Just the usual liars, lying as usual.
Dr. Leana Wen penned an op-ed in The Washington Post today where she argues the US has been vastly overcounting COVID deaths and hospitalizations.
Dr. Leana Wen also went on CNN and admitted that the US government has been vastly overcounting COVID deaths and hospitalizations.
From the hapless boobs at CNN:
BREAKING: Super-sleuth Leana Wen tells CNN we’ve been vastly overcounting COVID deaths, outlining the crucial distinction between deaths “with COVID” and deaths “from COVID.”
How did we miss this?
Speak for yourself, doofus; not all of us did.
Now finally the liberal mainstream media is catching up to the truth.
Will there be any apologies?
SHHHyeeeaaah, don’t be holding your breath waiting for it, Jim. They’re all too busy demanding that those whose lives, business, and relationships they willfully destroyed grant them an “amnesty” they in no way deserve.
Let’s grant the premise, arguendo.
And her facts and data for these assertions is from who, exactly?
Unless the CDC was keeping two sets of books, and she’s got her hands on the secret set, she’s launching this from her ass into her underpants, then mining that to fingerpaint.
The proof of her assertions is composed of unicorn farts and Bigfoot hairs woven by elves and fairies.
Bitcoin, chemtrails, and global warmism have firmer foundations.
Change my mind.
She was lying then, she’s lying now. But now the lies are closer to the truth in order to cover for the outright fraud she participated in.
The CDC lie’s about everything. The CDC is part of the scam. The CDC is corrupt in everything they do.
Change your mind? You bought into the planned scam hook, line, and sinker. We don’t try to change your mind, we just tell the truth. Truth based on the actual facts, truth that anyone reasonably intelligent and willing to admit they got something wrong can plainly see.
Some of us have been right from the first few weeks. The only thing I had wrong was the immediate economic impact and the personal economic impact. Turns out the economic impact was muted by printing dollars, but it will still be paid. And the personal impact, my customers business is booming, so mine is as well. Vacation homes on the then closed Hatteras Island? Booming business at 25-40% rate increases from the moment they reopened the island, and occupancy at 100%. Yea, I missed that one.
Like you said though. It’s all Funny Money and a chimera.
The Bill will be paid when the Gods Of The Copybook Headings returns…
Jesus on a Stick, even when they tell you they were lying you stick to your delusions.
At least many of the people Skeptic rightly excoriates have given up on the damned Narrative, regardless of whether they admitted they got it wrong or not.
You just can’t let go and admit you were wrong even when they TELL YOU straight up you were wrong and they were lying.
The comorbidities are well known and only about 8% had no other comorbidities and most had 2 or more.
THAT is, and has been, well documented from the early stages.
Posted on 9/2/2020. https://www.swfinstitute.org/news/81293/cdc-finds-that-94-of-us-covid-19-deaths-include-comorbid-factors
It is easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.
She was in on it from the get go, an unoffical mouthpiece for the inner party on this matter. She was the Squealer in that particular animal farm. You better belive that in her role at CNN she was given the sheet music for the songs she sang. And the tunes she’s singing now are 180 degrees from the ones she was singing then.
As Bugs Bunny said – “Oh Brudder, I gotta save me bread and butter” (That was the episode where he was the mascot to a golden boy wrestler FWIW)
I work for a big rainbowcorp where the CEO has gadflys on company wide web sessions, and he chats with them like a big white Oprah. He had her on one of them where she straight up lied. She towed the party line well after others started fessing up and it was apparent we were suckered.
This is damage control. The plan A was to crow about amnesty for lying cnts like her. That fell with a thud. Plan B, fess up a little to deflect blame from you. It was them, I was fed bad info.
The old Modified Limited Hangout coming into play.
“This is damage control.”