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Murder, Inc

Is it time to start killing them back yet?

The communist antifa and Black Lives Matter, Inc. mobs have now elevated their war footing against western civilization and have begun deploying head hunting death squads it appears. What else can you call it?

On Friday, May 28, the usual black masked mobs slithered “like water” – their favorite phrase for staying hidden and moving from cops  – to hold another planned riot and torching in “grief-stricken” homage to the anniversary of their George Floyd riots.

Antifa called it an “anniversary event” and Portland Police begged the mob to be nice.

Local weekly newspaper, Willamette Week, reported that Ngo was on the antifa hit list because of his “willingness to post the mug shots and other personal information of arrested protesters [that] caused many of the people in Portland’s leftist movement to see him as something like an existential threat.”

Remember when newspapers used to post mug shots? Before the mob take over, antifa and BLM riots mug shots were de rigueur in the media. Now, they’re an apparent invitation to beating any reporter including them in a story.  Reporters like Suzette Smith of Willamette Week and at least one reporter over at the alternative weekly The Mercury appear to be all-in with the mob.

Ngo writes in his book, “Unmasked: Inside Antifa’s Radical Plan to Destroy Democracy,” that a Mercury reporter put out intel on where he was located during a riot presumably so the mob could find him and beat him like they had before.

Find him they did, and beat him they did too.

Friday’s march concluded around 11:30 pm without much fanfare. Word began to spread that Ngo was in the crowd—disguised and wearing a Black Lives Matter flag around his shoulders.

A group of five to 10 people in identity-obscuring clothing called “black bloc” followed the person they suspected of being Ngo for blocks, inquiring who he was. At one point, the person they pursued said his name was Jake. In front of the AC Marriott, the group tried to unmask the unknown man. He ran for blocks until someone in the pursuing group tackled him—at Southwest 4th Avenue and Morrison Street—and punched him several times after his head hit the brick sidewalk.

A nearby man holding a skateboard admonished the group, saying that their quarry looked like he’d “had enough.” However, when someone nearby shouted that the person they were assaulting was Ngo, the skateboard-carrying man changed his attitude, swearing and joining the group.

When the fleeing man took shelter in The Nines, he appeared to be pleading with staff. “They’re going to kill me,” he said.

At midnight, Portland police arrived at The Nines on bicycles, along with a riot van, and made at least one arrest. As of Saturday morning, police had not released any information on the incident.

Alarmingly, Ngo has gone missing.

Ngo’s Twitter timeline has been dark since the incident.

Ngo did not respond to my requests for comment over the weekend and again on Monday.

Antifa and BLM began their attacks in Portland in 2016 by attacking Mike Strickland, a YouTuber and reporter, who posted videos of them on his Laughing at Liberals channel.

The first attack on Ngo occurred two years later. The beating by antifa and BLM mob members sent Ngo to the hospital with a brain injury.

In September 2020 an armed “antifa security” lay in wait for a conservative Trump supporter and assassinated him at point blank range on the streets of downtown.

A reminder now that antifa and BLM tried to do the same to Kyle Rittenhouse in Kenosha, Wisconsin during riots there. Rittenhouse was armed, though, and killed two of his armed attackers and wounded another.

The time for benefit of the doubt and pulling punches is over. It’s long past time the political, civic, and business leaders who run Portland to stop this before the next political assassination on their streets.

Whyever would you expect them to start now, pray tell? Have you not seen enough at this point to finally admit the ugly truth: that pAntiFa, BLM, and the rest are the Demonrat Party’s sub rosa street enforcement arm, just as the KKK was years ago? Portland is a city run exlusively by Leftists. Do the math, folks, and get it through your heads: the ongoing Demonrat-endorsed campaign of fascist violence will stop only when the people rise up and stop it themselves.

Yes, the time for pulling punches is indeed over, and not just in Portland either. Now it’s time to start throwing some ourselves—for the side heretofore being pummeled bloody, even murdered, to get busy correcting the imbalance. Our government is in league with our tormenters. Those sworn to uphold the law and protect the innocent have abdicated their duty. As CA has said so many times: there is no help on the way, no gallant knight riding to the rescue. No one is coming to save us. We’re on our own.

TURNING and turning in the widening gyre
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.

In the urban shitholes, war has already begun. So far, though, only one side is fighting. We’ll soon see how long both those conditions last.


9 thoughts on “Murder, Inc

  1. The usual suspects here: Jews funding, Blacks chimping, pigs enabling.

    Why pretend to be surprised???

  2. Is it time to start killing them back yet?

    Time and past time. In strategic studies, the word threat refers to the capabilities of the entity under discussion. Intentions are regarded as secondary to capabilities, because it’s so easy to be wrong about them. That’s why assessments of one’s confidence in the opponent’s intentions are important — and  always flow from an analysis of his tactical moves.

    The threat is well established. Based on the riots, bloodshed, and statements to date, the intentions are hostile and confidence is high. It’s time. If we move soon enough and decisively enough, we might still avoid this scenario.


  3. MM has Sever Earworm Syndrome. The problem is he keeps verbalizing the jingles here repeatedly.

  4. They believe that Freedom Loving Americans are the Guilty.

  5. Bring it.

    There’s something magical that happens when the thugs go open season, with no bag limit.

    My only comment in the event of such festivities anywhere nearby will be the same one I utter at the trap & skeet ranges:



    Skin in the game for the Leftards has a lovely habit of making the lemon not worth the squeeze.

    Ask the Rittenhouse Three, and Moldylocks.


  6. Nothing is stopping a group of trained, like minded guys from making a figurative RWDS and hunting these worthless leftist fucks down….. except that one of the guys will be an FBI plant and the other guys will be arrested, convicted of all kinds of bogus hate and conspiracy crimes and then get sent to a federal hell hole for the rest of their lives. The feds or local police have no interest in stopping left wing violence unless there is a radical ideological shift in thought where white people aren’t considered the most evil of evil.

    1. The feds and local police in these towns are on the same side as antifa. There job is to protect antifa from us.

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