Just got the Friday Substack up and in gear: “Everybody ready for Prohibition v2.0?” This one is about…well, I mean, y’know, DUH. And yes, believe it or not, the illegitimate Bribem junta is indeed making some disturbingly suggestive moves in that direction, using the flaccid Scamdemic response to masks, lockdowns, &c as template, inspiration, and justification. Sample:
Not just alcohol, either; the same “logic” can be applied pretty much anywhere, once lackwit bureaucreeps and elected officials feel secure enough in their assumption of Lord and Master status to go ahead and flex those big, strong muscles with confidence in their total impunity.
As I shouted at the brick wall from the very beginning of the Scamdemic catastrophe, so it still remains: this is only the beginning of it. The ratchet of tyranny, after all, turns in only one direction: it can only ever tighten, never loosen. It must therefore be wrested from the tyrant’s hands and destroyed utterly, before its victims have become so weakened and inert they simply no longer possess the strength—of body, of mind, of will—to do it.
Read it all, and gird your loins. This shit won’t stop until We The People finally stand up on our hind legs and put a stop to it.
I dunno. The first time they tried this it didn’t work so well…
They might as well come for the guns when they come for the beer. Same reception
Maybe they’re just trying to stop us from drinking
trannybud lite 🙂Oh, fret not, Barr. They’re gonna. In fact, they are.
Heh, well yes I get your point Mike. OTOH, it’s going to be unsuccessful, which is the reception I predict.
The real hope is they remove the witch from office. I’d prefer impalement myself, but I’ll have to settle for a recall I suppose.
There is much to be disappointed about vis a vis the American response to the marxists. But gun confiscation isn’t one of them, even just restricting rights in the less than real blue states is a problem for them, as it is in NM.
““I support gun safety laws. However, this order from the Governor of New Mexico violates the U.S. Constitution. No state in the union can suspend the federal Constitution. There is no such thing as a state public health emergency exception to the U.S. Constitution,” California Dem Ted Lieu ”
When you have lost the California whackjobs, you have a problem.
With bullets.
Neither talk nor even federal law is a hindrance to them any more.
Waco proved over thirty years ago that shooting back is the only thing they understand.
Those terms are acceptable.
And folks won’t be waiting for them to get to the doorstep.
They’re going to start having “accidents” getting out of the car at work.
And taking out the garbage.
And dropping the kids off for school.