Eyrie up!
The Friday Substack rip is now fully functional. Titled New Yorkers go down without a fight, it’s a blast of shock and high dudgeon at the credulity-straining and utterly, utterly disgraceful news that NYC’s godawful Mayor, in collusion with the NYPD, has just announced that local mosques will henceforth be allowed to blast their obnoxious call to prayer over amplified loudspeaker systems, no permit required, no questions asked—even on 9/11, if you can believe it.
The NYPD in particular REALLY ought to know better, so many of its own officers having heroically given their lives rushing back into those burning towers in hopes of pulling as many as they could from the horrific chaos and destruction alive. But noooo, their latter-day superiors have just brazenly spat on the graves of those courageous men instead, defiling the memory of their sacrifice and dishonoring themselves in the bargain, whether they know it or not.
It is to weep, truly it is. Wonder what the families of those selfless cops and firefighters are thinking and feeling in the wake of this foul, invidious insult. It isn’t merely a slap in the face for them, it’s a shit-smeared brick to the fucking teeth.
The grim conclusion:
We all know the ironclad rule for the Mohammedans: once they have conquered a territory—any territory, anywhere—it is to be considered a Mooselimb fiefdom forever afterwards.
The Moslem call to prayer. Over loudspeakers. IN NEW YORK CITY, ON NINE FUCKING ELEVEN.
Incroyable. And also: sacre bleu, as well as merde, and zut alors. Been nice knowing ya, NYC; so long, and thanks for all the fun times I had there over the years. I’d say you should all hang your heads in shame, but clearly, you no longer have any. WORD TO YOUR JEWISH MOTHER: get out now, while you still can.
This is another, umm, concise piece, seeing as how it’s extremely hard to even know where to begin with something this outré. It borders on the sacrilegeous; Ground Zero of right ought to be hallowed ground, a site of inhuman slaughter and carnage consecrated by the thousands of souls who were so viciously, gruesomely murdered there.
I knew back then that this dreadful day would come—as I’ve explained before, it’s why I chose the name I did for this blog, in fact—and now here it is. How very quickly we forget. No extra charge for the cussing en Français near the end; consider it a gift, from moi to vous.
Update! Another ugly thing I know will soon be coming: an onslaught of lecturing, posturing, and sanctimony regarding the vitally critically vital necessity of upholding the Mooselimbs’ 1st Amendment rights, from the selfsame shitwits who have repeatedly demonstrated an almighty propensity for trampling those rights underfoot. I can only say that if this provocation—almost certainly wilfull, at best blindly oblivious, disrespectful, and insensitive—doesn’t fall under Oliver Wendell Holmes’s well-known “shouting fire in a crowded theater” free-speech exception, I can’t imagine what might.
Whither your precious “freedom FROM religion”—a “right” neither specified nor implied in the 1A, mind—now, shitlibs? We wonders, yes we wonders.