There are just three questions: 1) Is he a politician? 2) Is he a “liberal”? 3) Are his lips moving? Answer those three, and you’ll never be in doubt again.
Speaking at the Eisenhower Executive Office Building, Biden announced “new actions to lower the cost of everyday living for American families, to put more money in the pockets of middle-income and working-class Americans, to hold big corporations accountable.” Yes, that’s right: more soft Marxism is coming, complete with the politics of envy and bitter invective against the wealthy and successful without which the Democrats would have nothing whatsoever to offer.
Toward the end of his divisive and rambling incitement to class warfare, Biden served up one of the brazen, outright lies that have marred his entire career. The man deserves credit for audacity, for even in his dementia-ridden dotage he is unsurpassed in Washington (a city of politicians, which means a city of liars) in his ability to deliver an absolute falsehood not only with absolute conviction but also with passionate, self-righteous fervor.
“Some airlines,” Joe declared, “if you want six more inches between you and the seat in front, you pay more money. But you don’t know it until you purchase your ticket. Look, folks, these are junk fees. They’re unfair, and they hit marginalized Americans the hardest, especially low-income folks and people of color. They benefit big corporations, not consumers, not working families. And that changes now.”
If “fact-checkers” really actually checked facts instead of just running interference for the far Left, they would give that statement all the Pinocchios they have, for there is simply no truth in it whatsoever.
Biden, contrary to his carefully nurtured Lunchbucket Joe image, has been a member of the Beltway elite for over five decades, and so he likely hasn’t flown commercial in ages. And characteristically, his statement is not entirely clear. He is clearly saying that the airlines are racist and take money illegitimately from their non-white customers, which is viciously false and irresponsible enough in itself, but it’s not clear how exactly he is saying they do it. Is he saying that it’s wrong and racist for airlines to charge more for seats that offer more legroom? Or does he mean that the airlines are tacking charges for more legroom onto the price for a ticket that the customer has already agreed to pay, without the customer’s knowledge?
None of the above. No, what’s really going on here is that Gropey is laying the groundwork for eventual FederalGovCo control of the airline industry entire, that’s all. Spencer reels off a good ‘un to kick off the next ‘graph:
Either way, Biden’s claim here is rancid hogwash of the most fetid variety.
Heh. Well said, Robert. I love it.
Update! This story reminded me of something from the Aulden Thymes I’d all but forgotten: any of y’all rogues, rapscallions, and reprobates out there old enough to remember a budget airline called People Express, perchance?
People Express Airlines, stylized as PEOPLExpress, was an American low-cost airline that operated from 1981 to 1987, when it was merged into Continental Airlines. The airline’s headquarters was in the North Terminal (later Terminal C) of Newark International Airport (EWR) in Newark, New Jersey.
People Express was about as no-frills as no-frills can get, and I availed myself of their services quite a few times back in my callow youth. A nonstop, direct-flight ticket from CLT to Newark could be had for a footling 29 smackeroos, which was a real bargain even back then—inexpensive enough to make jet-setting it up to NYC for a day just to see a rock ‘n’ roll show perfectly feasible, if that was your thing. Which, it absotively, posilutely was mine.
if his mouth is moving he is