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Justice? Not in Amerika v2.0, bub. No chance.

The Jury’s Verdict in Andy Ngo’s Case Against Antifa Sends Shockwaves
At the conclusion of journalist Andy Ngo’s multi-day civil trial against Rose City Antifa, whose far-left militant members brutally beat the investigative reporter when he went undercover to expose Antifa’s extremist activities on the riot-torn streets of Portland, a 12-person jury reached a verdict in the case Tuesday evening, reportedly finding both of the defendants not liable for all claims.

The Post Millennial’s senior editor—represented by attorney Harmeet Dhillon’s nonprofit Center for American Liberty—sought almost $1 million in damages in a lawsuit accusing the co-defendants of assault, battery, theft, and intentional infliction of emotional distress over a series of violent Antifa attacks beginning in 2019, when Ngo was hospitalized for a brain hemorrhage.

Bad enough, certainly. But hold onto your hats, it gets even worse from there.

In closing statements, defense counsel Michelle Burrows told the jurors that not only does she self-identify as an “anti-fascist,” she strongly declared, “I am Antifa,” and insisted upon making herself an “I am Antifa” t-shirt, which the activist attorney said she would wear after the trial. In spite of Antifa’s well-documented history of violence, Burrows told the jury that Antifa’s unfavorable reputation is untrue and depicted the organized militants as activists fighting for social justice and civil rights. “Resistance in this country has never been peaceful,” Burrows argued in defense of Antifa, admitting that Ngo’s tormenters were, in fact, “terrorists.”

Rather than taking the time to provide evidence as to why the defendants should be free of liability, Burrow instead defended anti-fascism and attacked Ngo’s credibility as a journalist. Burrows also told jurrors that she “will remember each one of their faces.”

Before jury deliberation commenced, Judge Chanpone Sinlapasai announced that the jurors have raised safety concerns about being “doxxed” and claimed that people have been trying to identify them, according to a Post Millennial report by Seattle-based correspondent Katie Daviscourt. Prior to the trial’s conclusion, Sinlapasai issued court orders banning the public and non-credentialed press from the courtroom for the duration of Ngo’s jury trial as it was underway in Multnomah County Circuit Court. The judge’s decision was made due to multiple in-court disruptions since the trial began on July 31 as well as security issues.

On the final day of the trial, both Ngo and his colleague Daviscourt, who has been providing day-by-day coverage, were harassed by Antifa’s associates. Ngo was heading into court while Daviscourt was threatened inside the courthouse as the jury sat down to deliberate. “Get in the elevator with us,” one of the co-defendants, joined by two others, told Daviscourt in a threatening tone, calling her a multitude of names. “Why won’t you get in the elevator with us? We want you in here.”

Why, it’s almost as if, buoyed by the sure and certain knowledge that pAntiFa is the semi-official street-enforcement arm of the D卐M☭CRAT Party Criminal Organization just as surely as the Ku Klux Klan used to be, the “defendants” in this sham of a “trial” believed themselves to be immune from all consequences for their violent acts.

About which assumption they turned out to be one hundred percent correct.

Antifa rioters destroyed a Post Millennial reporter’s car at the courthouse where she was covering the verdict to a case involving one of the outlet’s reporters who was suing the domestic terror group.

Katie Daviscourt, the reporter who was covering the Ngo (case), returned to her car after attending the court session to find it vandalized by the far-left thugs.

“After I left the courthouse where I was reporting on @MrAndyNgo’s trial against Antifa, I found that my car was broken into by my hotel. The windows were busted out, items were stolen, and personal identification documents were taken—I’m obviously upset” Daviscourt tweeted.

The Antifa treatment was not new to Daviscourt, who was attacked on camera by Antifa.

Ahh, but let’s not anyone be thinking that the court system, the judges, the lawyers, and the jury are the only ones at fault here. Of course and as usual, we must include the cops in our lengthy list of culprits.

Before you dismiss this as “Hey, you signed up for this, Portland, you voted in these knuckleheads who gave Antifa a wide berth,” let’s consider what this case means.

I sat in a Multnomah County courtroom in the trial of another journalist who was beaten by Antifa members and who pulled a pistol to fend off a second attack in 2016. Not a shot was fired, the second attack was thwarted, and instead of prosecuting his attackers, woke politicians went after Mike Strickland for showing his gun. He went to jail. His attackers were never pursued. In fact, they were never identified in court or by any of the undercover cops that had infiltrated the protest crowd that day.

The cops didn’t bother to help Strickland, either. While in the courtroom at his trial, I was threatened by Antifa allies. I also later received death threats that the Portland Police dismissed as no big deal.

I only wish I could say I’m surprised. Can’t say I necessarily agree with Taft’s assertion re Portland; surely any sane and decent soul has long since fled the anarchic rubble-pile for more agreeable, civilized climes by now, so all who remain are in fact just reaping what they’ve sown. Let them wallow in it then, for all me.

As for pAntiFa, CF Lifers will already know my own prescription for fixing that little red wagon: there should never again be any gathering of these oxygen thieves, of any sort whatever, that doesn’t end with at least one of their number lying in the street swiftly bleeding out—felled by a righteous dose of .308 caliber justice, administered from a great distance. After all this, it ought to be clear enough that nothing short of that is going to get the job done.

Update! Related? Oh, you just better believe it is.

On the eve of a potential fourth indictment of former President Trump, I cannot help but observe how certain actions and policies, all under the illusion of safeguarding our “democracy,” are sowing the seeds of division and disillusionment. In this theater of political maneuvering, self-anointed “guardians of democracy” have brazenly cast aside time-honored norms and foundational principles as they callously disregard the legitimate grievances voiced by a substantial segment of the American populace.

Thus ordinary Americans find themselves subjected to attacks and marginalization, and carry the risk of being labeled extremists. Biden’s declaration further solidified this trend, branding these individuals as forces determined to “destroy democracy” and saying they represent an “extremism that threatens the very foundations of our republic.”

I continue to grow extremely concerned knowing the path toward radicalization is forged by unaddressed grievances, suppressed dissent, hopelessness, and the unchecked abuse of power.

What damned well oughta concern you a hell of a lot more is if, in the current case, it isn’t.

Only those in power can pull us back from the brink.

In a pig’s eye. As history hath shewn, when those in power are the authors of our woes, there isn’t the slightest chance of their ever fixing the damage they wantonly, knowingly created. That responsibility then falls on the shoulders of We The People, as is only right, proper, and just.


6 thoughts on “Travesty

  1. Personally I hope the entire city of Portland burns to the ground, perhaps concurrently with San Fransicko.

    1. Add in the Windy Shitty, the Big Craphole, and the District of Corruption and I will agree with you.

  2. It’s a short trip until the people of Portland reach the conclusion that the safest course is to shoot the Portland cops on sight first, then go after Antifa unhindered. Both targets have it coming, and we can only wait in anticipation of that epiphany coming to light.

    1. In a city of normal people you would be right. I’m not sure that place has any normal people left.

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Daniel Webster

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Charles Bukowski

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Ezra Pound

“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.”
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Bertrand de Jouvenel

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GK Chesterton

"I predict that the Bush administration will be seen by freedom-wishing Americans a generation or two hence as the hinge on the cell door locking up our freedom. When my children are my age, they will not be free in any recognizably traditional American meaning of the word. I’d tell them to emigrate, but there’s nowhere left to go. I am left with nauseating near-conviction that I am a member of the last generation in the history of the world that is minimally truly free."
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David Black, from Turn Left For Gibraltar

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John Adams

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Frederick Douglass

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Joseph Goebbels

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Ronald Reagan

"Ain't no misunderstanding this war. They want to rule us and aim to do it. We aim not to allow it. All there is to it."
NC Reed, from Parno's Peril

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