because I don’t think many people realize the future repercussions of allowing governments or corporations (the same thing these days) to dictate covid vaccinations. It doesn’t stop there; in fact, we have no idea where this stops once the Pandora’s box is opened.

No need to mull that one over much, if it all: it will NEVER stop. This is just the nature of life under totalitarian tyranny. For the Ruling Class, there will always and forever be yet another battle to fight; yet another restriction to instate and enforce; yet another unruly mind to be brought to heel and enslaved. Understand those things and everything suddenly makes sense. Fail to grasp that this really is who and what we now confront—that, contra Sinclair Lewis, it COULD happen here, and in fact it has, right before our eyes—and you will be mown down like so much unresisting grass.

For example, the primary argument of the covid cult and the establishment in favor of vaccine passports is the “social contract” fantasy. They claim that because we “live in a society”, everything we do affects everyone else in some way, and because we are all interconnected in our “collective” we are thus beholden to the collective. In other words, the collective has the “right” to micro-manage the life of the individual because if the individual is allowed to make his/her own decisions they might potentially cause harm to the whole group.

In case you are not familiar with this philosophy it is an extension of socialism and cultural Marxism, and it stands at the very core of vaccine passport propaganda. I have actually had public debates with pro-socialist people in the past who have tried to defend the merits of socialism and every single time the argument comes down to one singular disconnect – I say that if a group of people want to go off and start their own little socialist community they have every right to…as long as it is VOLUNTARY. Then if it fails and collapses it doesn’t matter because it doesn’t affect me or anyone else who did not want to participate.

The problem is that these Socialists/communists/Marxists/collectivists simply do not grasp the notion of voluntarism.

No, they understand it well enough. The problem, actually, is that—as with the overarching notion of individualism itself—they’re unalterably, fanatically opposed to it. For them, those ideas are the Main Enemy, and they fully and firmly intend to vanquish this hated foe for all time.

They believe that people need to be forced into doing the right thing or helping others, and they are the people that get to decide what the right thing is and who gets the help. They are the people that get to decide what freedoms are acceptable and what freedoms are inconvenient to their agenda. When they say “We live in a society…”, what they really mean is “You live in OUR society, and WE will determine what is best for you.”

In terms of vaccine passports, the collectivist social contract is a key element. They claim that being unvaxxed is not a personal freedom because the unvaxxed are a risk to the lives of everyone else. The social contract is therefore violated because by making a personal life choice you are endangering the rights of others.

Quite a convenient little misdirection, that, since they acknowledge NO individual rights whatsoever, for anyone but themselves. You have only those rights they bestow on you, not a jot or tittle beyond. And even those meager few can be suspended or revoked at any time, for any reason, at the behest of their most trivial whim. For your own good, of course.

Mainstream propaganda asserts that the unvaxxed will somehow become petri dishes for new mutations that will harm vaccinated people. There is no evidence to support this claim. In fact, there is more evidence that suggests it is vaccinated people that will trigger mutations and variants. The media says that this is not cause for any concern, but if it’s not then neither should we be concerned about mutations that gestate in the unvaxxed population, if there are any.

The fact of the matter is that more and more scientific evidence is proving that the experimental vaccines are NOT effective and that the unvaxxed are actually safer from covid regardless of the variant or mutation.

This begs the question: Why take the mRNA cocktail at all? What is there to gain? Well, there is nothing to gain in terms of health safety. Even if you happen to be part of the 0.26% of people at risk from covid, you are better off in the long run taking your chances with natural immunity than getting the jab.

The answer to the question is not about health, but about denial of access. Government’s and their corporate partners are trying to make it so you MUST take the vaccine in order to participate in normal social activities, or even to keep a job. Not only that, but the process goes on forever because every year there will be new variants and new booster shots. The only reason to take the vaccine is to keep at least a handful of your freedoms and to avoid poverty and starvation.

The frenetic full-court press to get this mystery chemical concoction into every arm is more than sufficient reason to uncompromosingly resist—especially in light of the campaign of dishonesty, ever-escalating panic-pimping, and manipulation we’ve already been subjected to. What sensible, informed person could possibly justify trusting them now, after all that transparently suspicious behavior?

I really enjoyed this next blast:

In terms of government, the covid cult will claim that there are Supreme Court precedents for legal enforcement of vaccinations. Honestly, I don’t care, and neither do millions of other Americans. A bunch of high priests in robes do not get to dictate my independent health decisions; I make those decisions and there’s nothing that they can do about it.

Absotively, posilutely bingo, Brandon. Hear me well, Leftards, and understand: My God-given right to self-determination is NOT up for debate or discussion—full stop, end of story. Neither is that or any other of my natural rights subject in any way to:

  • The judgment of a corrupted and inconsistent Supreme Court, or any other court, at any level
  • The unlawful edicts of Constitutionally-illegitimate government, at any level
  • The megalomaniacal fancy of faceless, unaccountable bureaucrats deeply embedded at EVERY level
  • The unqualified interpretation of law enforcement officers, at any level
  • The desires of overly-ambitious, double-dealing medical personnel; scientific research institutions; and/or pharmaceutical companies, in particular any of those reliant on Federal funding for much of their income

And that’s flat. The thrilling conclusion:

This is where we have to come to terms with the morals and principles involved – The lives of others are in no way affected by my decision to refuse to comply with vaccine passports. And just because a group of people have irrational fears about the threat of covid does not mean people with more discernment about the facts should be required to make them “feel better” or feel safer.

The bottom line is this: Our freedoms are more important than your paranoid fears, and we will not comply. We do not subscribe to your false social contract, and you are in no position to dictate the terms of our “society”. Don’t like it? You are more than welcome to leave the country and start a vaccinated Utopia somewhere else. We’ll see how that works out for you in the long run.

Bingo again, although the chance of them just going away to build their unattainable dream-world elsewhere and tend to their own knitting thenceforth isn’t just slim, it’s nonexistent. We’ll have to take a very different tack if we ever hope to get them off our backs and rid ourselves of them, and all the misery and woe they create, for good.

That said, this I vow: ANY attempt to abrogate rights which I deem to be unalienably mineI deem, myself, without reference to unsolicited opinion or input from others—I shall resist to the final ebb of my strength and will, using any and all methods, devices, and stratagems I can obtain or conceive. You have shown yourselves to be relentless and single-minded in your quest to subjugate me. You have evinced NO REGARD WHATEVER for my preference, my willing consent, my freedom, or my very life. In return, you can expect no less and no more than the exact same treatment from me.

I WILL NEVER comply. I WILL NEVER surrender. I WILL NEVER go down without a fight, as fierce a one as I can make. I WILL NEVER foreswear any conceivable measure as too brutal or inhumane to be used against you. Nor shall I limit myself strictly to defensive actions alone; I consider absolutely everything to be on the table and in play—EVERYTHING.

Should you be foolish or arrogant enough to attempt to coerce me further, you damned well better bring help, no matter who you are or what authority you claim to wield. Because I WILL do my level best to do you bodily injury, as much and as grievous as I can inflict, in order to end the threat to my liberty and well-being you represent.

From this day forward, my approach will be that the two opposing sides are in a state of war—war to the knife. As in any war, the more genteel standards defining things like fair play, gentlemanly conduct, and unacceptable barbarism are officially out the window, passing into irrelevance. This is a war our side never had any desire to enter into. We have done you no injury, and prefer to simply be left alone, to live and let live. But these things you will never do. So we have all been dragged into an unwanted and unnecessary conflict all unwilling, due to the tyrannical machinations of an enemy which in every sense resembles a pack of snarling, snapping jackals cooperating to bring down a bull.

They will soon learn, to their eternal regret, that the bull they’ve unwisely chosen to attack is not old, sick, or lame. This bull is strong; his horns are sharp, and quite dangerous.


12 thoughts on “The Social Contract construct

  1. “The general sentiment of mankind is that a man who will not fight for himself, when he has the means of doing so, is not worth being fought for by others, and this sentiment is just. For a man who does not value freedom for himself will never value it for others, or put himself to any inconvenience to gain it for others. Such a man, the world says, may lie down until he has sense enough to stand up. It is useless and cruel to put a man on his legs, if the next moment his head is to be brought against a curbstone.

    A man of that type will never lay the world under any obligation to him, but will be a moral pauper, a drag on the wheels of society, and if he too be identified with a peculiar variety of the race he will entail disgrace upon his race as well as upon himself. The world in which we live is very accommodating to all sorts of people. It will cooperate with them in any measure which they propose; it will help those who earnestly help themselves, and will hinder those who hinder themselves. It is very polite, and never offers its services unasked. Its favors to individuals are measured by an unerring principle in this—viz., respect those who respect themselves, and despise those who despise themselves. It is not within the power of unaided human nature to persevere in pitying a people who are insensible to their own wrongs and indifferent to the attainment of their own rights. The poet was as true to common sense as to poetry when he said,

    Who would be free, themselves must strike the blow.

    This struggle may be a moral one, or it may be a physical one, and it may be both moral and physical, but it must be a struggle. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will. Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have found out the exact measure of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them, and these will continue till they are resisted with either words or blows, or with both. The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress. In the light of these ideas, Negroes will be hunted at the North and held and flogged at the South so long as they submit to those devilish outrages and make no resistance, either moral or physical. Men may not get all they pay for in this world, but they must certainly pay for all they get. If we ever get free from the oppressions and wrongs heaped upon us, we must pay for their removal. We must do this by labor, by suffering, by sacrifice, and if needs be, by our lives and the lives of others.”

  2. As i have said to Brandon before, like when he insisted revolvers should have safeties. You have said the same obvious essays that any non idiot knows, the question being what to do and when. Yep we are in serious trouble rehashing damn sure is not going to fix anything.

  3. There is a fundamental question that needs to be asked when examining the vaccine passport issue, and what I find is that almost no one in the mainstream is tackling it directly. The question is this:

    Is it legally and morally acceptable to constrict the rights and economic access of people in order to force them to submit to an experimental “vaccine”, or any other medical procedure for that matter?


    That is not the fundamental question.

  4. Neither is that or any other of my natural rights subject in any way to:

    Aside from the five you listed, there’s also

    • Karens, no matter how screechy
    • Gangs of armed terrorists, even if government officials tacitly approve their goals and methods
  5. It’s very simple. Your right to swing your fist around ends at the tip.of my nose.

    The idea that only the Government is denied the right to take away our Unalienable Rights, but that Corporations can, is bunk.

    It’s the reason we have laws against discrimination in hiring except for things that would affect your ability to perform the job.

    Vaccinated or Unvaccinated makes no difference for someone when it comes to driving an eighteen wheeler loaded with products to move from A to B.

    That’s just one example that pops in my head because if recent discussions here.

    I can’t really think of any job that would have an impact based upon Vaccine Status. Can anyone?

      1. There’s a Catch-22 in there.

        Which came first, the Vaccinated or the ‘Vaccine’?

    1. If the mRNA shots actually prevented infection and transmission — the commonly understood meaning of the term “vaccine” which is being intentionally mis-used for the Covid shots — then there might be an argument for some health care jobs that involve direct contact with at risk patients. But with the data being quite clear that the shots do not prevent transmission, there is no justification possible for requiring them for any job. The “vaccinated” individual is just as likely to transmit the virus to anyone he contacts, so there is no gain in safety.

  6. It is pretty clear that much of this is intended as a series of provocations, trying to get the response they are looking for.

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Charles Bukowski

“A slave is one who waits for someone to come and free him.”
Ezra Pound

“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.”
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Bertrand de Jouvenel

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GK Chesterton

"I predict that the Bush administration will be seen by freedom-wishing Americans a generation or two hence as the hinge on the cell door locking up our freedom. When my children are my age, they will not be free in any recognizably traditional American meaning of the word. I’d tell them to emigrate, but there’s nowhere left to go. I am left with nauseating near-conviction that I am a member of the last generation in the history of the world that is minimally truly free."
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David Black, from Turn Left For Gibraltar

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Frederick Douglass

"Give me the media and I will make of any nation a herd of swine."
Joseph Goebbels

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Ronald Reagan

"Ain't no misunderstanding this war. They want to rule us and aim to do it. We aim not to allow it. All there is to it."
NC Reed, from Parno's Peril

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Bill Whittle

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