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Hunter becomes the hunted

Stay on his worthless ass like a bad rash.

Hunter Biden Runs Back Into His House and Slams the Door When Confronted by Journalist and Huge Digital Billboard
Although he has recently granted several softball interviews to friendly corporate media outlets as part of his tone-deaf rehabilitation book tour, Hunter Biden on Monday had no time for an independent journalist who had just a few simple questions to ask.

Hunter initially came down to answer the door when journalist and filmmaker Phelim McAleer showed up outside of his home in Venice, California, but as soon as he realized that McAleer was not a state-approved journalist, “he ran back inside his home and slammed the door,” according to McAleer’s website Unreported Stories.

To be fair, it’s possible that the giant mobile digital billboard McAleer brought with him spooked the scandal-plagued Biden back into his house.

The billboard displayed a rotating menu of pointed questions regarding Cracky McPedophile’s Burisma scam, the Big Guy, and other pertinent topics. After Hunter’s cowardly duck ‘n’ cover, the two intrepid journalists then cruised the rig around Hunter’s posh West LA ‘hood a while before heading over to the Santa Monica Pier for a spell.

The stunt was the work of married filmmaking team Ann McElhinney and Phelim McAleer, who have made the Biden the subject of their latest project, “My son Hunter,” The Hunter Biden Movie.

McElhinney and McAleer were also behind the highly rated movie “Gosnell: The Trial Of America’s Biggest Serial Killer,” and the “FBI Lovebirds: UnderCovers” play that was based on the steamy texts of FBI agents Peter Strzok and Lisa Page.

Before that, the feisty Irish couple took on the global warming hoax with their documentary “Not Evil, Just Wrong.”

They are currently crowdfunding for their new film about Hunter Biden which they say will “expose the truth behind Hunter Biden’s business and corruption scandals and their direct connection to President Joe Biden.”

“Hunter Biden is terrified of the truth about the corruption being revealed,” explained McAleer. “That’s why he ran back in his house when he realized journalists were there to ask him serious questions. He’s used to easy questions from his Hollywood friends like Jimmy Kimmel, but when he’s faced with the serious allegations against him and his family – he runs scared. Hunter may not have answered us today but we will be back and we will have our questions answered.”

Good on ’em for their tenacity and all, but it’s a safe bet these two brave souls will be quietly “removed” by FBI goons long, long before a single one of those questions gets answered.

1 thought on “Hunter becomes the hunted

  1. One definitely hopes their life insurance is fully paid up.

    The media has been making a big deal about Joe and “doctor” Jill releasing their tax returns, unlike that horrible meanie Trump. But where are Hunter’s tax returns? And Joe’s brother’s? We already know the Biden clan uses other family members as cut outs to deliver the graft to the “Big Guy” so of course there is nothing in the official tax returns. Yet somehow they are remarkably wealthy for people with the official salaries they have gotten. Of course all those multi-million dollar “book deal” bribes make a nice contribution to the bottom line. And I am sure there are lots of “speaking fees” and “TV appearance” payments and seats on corporate boards and university “teaching” positions and on and on and on. The left has many ways to reward its loyalists.

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