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Put-up job

It was a setup.

Of all the questions asked, words spoken, and ink spilled on the so-called “Capitol Siege” of January 6, 2021, none hold the key to the entire event quite like what Sen. Amy Klobuchar asked of Christopher Wray.

The Democrat from Minnesota asked the Trump-appointed FBI Director: Did the federal government infiltrate any of the so-called “militia” organizations claimed to be responsible for planning and executing the Capitol Siege?

Guess. Go on, guess.

Revolver News is willing to address the matter directly in the following three questions:

  • In the year leading up to 1/6 and during 1/6 itself, to what extent were the three primary militia groups (the Oath Keepers, the Proud Boys, and the Three Percenters) that the FBI, DOJ, Pentagon and network news have labeled most responsible for planning and executing a Capitol attack on 1/6 infiltrated by agencies of the federal government, or informants of said agencies?
  • Exactly how many federal undercover agents or confidential informants were present at the Capitol or in the Capitol during the infamous “siege” and what roles did they play (merely passive informants or active instigators)?
  • Finally, of all of the unindicted co-conspirators referenced in the charging documents of those indicted for crimes on 1/6, how many worked as a confidential informant or as an undercover operative for the federal government (FBI, Army Counterintelligence, etc.)?

Follows, a detailed and lengthy examination of the supposed conspiracy to kidnap Empress Gretchen Whitler, a “plot” which was absolutely lousy with FBI informants and provocateurs, capped off with a list of several extremely suspicious connections to the Jan 6th “riot,” the entirety of which flatly reeks of skullduggery and manipulation. Then:

We are especially interested in the unindicted co-conspirators who belonged to any of the big three “militia groups” — the Oath Keepers, the Proud Boys, and the Three Percenters. Indeed, it is these militia groups whose behavior, statements and planning leading up to and during 1/6 most closely align with the “violent insurrectionist” caricature we hear about in the media, and which the government claims to be going after in its aggressive prosecutions.

If it turns out that an extraordinary percentage of the members of these groups involved in planning and executing the Capitol Siege were federal informants or undercover operatives, the implications would be nothing short of staggering. This would be far worse than the already bad situation of the government knowing about the possibility of violence and doing nothing. Instead, this would imply that elements of the federal government were active instigators in the most egregious and spectacular aspects of 1/6, amounting to a monumental entrapment scheme used as a pretext to imprison otherwise harmless protestors at the Capitol — and in a much larger sense used to frame the entire MAGA movement as potential domestic terrorists.

This is what’s at stake in getting to the bottom of 1/6.

Oh, there’s plenty more at stake than just that, I’m afraid. Not that it will matter one way or the other, because if you think there’s a snowball’s chance of real justice ever being secured via Amerika v2.0’s thoroughly corrupt, despoiled, and two-tiered “legal” system you’re dreaming. Tucker brings it on home for us:

“Without fail, the government has thrown the book at most people who were present in the Capitol on Jan. 6,” he said. “There was a nationwide dragnet to find them. And many of them are still in solitary confinement tonight.

“But, strangely, some of the key people who participated on Jan. 6 have not been charged. Look at the documents. The government calls those people ‘unindicted co-conspirators.’ What does that mean?

“Well, it means that in potentially every single case, they were FBI operatives.”

Carlson’s overarching point can best be encapsulated at 11:30: “If you empower the government to violate civil liberties in pursuit of a foreign terror organization, and there are foreign terror organizations, it’s just a matter of time before ambitious politicians use those same mechanisms to suppress political dissent.”

Don’t look now, fellas, but that is precisely what’s been going on for many, many years now. It’s like this:

Do you remember how conservatives went out of their way to separate rank-and-file FBI agents from the corrupt actions of Jim Comey, Andrew McCabe, Bill Priestap, James Baker, James Rybicki, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, and others as more evidence came to light revealing that the top brass at the bureau had worked to create an “insurance policy” that could be used to overthrow President Trump from office? Writers and television pundits would always couch any criticism of the bureau in some respectful language like “we’re only talking about high-ranking officials here, not the FBI, itself, which is filled with the best agents in the world who are always looking out for America.”

I think we can dispense with the overly protective pleasantries at this point. The FBI is a goon squad of un-American thugs who have taken the worst elements of East Germany’s Stasi police state and Cosa Nostra‘s organized crime and turned them into a blueprint for exercising and keeping illegitimate power over their enemies. They aren’t a law enforcement organization, and they certainly don’t give a rat’s rear end about justice. They’re regime enforcers with badges.

What Revolver’s analysis of the DOJ’s charging documents shows, though, is that not just BLM and Antifa, but also FBI undercover agents were almost certainly up to no good that day. That’s a lot of outside interlopers pretending to be Trump rally-goers for the FBI to insist that the same MAGA crowd that has never once engaged in violence or property damage over the course of hundreds of similar events during the last five years — dressed in patriotic garb and draped in American flags — spontaneously turned a festive, carnival-like party into a “siege” and “rebellion” against the United States. And it’s especially suspicious when video footage shows cops waving protesters into the Capitol Building and when the only person killed that day was an unarmed Air Force veteran at the hands of a yet-unidentified Capitol police officer.

Democrats, the U.S. military, the Department of “Justice,” Liz Cheney, and the official state-controlled press have steamrolled the country with endless smears and hyperbolic claims against Trump voters, painting them as murderers and traitors and framing the Capitol incursion as a historical event of carnage and nefarious intent equal to America’s darkest days — the Civil War, 9/11, the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing. Yet the FBI was on the ground stirring things up the whole time.

Attorney General Merrick Garland pushed this false claim farther by standing before the nation and declaring that the nation’s greatest threat comes from Americans who advocate “the superiority of the white race.”  As proof for this outrageous assertion, the highest law enforcement officer in the land pointed repeatedly to January 6. Clearly, the FBI and DOJ have decided that targeting President Trump for five years is no longer sufficient. All Trump voters must be destroyed now, too.

If that doesn’t tank the FBI’s reputation, then what possibly could?

I repeat: doesn’t matter. As with the 2020 election, the Jan 6th goatfuck and the FBI’s role in it is no longer the main point at issue. We all already know the election was fraudulent; we know the Jan 6th nothingburger has been embellished and amplified far beyond the recognition of any honest individual who was actually, y’know, there. We know that the FBI is a dangerously over-powered and under-monitored agency, and has been since its inception.

We also know, or we should, that clinging to the hope of peaceful, legal redress of all these offenses is a mug’s game. Ask all the questions you like; you will NEVER get satisfactory answers to them. Because the final item on the list of things we all know, or should, is this: Our authoritarian-Left masters do not give a tinker’s damn what we think, believe, suspect, or say. They mean to rule, and to go right on ruling, whether we like it or not.

Over time, culminating rapidly over the past few years, the US government entire has established itself as the mortal enemy of liberty, the Constitution, the rule of law, and any who still revere the Founders’ murdered Republic. Foreign policy is mere sideshow, a pointless game—America’s deadliest threat comes from within her borders, not outside them. No more evidence needs to be collected, no more arguments constructed, no more pleas for indulgence or attention made. All that is distraction at best, evasive procrastination at worst. What truly matters now is that Real Americans have been left with but one option. And that’s another thing we all already know.

Sundance has the best bottom-line take on this ugly business, which I think might be best presented if I split it off into its own separate post.


5 thoughts on “Put-up job

  1. Nothing more than Standard Operating Procedure for the FedPig swill for MANY years now. With the full approval and cooperation of the rest of the DoJ. At least they were caught in Hutaree militia, Bundy Ranch, and Malheur!

    Execute every one of them for their treason, then put their heads on pikes around the Beltway. Pour encourager les autres!!!

  2. There was no “Capitol Siege”. There was no Jan. 6th “Riot”.

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