Why we can’t have nice things anymore.
‘The Wrong Side Of History’ Is The One With Air Conditioning, Dishwashers, And Gas Stoves
These campaigns unfurl the same way every time. Leftists float some outrageous invasion into personal freedom in the name of stopping climate change or enhancing safety. When conservatives react with indignation, the media gaslights the country, casting critics as a reactionary cabal itching to start a “culture war.”Call me a conspiracy theorist, but you know, I still maintain that a Biden appointee to the Consumer Product Safety Commissioner, Richard Trumka Jr., probably told Bloomberg News that gas stoves were a “hidden hazard” and “any option is on the table,” and then argued that the state could ban anything that “can’t be made safe” — which includes ladders, bikes, candy bars, cars, forks, desks, bathtubs, and televisions, and so on.
Oh, stop being such a hysteric; no one is going to take away your straws or light bulbs or combustible engines.
“No, Biden Is Not Trying to Ban Gas Stoves,” the New York Times assured its readers. The GOP “freak out” over the government “coming for your gas stoves” was “outright nonsense,” explained MSNBC’s Chris Hayes. Though, they all argue, gas stoves are basically mini Chernobyls that are killing your children as we speak — especially minority children. All the pseudoscience says so. And if you disagree, you might be one of those “Gas Stove Denialists.”
“Gas stoves became part of the culture war in less than a week,” added NPR. “How Gas Stoves Became the Latest Right-Wing Cause in the Culture Wars,” explained Time Magazine. The Washington Post claimed that the “GOP thrusts gas stoves, Biden’s green agenda into the culture wars.” The “culture war” can never be instigated by leftists suddenly shifting societal norms but only by social conservatives who pick needless fights over piddling, long-decided issues.
As Axios noted, gas stoves had become the “Right’s new fight,” which was somewhat confusing considering “the Right” didn’t bring up gas stoves in the first place. But the natural state of the world — the inevitable evolutionary finale of any policy debate — resides on the left. The speed of progress merely hinges on compelling the knuckle-draggers to see the light.
Ahh, but you didn’t really think they’d stop with just gas stoves, did you?
As Christian Britschgi in Reason points out, the Biden administration “has proposed tightening energy efficiency standards for 16 product categories, including many home appliances. The DOE has opened or finalized rules on microwave ovens, normal ovens, refrigerators, and laundry machines in just the last few months.” The Biden administration’s counterintuitive policy initiatives ensure that you’ll be compelled to buy crappier appliances at higher prices.
A-yup. All things, please note, that Whypeepuh dreamed up, engineered, and made a reality. Meanwhile, the Leftard Red Wreckers can do nothing, invent nothing, create nothing except chaos, destruction, and general human misery. And they’ll never, ever forgive us for that.
Do you doubt that Our Betters will continue to have gas stoves, air conditioners, and dishwashers?
The real shame is that the Germans were not more efficient in the 40s. The world would be FAR better off today.
You’d be speaking german, and be a slave to the nazi’s.
No thanks. We should have nuked the germans like we did the japs.
So now I’ll have to learn Chinese instead? Should have nuked the Commie swill back then.
I’ll agree with you on that.
I didn’t exclude the CCP from nuklear destruction. I’m on record for years stating we should have nuked the russians along with the japs, or even instead of the japs.
Pretending the germans of that time were any better than any other set of murdering commies is pure folly.
Creating and building things is hard.
Any two year old can wreck things.
It takes a Commie to wreck a Country.
Or a small number of fourth world cultures. Wakanda, baby!
I cant wait till none of it works
We spent the 20th century making the greatest advances in standard of living for the common man in human history.
We are spending the 21st century getting rid of them. Well, at least when we are in mud huts cooking and heating with fire and shitting in the street, the blacks will finally feel at home.
Wakanda, baby! Fourth world culture gonna fourth world culture.
Which is why South Africa now has electrical outages!