The Friday Substack thingamabobber is up: Stupid, stupid, STUPID, concerning the vain but apparently deathless hope that we might vote our way out of this, or that “peaceful protest” will ever avail us a damned thing beyond getting even more of us Gulagged than already have been. It’s an ugly reality, for sure, maybe the ugliest of them all. But reality it indubitably is. A taste:
Uhhh HUH. So it’s your contention, then, that even though they’re perfectly willing to, and I quote, “beg, borrow, cheat, and steal,” along with indicting, trying, and imprisoning Trump on obviously spurious “charges” in defiance of the fact that they’re purportedly “deeply afraid” of him—and by extension, of US—it is nonetheless somehow to be taken as read that after all that rampant dishonesty, skullduggery, and outright criminality, they will somehow feel themselves honor-bound to respect a “political solution” to all this? SRSLY?!?
Thou fool. Thou starry-eyed, wet-behind-the-ears, Pollyanna-esque bloody fool.
Go ye and read of it, for It. Is. Etc.
Stupid³ is (inadvertently) not entirely wrong.
A political solution will be applied.
“War is the continuation of politics by other means.” – General Carl P.G. von Clausewitz