I love it.
Fence update: The Architect of the Capitol’s office says the razor wire is NOT coming down. They are replacing the current fencing with different anti-climb fencing, and then the razor wire will go back up on the new fences once those are in place, per @EleanorNorton office. https://t.co/oFILgPT728
— Haley Talbot (@haleytalbotnbc) March 1, 2021
Good. There should be a fireteam in full battle-rattle on every DC streetcorner, loaded rifles kept at the low ready. Razor wire, Jersey barriers, and ten-foot security fencing as far as the eye can see. I want every federal orc in DC facing a Checkpoint Chickie every third block or so on his way to work, featuring full body-scans, thorough wandings and pat-downs, with random individuals also pulled aside for a public strip-search. There should be twice or thrice as many Cougars, Brads, and Dragoons to be seen prowling the streets as there are private vehicles, with all civilian vehicular traffic strictly prohibited within, say, half a mile of any USG facility.
No tourists, sightseers, looky-loos whatsoever allowed in Mordor OTP proper—in fact, no uncredentialed visitors of any kind, without having been most scrupulously vetted and investigated before permission is granted. Any person not wearing plainly-visible ID at all times authorizing their presence shall be considered an imminent threat, therefore subject to immediate arrest and indefinite detention without benefit of legal representation or communication with the outside world. Should a detainee be judged uncooperative or otherwise evince anything short of total submission to the authorities, he may be shot at the sole discretion of Imperial Defense Force personnel.
The scuttling insects whose insatiable craving for unchecked power drove them to the seat of federal tyranny should, at the very least, suffer non-trivial daily inconvenience and hassle as the price to be paid for their ill-gotten privilege. So let them pay it, then. With the disenfrachisement of fully half the population via the recent fraudulent election the Ruling Class, secure in its arrogance, audaciously removed the demos from democracy. The illegitimate junta ruling this land from Mordor OTP is, de facto, an Occupation Government. It by God ought to look like one, if only to prevent any misunderstandings. May every hapless Amerikan subject to the capricious cruelty of the Imperial Capital get a good, long look at exactly what kind of government they live under.