The Daily Donnybrook, and other fine things
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Mike @Substack
New Eyrie posts go up every Monday and Friday, although the time of day may (and most likely will) vary. Mike’s latest Eyrie offering is available for perusal here: Government Man hard at work.
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Recent Comments:
- Barry on Yeah, let’s don’t and say we did: “Well, yes he makes a mistake of no consequence occasionally. Some would call Sessions appointment a mistake. I don’t because…” Feb 7, 19:50
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- Yeah, let’s don’t and say we did: “Everyone makes mistakes. But it matters what is meant by “takes over”. Remember “Trump said…” isn’t always what Trump Said.” Feb 7, 17:41on
- Yeah, let’s don’t and say we did: “I get all my news from Gutfeld, so what do I know, but here’s one way to read the tea…” Feb 7, 17:39on
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- Yeah, let’s don’t and say we did: “I’m in favor of this only if by “take over” he means raze it to the ground, dig it out…” Feb 7, 16:37on
- Yeah, let’s don’t and say we did: “Of course he makes mistakes. As a human being, not God incarnate, mistakes are baked right into the cake.” Feb 7, 16:22on
- Queers, trannies, et al for “Palestine”: “Yes, but it doesn’t matter to virtue signalers.” Feb 7, 14:58on